How long do you hold your smoke in?


Active Member
So I've heard all sorts of stuff. How long is optimum for holding your smoke in to give your lungs enough time to absorb as much THC as possible from a toke? I've heard as long as possible to only 3 seconds......other opinions?


New Member
usually till my lungs explode,unless I'm in public.Then I'm less of an idiot (thats debatable still...)


Well-Known Member

for exaclty 3.4 seconds.. anything more I pass out.. which tends to make for a nice nap later in the day..


Well-Known Member
untill you cringe with what I call "The fit" then let it out and cough your ass off,itll depend on how good the smoke is and how big of a hit.


Well-Known Member
the directions that come with a Volcano vaporizer say to hold in your hit about 10 seconds. they also say only to take in about half your max capacity.
that was always my standard for holding in a hit regardless of method, my friends all agree as well for the most part. only the shit talkers disagree, and for some reason they are all dumb anyways :) not trying to diss anyone in here who disagrees either.

another thing i do, is make sure the smoke isnt stuck in my mouth or throat. i inhale just a bit of plain air right after my hit to make sure it gets down deep enough.
im a very high tolerance smoker, i have certainly tested these theories!!


Well-Known Member
I read a study a few years back saying 2 to 3 seconds is the most you need to do to coat your lungs fully. Out of habit I inhale for 3 seconds, inhale fresh air for 3 seconds to push the smoke down and then slowly release for 3-5 seconds. Holding isn't so much to get high but rather its to enjoy the flavors. More recently I have a been getting into pipe tobacco and smoking out of a corn cob pipe. When I smoked my weed in the cob pipe it (mixed or pure) I don't inhale deeply. I keep the smoke in my mouth and release even slower. it's more wasteful this way but it's more relaxing and enjoyable. I can only do this because I grow my own. If I had to buy my weed I'd only use a bong and inhale for a few seconds.

the most important thing is to keep your sessions fun. If your coughing and getting headaches, find a different way.