We have the leccy fags mate that put out the vapour and glow etc but I don't get on with them, you could puff them all day long and still get the craving for a real fag the brand we got is E cig and they're rubbish we paid a ton for the 2 of them and prob got a couple of days use out of them, my misses took mine off me when she caught me trying to open it up to see about putting the thc viles in them that they sell on silk rd lol my smoking days are pretty much up now as the hospital date is getting closer and the misses wants us clean with time to spare that's how I've gotten away with cutting down first was supposed to do it cold but turned into a miserable bastard lol
How's ya room coming along mate? have you thou8ght about just painting it rather than messing around with mylar etc
the internals of the rooms done mate,, all painted, fuk mylar,, i got grow pnels as flooring nailed up the skirting so nothing can get under it, its the externals of the room im doing, the door holes filled, i just cut the door a 3rd of the way up,, nothhings gunna fit a door hole better than the door eh? just been round filling the cracks with filler, then il get the sander on it and give it all a coat of lining paper then the room wall paper with sum striped paper to hid the crack of the entrance hatch, propper hassle but nrly ther now, got all the extraction and everything setup, the room istelf is ready to go just the outside a fuckig chew but worth it in the end im sure,
my missus just qwit patches and nicinhilator thingies, and patches,,like 12 weeks no nothing not even a slip, she saying i gotta qwit next so that will be fun as i dont want to but for a quiet life i suppose il have to, buy a vape of summet (
Yorkie 10+ Weeks flower must come from SLH side the smelly cherry is 8-9 tops. Throwbacks from hazes I like. Tho good phenos are seemingly harder to find in my experience. See what comes of the 3 I've just put in. I'll probably pollinate with smelly cherry again.
I'm well sick, went all over town trying to find bits n bobs to do my dwc bucket and come away with a packet of markers my lass wanted. 2 plumbers merchants had no heatproof metal tape. The home brew shops closed down.
Pure waste of an afternoon off.
fuk walking around order online!
so the cherrys 8-9 weeks max then? wats the smoke like?