FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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i cant imagine a halogen light being of much use, i belive they are also very ineffecient and they get pretty hot i think also.
pretty hot? those things get hella hot! when I use those on the jobsite, lol, I face them the other way when I'm using them cause that light bakes the shit outta you.
pretty hot? those things get hella hot! when I use those on the jobsite, lol, I face them the other way when I'm using them cause that light bakes the shit outta you.

yea i thought they got real hot, i just wasnt sure and didnt want to say something wrong, but either way i would not use halogen lights for cannabis, its just asking for trouble. and honestly its prob1 of the reasons why everyone be hatin all the time bro, get some fluros...
i dont think you should waste your time using it bro, at all, they just arent the right type of light to grow marijuana with, your better off getting those long t5s or long fluoros and use them, im sure they are just as cheap, i cant imagine a halogen light being of much use, i belive they are also very ineffecient and they get pretty hot i think also.

I have t5's. the halogen is just extra.
I have some fluros...

get some more, ditch the halogen its only going to give you problems, im just trying to give you a hand dude, theres no need to be arrogant. cause from the looks of it here everyone is waiting to see you fail so i think im the only one willing to give you a hand, but seeing the way you act i see why no one wants to help you..but let me guess, you dont need help, do you? keep telling yourself that with wood chips and halogen bulbs, im out of here, im not trying to help rude people.
you're wrong. we all try to give him a hand and we still do, even with his arrogant attitude... have you been reading the threads?

but this is the way he wants to do it so let it be.

honestly no i havent really been reading all of his threads but the ones i do read i see alot of people trolling him and hating for generally no reason, i understand he can act immature but thats not a good enough excuse IMO. but acting like he did in this thread now i SEE why people treat him the way they do. doenst surprise me at all. i havent been reading many threads latley i got a real nasty fever, about delerious....i can barley get out of bed let alone surf the interwebs lol
get some more, ditch the halogen its only going to give you problems, im just trying to give you a hand dude, theres no need to be arrogant.

:lol: I'm not being arrogant. I just don't have money to spend on lights, I just paid for an HPS that is on the way. Maybe you should stop being so arrogant, and start actually reading before coming at people like an ass.

I have never been called arrogant ONE TIME on RIU...everyone here hates you, what does that tell you? i was the ONLY person not being a dick to you, and you call ME arrogant?? theres something wrong with you bro, for reals

I have never been called arrogant ONE TIME on RIU...everyone here hates you, what does that tell you? i was the ONLY person not being a dick to you, and you call ME arrogant?? theres something wrong with you bro, for reals

Fin is a little defensive and with good reason, I ALSO agree with your POSTS aswell. Halogen and the neighbor's mulch does has everyone doubting but he showed them wrong with the rice; it holds moisture and won't damage the roots when transplanting.

I might soak some rice and check the PH, never know, I might try it some day if I have too, but probably not any time soon.
honestly no i havent really been reading all of his threads but the ones i do read i see alot of people trolling him and hating for generally no reason, i understand he can act immature but thats not a good enough excuse IMO.

:lol: I'm not being arrogant. I just don't have money to spend on lights, I just paid for an HPS that is on the way. Maybe you should stop being so arrogant, and start actually reading before coming at people like an ass.


I have never been called arrogant ONE TIME on RIU...everyone here hates you, what does that tell you? i was the ONLY person not being a dick to you, and you call ME arrogant?? theres something wrong with you bro, for reals
so he fucks with you and now you get it?? :neutral:


and you wasn't the ONLY person who wasn't being a dick to fin..
Fin is a little defensive and with good reason, I ALSO agree with your POSTS aswell. Halogen and the neighbor's mulch does has everyone doubting but he showed them wrong with the rice; it holds moisture and won't damage the roots when transplanting.

I might soak some rice and check the PH, never know, I might try it some day if I have too, but probably not any time soon.
you serious? he showed no one wrong with the rice. you could stick beans in muffins and that shit will grow. that's not saying much
:lol: I'm not being arrogant. I just don't have money to spend on lights, I just paid for an HPS that is on the way. Maybe you should stop being so arrogant, and start actually reading before coming at people like an ass.
If $ is such an issue for you, should probably go for a 400 or 600, a 1k is going to cost you a lot to run. And how r you going to cool it?
Fin is a little defensive and with good reason, I ALSO agree with your POSTS aswell. Halogen and the neighbor's mulch does has everyone doubting but he showed them wrong with the rice; it holds moisture and won't damage the roots when transplanting.

I might soak some rice and check the PH, never know, I might try it some day if I have too, but probably not any time soon.

you serious? he showed no one wrong with the rice. you could stick beans in muffins and that shit will grow. that's not saying much

I've been gone for almost a week now... I thought these seedling would be dead along with this thread! This is nuts!

Here is one person along with myself and there are plenty others that thought his plants would be dead by now. You are right, cannabis is a very hardy plant, you better thank God for that Fin.
Here is one person along with myself and there are plenty others that thought his plants would be dead by now. You are right, cannabis is a very hardy plant, you better thank God for that Fin.
I've abused cannabis plants on purpose and they still grow like a weed. yup, they are hardy
If $ is such an issue for you, should probably go for a 400 or 600, a 1k is going to cost you a lot to run. And how r you going to cool it?

What's the cost of a kw in your area. 1kw HPS doesn't cost that much to run. (1000 * 12)= 1200w or (12kw * 45 +/-days)= 540kw* (kw cost) = pocket change if you end up with a decent yield.
Where I live that would cost me $72 a grow for Hydro electricity plus a few dollars for fans and some other basic eqipment so something like $100 bucks.

1000 watter HPS is OVERkill for this grow for sure CannabisCorps 4 to 6 hundred watts would be a better setup like your suggesting. Less heat, smaller fans, less money less everything if you think about it. But from what I know of Fin, your wrong, I'm wrong, and so will everyone else.

I have never been called arrogant ONE TIME on RIU...
Yes you have, I called you arrogant. And I have only been called arrogant 2x, and they were both on this thread. One time it was you. So I don't see what you are trying to prove. You've only been called arrogant 1 less time than me.
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