The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
no , get fucked ! ya mug ! lol ( im starting to sound like you now !)im in fekin agony with these stones , and all i got is co-codomol & some antibiotics for the infection ,

fuck thats abit shit, should have asked for fetynal patchs and oxys lool
Go suck on your co codeys you skag head proper tramps lol and the same goes for ALL you mugs tryna giv it your all washed up you with no substance I wipe your mouths for you inbreds stop drooling


Well-Known Member
You fucking lil Internet tramp get some toilet roll and stop using your mums sweaty knickers
dont give it back either cos I will smash your face in and rob your life if you really wanna talk hard I'm in west London...if you wanna talk hard for real or gimme your details and ill come set my dog on your tramp self don't come wid no hard talk if you ain't gonna come get a slap......
im in west london waa waa U POSH CUNT! u shoulda seaid east london if you wanted to sound remotely staunch! u mug fuk of your getting no clonoes of this thread u muppet"!
and dont be setting your wife,, um i mean dog on me! sik of herpes

just looked at his id name,, is it me or does it look like bigboyzone bigboyzonly? GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY



Well-Known Member
back in hospital Tuesday for the lithroscopy treatment, ile be pissing blood and dust for a fortnight ! much joy .
thats still better baz than what it could have been m8 and u no that, as for that pm dont be fucking silly u been here yrs m8 no need for that. just glad to offer some support.
im in west london waa waa U POSH CUNT! u shoulda seaid east london if you wanted to sound remotely staunch! u mug fuk of your getting no clonoes of this thread u muppet"!
and dont be setting your wife,, um i mean dog on me! sik of herpes

just looked at his id name,, is it me or does it look like bigboyzone bigboyzonly? GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY

What a soggy mug why would I say east to try sound like a badman you sausage that just sums you up you fake lil Internet mug I wouldn't even say Internet gangster coz you ain't even that ...I from west I bang wid my hands but if I need a big 357 spinning like ya mum on crack playing twister I got that baked up
say your from east that was fucking hilarious is that what you do when your tryna scare some one pretend your someone else soggggggggggggy #no pride #SOFT


Well-Known Member
thats still better baz than what it could have been m8 and u no that, as for that pm dont be fucking silly u been here yrs m8 no need for that. just glad to offer some support.
yes , it was a BIG relief m8, but to be honest with you , i wasn't really bothered, as strange as that may sound !, im far too laid back ! lol. and i would like to keep the offer up, if not for anything else than for you to rate my wares so to speak .


Well-Known Member
What a soggy mug why would I say east to try sound like a badman you sausage that just sums you up you fake lil Internet mug I wouldn't even say Internet gangster coz you ain't even that ...I from west I bang wid my hands but if I need a big 357 spinning like ya mum on crack playing twister I got that baked up
say your from east that was fucking hilarious is that what you do when your tryna scare some one pretend your someone else soggggggggggggy #no pride #SOFT
lol i never said i was from anyware u fucking reject,, are you a sand nigger? u sure sound like u got the hate? maybe u just found outt your moms had aids all her life? maybe you should get checked out,, and dont forget to ring all the boyz uve had bumsex with for the last how many yrs?
lol u plank,, we do get sum jokers on thsi thread no go make like a tree and leaf! hahaha


Well-Known Member
ah well its that time of year when the spastics come out to play, probably munched his grans chocolate liqueurs and got a wee brave buzz on. btw officially chrimbo cards can now be used a roach material.
btw adolf did you get a deed poll certificate for chrimbo ya fuckin nugget.


Well-Known Member
Glad I didnt start them seeds off last week like I was going to, just had loud banging on the door and got Police climbing over into back garden and Police at front door chasing some nigger thats been breaking into cars that fence hopped into my back garden after going THROUGH next doors fence panels smashing it to fuck lmao
lol i never said i was from anyware u fucking reject,, are you a sand nigger? u sure sound like u got the hate? maybe u just found outt your moms had aids all her life? maybe you should get checked out,, and dont forget to ring all the boyz uve had bumsex with for the last how many yrs?
lol u plank,, we do get sum jokers on thsi thread no go make like a tree and leaf! hahaha
You are a mug that's certified you told me to pretend to be something I'm not that says a lot about your character......anyway BIG MAN where you from and what's your name and then we'll see how bad you are with all this talk .......c'mon now I no it's only a forum but I am SERIOUS I want to cut u up so gis your details so we can show all your mates what I did


Well-Known Member
You are a mug that's certified you told me to pretend to be something I'm not that says a lot about your character......anyway BIG MAN where you from and what's your name and then we'll see how bad you are with all this talk .......c'mon now I no it's only a forum but I am SERIOUS I want to cut u up so gis your details so we can show all your mates what I did
just told u
kevin murphy

can u not read,,to much crack no doubt


Well-Known Member
Hey big man what's your REAL name.....
i no a fair few ppl up your way go on give me something fun to do gis your name
Robert Davids 38 from Billericay, enough people know me round here ya shouldnt have any problems finding me if you ask about although being a weed forum im afraid i cant give ya my exact address lol


Well-Known Member
Tell you what i`ll even make it easier for ya, there are less than 10 pubs n clubs in Billericay and i work the doors on 1 of them so should make it a doddle for ya to find me