The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
its not foregn its cardshare m8
Nope I've got legit HD Polish satellite, although the guy who fit my dish does back-door Sky for cheap.

I've got Freeview, HD Polish satellite, my Dad's Sky package for free on the PC/laptop and our las's HTC (Sky GO).

I'll end up getting full back-door Sky and Freesat for cheap in the spring.

also @Yorkie, y'know the other day/week you were chatting bout foreign satellite tv? quick question... do you still/are you able to get stuff like the discovery channels an stuff on it?
Yes mate.

The majority of my channels are Polish but the franchised/licensed channels like 'The Discovery Channel', 'History Channel, 'HBO', 'MTV', 'Extreme Sports' are the English programs just the same as Sky but with a guy translating to Polish over the top. They sometimes have a handful of program's specifically in Polish with Polish presenters (usually Extreme Sports) but this is very rare, 99% of the time I can turn flick to an English licensed channel and it'll be in English with a Polish voice over the top.

The guy's voice that they use for the translating is the same guy on all channels and every program (our lass freelance translates/interprets and she says the reason why is something to do with your brain accepting a certain tone) and the balance between the English program background and the Polish voice over the top is about 50/50. The Polish voice doesn't translate until the end of a sentence so I turn up the TV a little more than usual and can petty much subconsciously block out the Polish tone between exchanges and concentrate on the English program.


Well-Known Member
Cheers lads . How would you go about putting cuttings which have been rooted in coco or soil and putting them into the system ? Can you just put the root riots into the clay pebbles ?


Well-Known Member
I start mine in peat pellets, then they go into them wee tiny net pots and in to the extreme propagator for a few days and then I put the wee net pot with the peat pellet in it into the clay pebbles in the wilma system. Last time I got a little bit of the pellet washing away into the res but it wasn't enough to block it or anything


Well-Known Member
Oh right, thinking bout it now pretty shore I've heard that brand name extreme, not seen em that come with net pots etc but spose never looked cause aint doing hydro.

I got a good deal on a prop a few wks ago, is a large thermastic controlled prop stays at the right temps was reduced from 50 to 25 in some posh garden center.

What ya up to today then m8? Fucking boring sundays do me nut in.


Well-Known Member
Howdy sae

Bored m8 very bored lol round me sisters waiting for dinner she's got some take that concert on the tele, thinking of just going hungry n go home rather than watch any more of this shit.
You n me both mate, driving me out of my mind being off sick, plus gotta wait for benefit money at 10-11pm tonight to even get something to eat or drink,fags and gas for heating, fucking sitting here shivering lol


Well-Known Member
You n me both mate, driving me out of my mind being off sick, plus gotta wait for benefit money at 10-11pm tonight to even get something to eat or drink,fags and gas for heating, fucking sitting here shivering lol
I aint far off that m8, hoping this apeal against me failed medical gets sorted sooner rather than later, sent it off on the 17th.

Got some green down in 4wks tho, will be a couple of quid, but 4wks is a long time to get through with fuck all money coming in.


Well-Known Member
I aint far off that m8, hoping this apeal against me failed medical gets sorted sooner rather than later, sent it off on the 17th.

Got some green down in 4wks tho, will be a couple of quid, but 4wks is a long time to get through with fuck all money coming in.
thats why i cant wait to get the fuck outta here into a new place so i can start growing again, will at least be SOME money coming in then


Well-Known Member
Oh right, thinking bout it now pretty shore I've heard that brand name extreme, not seen em that come with net pots etc but spose never looked cause aint doing hydro.

I got a good deal on a prop a few wks ago, is a large thermastic controlled prop stays at the right temps was reduced from 50 to 25 in some posh garden center.

What ya up to today then m8? Fucking boring sundays do me nut in.
Fill a bit shitty today, pretty drunk last night lol, just in the middle of potting up at the min, goin with the 16 this time see if I can do better

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
afternoon gents,

just got a 3 part nute system for my first crack at hydro. went with GH. missus is still bellyaching at the prospect of 30L of water being under the lights lol.

couple of decent new flicks out if your bored. that killing them softly is canny and the new sam raimi horror the possession looks canny scary.


Well-Known Member
Didn't u grow with the autopot fingy that kept flooding ages ago don? Wasn't that hydro?

Killing em softly looks good gets some wicked reviews.

As does the 3part nutes from gh is it grow,bloom and micro? Gets good reviews.


Well-Known Member
Fill a bit shitty today, pretty drunk last night lol, just in the middle of potting up at the min, goin with the 16 this time see if I can do better
I no that feeling lol dun a 70cl of some cheap arse vodka 3nights ago, fucking shit musta been fake or something never felt so ill the next day like I did, aint had a drink since lol I no only 3nights but still lol

If them 16 perform like ya last batch of just the pyscho then ur on to a winner m8.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well that system was sposed top be a of a fashion aye. was flooding all over the place with salt build up in the tubes and blocked filters n that. might dig it out and try it again with some proper nutes. though it was that system that made my livers go nuts. sprouting nodes every mm.

aye grow bloom and the hard water micro.

can't believe we sign de Buchy the day after that hiding from the gooners. horse door bolted :(