The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
same boat here , but its my fault, gave up work to become full time farmer ![video=youtube;afaOFO8CDs8][/video]
Are ya claiming dole or not? only ask as im thinking of doing the exact same thing but worried about "extra" money appearing whilst on the dole if i do, not thru stupidity like putting it into an account or summat but more along the lines of nosy neighbours etc knowing im on the dole but coming home with lots of shopping bags n etc


Well-Known Member
Let them be nosey fuck em aint like ya gonna have a john lewis delivery van outside ya gaff everyday.

I've often thought the same tho people see I'm here everyday so not working, so where dus the car, the bags of xmas prezzies etc come from but tbh I think its more u noing where it came from and paranoia from constant puffing more than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like u been busy ic3, did I see you calling some1 a cunt the other day?

Given up hope off getting paid now then?
yeh obviously CHEDDER DONT PAY HIS FUCKING DEBTS 33 GRAMME is a fucking liberty,, 2.5 months hiding is another FUCKING LIBERTY,, the prik,, sort sum1 out and this is how they repay u,, bullshit lies and stores of carribean holidays,, seriously the muppet must think wer all dumb as cunts!

yeh been busy m8,, had to pull me finger out,, anotherday and it will look 90% finished thank god, ordering sum coco and sum wallpaper tonite so be done by end of week, just thinking if im gunna use a panel of wood as the hatch to get in or the bottom of the door ive cut off? doors are light so maybe the best choice.

hows things your end:?


Well-Known Member
Writing in caps don't mean jack. Some folks will rob anyone and have the audacity to smile while they fuck you....
lol yeh mate i know,, but what can i do? not a whole lot,, maybe post a warm turd to the address i used to post to but thats baout it lmao

fuk him its his loss,, hes a ripping of cunt,,simple


Well-Known Member
yeh obviously CHEDDER DONT PAY HIS FUCKING DEBTS 33 GRAMME is a fucking liberty,, 2.5 months hiding is another FUCKING LIBERTY,, the prik,, sort sum1 out and this is how they repay u,, bullshit lies and stores of carribean holidays,, seriously the muppet must think wer all dumb as cunts!

yeh been busy m8,, had to pull me finger out,, anotherday and it will look 90% finished thank god, ordering sum coco and sum wallpaper tonite so be done by end of week, just thinking if im gunna use a panel of wood as the hatch to get in or the bottom of the door ive cut off? doors are light so maybe the best choice.

hows things your end:?
What can I say what I aint already its done now tho and really don't seem like ya getting paid but ya never no maybe your posts will shame him into paying?

Aint my argument or my debt but u no my opinion.

Say what ya like bout ukrg ic3 whatever the fuckers wanting to called this week lol but the man sends what he says and sends it on time.

I'm alrite geezer same shit different day u no how it is, av some down in 5wks so will square up but we aint at no 33g just yet lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hang on, you saying you sent him 33 g of weed? Why the Fuck would chedder need weed from anyone else?

Seriously lads has silk rd taught ya nowt. Don't send shit till the dollars banked. No tick to no cunt.

not that I've not been in your situation. Hence no fucker gets tick.

howay the yorkie get some pics up. Dying to see this purple Shish


Well-Known Member
What can I say what I aint already its done now tho and really don't seem like ya getting paid but ya never no maybe your posts will shame him into paying?

Aint my argument or my debt but u no my opinion.

Say what ya like bout ukrg ic3 whatever the fuckers wanting to called this week lol but the man sends what he says and sends it on time.

I'm alrite geezer same shit different day u no how it is, av some down in 5wks so will square up but we aint at no 33g just yet lol
lol yeh online if u aint got your word u aint got shit! as its all virtual,, its just a fucking liberty,, good job i stopped sending wen i did or it could easilly have hit 56gramme + then id be stark raving fuking barmy! not like its a 10 deal now issit? fuking rang me wen he reammerged akting like being at the time 8 weeks late was nothing stumbling over his lies to try make me think he wasnet full of shit, now hes vanished agian,, im sorry but wat a fucking liberty, help sum1 out and get fucked with no lube! oh well sa la ve,,

na wer nower nr 33 gramme yet, lol il hit the regular quota by then matey, or wont be far off, the wifes the nly one who t akes the zops, and im cutting down on the pregabs, only on 2 a day so thats gunna be tough lol

well wer the fuks this shitty wether cum from? another fucking liberty if u ask me/


Well-Known Member
NO he had 33 grammes worth of tablets of me menna pay few montsh bak but then he disppaerd and came bak other week with his bullhit stories,, then rang me saying hel pay me now fucked of again wen he was menna pay me,,

see mr big time drug dealer grower cant even pay a poxy 33 gramme debt,, makes u think that everything he ever said was bullshit too.


Well-Known Member
Grrr only thing left to drink in the house is a can of bud ffs, dont even like lager n now i gotta sit here in the freezing cold drinking n ice cold can of american poofter shite fucking great, fuck it im gna crack some seeds tonight n get a ghetto grow going again methinks, not got a tent or fan n filter so should be interesting lol