America's "gun problem"

desert dude

Well-Known Member
No amount of gun control on regular citizens is going to make a damn bit of difference.

"Chicago’s murder rate has hit that magic 500 number. Baltimore’s murder rate has passed 200. In Philly, it’s up to 324, the highest since 2007. In Detroit, it’s approaching 400, another record. In New Orleans, it’s almost at 200. New York City is down to 414 from 508. In Los Angeles, it’s over 500. In St. Louis it’s 113 and 130 in Oakland. It’s 121 in Memphis and 76 in Birmingham. Washington, D.C., home of the boys and girls who can solve it all, is nearing its own big 100.

Those 12 cities alone account for nearly 3,200 dead and nearly a quarter of all murders in the United States. And we haven’t even visited sunny Atlanta or chilly Cleveland.

These cities are the heartland of America’s real gun culture. It isn’t the bitter gun-and-bible clingers in McCain and Romney territory who are racking up a more horrifying annual kill rate than Al Qaeda; it’s Obama’s own voting base."

"America’s murder rate isn’t the work of the suburban and rural homeowners who shop for guns at sporting goods stores and at gun shows, and whom news shows profile after every shooting, but by the gangs embedded in the urban areas controlled by the Democratic machine. The gangs who drive up America’s murder rate look nothing like the occasional mentally ill suburban white kid who goes off his medication and decides to shoot up a school. Lanza, like most serial killers, is a media aberration, not the norm."

"Obama’s pretense that there needs to be a national conversation about rural American gun owners is a dishonest and cynical ploy that distracts attention from the real problem that he and politicians like him have sat on for generations.

We do not need to have a conversation about the NRA. We need to have a conversation about Chicago."


Well-Known Member
Well ,in the rest of the world shooting rampages resulting in mass murder are the exception rather than the rule.Yes theres shit going down in syria ,yes the occasional shooting rampage happens,but it happens way to often in america.

You can't tell me giving people like the west hook loser or the virginia tech loser access to machine guns is ever a good idea.There is a lot of depressed ,warped young guys out there today ,influnced by video games ,movies the internet and spurred on increasingly by the history of mass shootings.. "hey ,you know what ,i'm going to shoot a bunch of people to"

It needs brought into check.Americans don't NEED assault rifles.The rest of the civilised world doesn't need the right to shoot each other ..what is the big deal about it? you really like playing with weapons so much?


Ursus marijanus
Well ,in the rest of the world shooting rampages resulting in mass murder are the exception rather than the rule.Yes theres shit going down in syria ,yes the occasional shooting rampage happens,but it happens way to often in america.

You can't tell me giving people like the west hook loser or the virginia tech loser access to machine guns is ever a good idea.There is a lot of depressed ,warped young guys out there today ,influnced by video games ,movies the internet and spurred on increasingly by the history of mass shootings.. "hey ,you know what ,i'm going to shoot a bunch of people to"

It needs brought into check.Americans don't NEED assault rifles.The rest of the civilised world doesn't need the right to shoot each other ..what is the big deal about it? you really like playing with weapons so much?
They had access to neither machine guns nor assault rifles. cn


Well-Known Member
No amount of gun control on regular citizens is going to make a damn bit of difference.

"Chicago’s murder rate has hit that magic 500 number. Baltimore’s murder rate has passed 200. In Philly, it’s up to 324, the highest since 2007. In Detroit, it’s approaching 400, another record. In New Orleans, it’s almost at 200. New York City is down to 414 from 508. In Los Angeles, it’s over 500. In St. Louis it’s 113 and 130 in Oakland. It’s 121 in Memphis and 76 in Birmingham. Washington, D.C., home of the boys and girls who can solve it all, is nearing its own big 100.

Those 12 cities alone account for nearly 3,200 dead and nearly a quarter of all murders in the United States. And we haven’t even visited sunny Atlanta or chilly Cleveland.

These cities are the heartland of America’s real gun culture. It isn’t the bitter gun-and-bible clingers in McCain and Romney territory who are racking up a more horrifying annual kill rate than Al Qaeda; it’s Obama’s own voting base."

"America’s murder rate isn’t the work of the suburban and rural homeowners who shop for guns at sporting goods stores and at gun shows, and whom news shows profile after every shooting, but by the gangs embedded in the urban areas controlled by the Democratic machine. The gangs who drive up America’s murder rate look nothing like the occasional mentally ill suburban white kid who goes off his medication and decides to shoot up a school. Lanza, like most serial killers, is a media aberration, not the norm."

"Obama’s pretense that there needs to be a national conversation about rural American gun owners is a dishonest and cynical ploy that distracts attention from the real problem that he and politicians like him have sat on for generations.

We do not need to have a conversation about the NRA. We need to have a conversation about Chicago."
obama derangement syndrome.

the administration has made no mention of rural gun owners. the administration got the ball rolling on a plan to reduce gun violence, that has actionable items, not just theoretical recommendations.

this author's the one who'd being dishonest and cynical.


Well-Known Member
Chicagos gun laws do not affect the gun sales in surrounding communitys

Desert Dude who lives in Chicago knows exactly where the guns are coming from. The surrounding communitys

At the very least he is being dishonest

A study of guns seized by Chicago police shows that suburban gun shops are a main source of guns used in crimes in the city.
The research shows that some 29 percent of the guns recovered on Chicago's streets between 2008 and the end of March were bought in the Cook County suburbs. Lake County, Ind., was the second largest source, accounting for 6 percent of the weapons, and other counties surrounding Chicago — including Lake County, Ill., and Will, DuPage and Kane counties — were also among the top 10 sources.


Ursus marijanus
False back at'cha. A news organization using the term wrong does not invalidate what i said. The definition of "assault rifle" exists and does not include what the media want to shove down my throat and can just easily slide down yours. That is not intended as insult, but an observation that you uncritically accept their hijacking of a term to suit their agenda of disarmament. The Sandy Hook gun was not an assault rifle.

And since 1934, there have been two (count'em) homicides with legally-owned machine guns.

My recommendation to you is to think hard about the tripe the media are feeding us on certain topics because enough of us pick up the fork. cn


Well-Known Member
False back at'cha. A news organization using the term wrong does not invalidate what i said. The definition of "assault rifle" exists and does not include what the media want to shove down my throat and can just easily slide down yours. That is not intended as insult, but an observation that you uncritically accept their hijacking of a term to suit their agenda of disarmament. The Sandy Hook gun was not an assault rifle.

And since 1934, there have been two (count'em) homicides with legally-owned machine guns.

My recommendation to you is to think hard about the tripe the media are feeding us on certain topics because enough of us pick up the fork. cn

He could of easily gunned down 26 people in a school with one of these

desert dude

Well-Known Member
obama derangement syndrome.

the administration has made no mention of rural gun owners. the administration got the ball rolling on a plan to reduce gun violence, that has actionable items, not just theoretical recommendations.

this author's the one who'd being dishonest and cynical.
Facts are deranged.

"...cling bitterly to your guns and bible..." Who was the president referring to when he made that statement?

The author is dishonest... Where did he lie? Is Chicago simply being maligned in the press, is it really a bastion of peace and harmony?

Odd that you would go to defending Obama instead of addressing the point: thwarting the second amendment and disarming law abiding Americans won't do a damn thing except make this country a "nation of men and not laws".


Well-Known Member
Chicago can outright ban guns altogether

Not going to stop people from buying guns like they are doing now from the suburbs

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Chicagos gun laws do not affect the gun sales in surrounding communitys

Desert Dude who lives in Chicago knows exactly where the guns are coming from. The surrounding communitys

At the very least he is being dishonest

A study of guns seized by Chicago police shows that suburban gun shops are a main source of guns used in crimes in the city.
The research shows that some 29 percent of the guns recovered on Chicago's streets between 2008 and the end of March were bought in the Cook County suburbs. Lake County, Ind., was the second largest source, accounting for 6 percent of the weapons, and other counties surrounding Chicago — including Lake County, Ill., and Will, DuPage and Kane counties — were also among the top 10 sources.

If only Bloomberg and Rahm Emmanuel could run all of the neighboring states, and the states that neighbor the neighboring states, all would be well.


Well-Known Member
well ,thats beside the point anyway.. he could kill 20 kids with a standard handgun

if you must cling on to the guns.. you need alot more strict backround checks ,and maybe an age limit .. 30 years old or older.Seems to be young men who are doing this


New Member
Chicagos gun laws do not affect the gun sales in surrounding communitys

Desert Dude who lives in Chicago knows exactly where the guns are coming from. The surrounding communitys

At the very least he is being dishonest

A study of guns seized by Chicago police shows that suburban gun shops are a main source of guns used in crimes in the city.
The research shows that some 29 percent of the guns recovered on Chicago's streets between 2008 and the end of March were bought in the Cook County suburbs. Lake County, Ind., was the second largest source, accounting for 6 percent of the weapons, and other counties surrounding Chicago — including Lake County, Ill., and Will, DuPage and Kane counties — were also among the top 10 sources.
so people shouldn't steal, stealing is wrong....

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You are the one trying to make a claim that a locals gun laws only make crime stats worse

Let me clarify the point I am making. Gun control laws won't make a damn bit of difference. Chicago, New York, Washington DC have the strictest gun laws in the country and they have not made a damn bit of difference.

The only thing that gun control laws will do is cause currently law abiding citizens to become criminals, and make criminals of our political class because they will have failed to obey the US constitution.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
This back and forth about gun rights is all very interesting but it only, once again, retards our ability to look at the situation rationally. Politics have absolutely nothing to do with these murderous acts yet most comments present solutions that are tied to political ideologies and positions. If we continue to discuss this as if there is a political solution then we will only broaden the philosophical divide that grows in our society and we will continue to ignore the real problem: Murderous viruses that are inhabiting our brains and causing mayhem.


Ursus marijanus
This back and forth about gun rights is all very interesting but it only, once again, retards our ability to look at the situation rationally. Politics have absolutely nothing to do with these murderous acts yet most comments present solutions that are tied to political ideologies and positions. If we continue to discuss this as if there is a political solution then we will only broaden the philosophical divide that grows in our society and we will continue to ignore the real problem: Murderous viruses that are inhabiting our brains and causing mayhem.
No link to the story? cn