NEW Strains @ the Boutique.....

if it was profitable i have a strain i have been breeding since 2001 that i would share with the world... but since there is no moneies in it i think ill keep my gem vip then
ive been lookin at the breeders boutique. i think thats pretty cool. Im thinking about giving it a try possibly in the near future. i wonder why their website goes so slow on my comp tho. i cant even see yet how much it is or anything. engineers dream looks cool!

Also looked at the bean boyz site too, another kind of co-op thing i think.
okay let me get this straight, its really that cheap!? wow oh man... okay sale ended nov. 20th huh. that sucks. i was about to get ready and order! lol. took me forever to find that they are 10 packs too.

you guys are real happy with this site? do they ship to the states? id love to try some of that engineers dream, i love casey jones and that DPQ already sounded awesome.
I've been happy with the site. I ordered Psycho killer and got it delivered in about a week to So cal. Got some nice freebies too. I ordered smelly cherry a little while back too. That got delivered no problem as well.
golly!! thx guys me and my girl are on the edge of our rockers now!!
i have a wicked grape ape hybrid possibly worth donating eventually too! ive spread clones of its purple momma around, its always a lovely purple and yummy. but im getting ahead of myself.

yeah i was just explaining the exodus thing to my girl. sounds like they liked semi-lanky fast-growing strains. Psycho killer sounds good, i bet it would veg fast
I was taking a look at the dippy ellsy on the bb site and I want to get it now!!! lol looks killer

the prices is hella cheap too.
some of the best genetics at some of the lowest prices around. It's Christmas every day over there lol
im having a hard time finding out how much the shipping is. anyone know roughly what the shipping is for the states? im certainly going to order. my girl likes heady up daytime smoke, shes probably gonna get sour cherry. Im considering Engineers dream but, as i prefer closer to a 50/50 hybrid maybe even a bit more inidca sometimes, maybe i should go with deep blues. man im very interested in these hybrids. is that from the same "Blues" that Ugorg breeds with?
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Engineers Dream

there were two pheno's and I prefered the purple one for performance...but I lost that one in re-veg.


Wow dude that looks SO much like the casey jones that i grew outside this summer. geuss we know its the real deal then! :) i still have a ton of the seeds that i grew my casey from. my particular one turned out to have an unusually mossy earthy taste, only slightly sweet and such. the effect is crazy tho, its why im so interested in getting some good casey genes in a more indica hybrid.
engineers dream looks awesome. arrrgh im having a very hard time chosing.
Some Engineers Dream.

A little Engineer I have going at the moment...
okay let me get this straight, its really that cheap!? wow oh man... okay sale ended nov. 20th huh. that sucks. i was about to get ready and order! lol. took me forever to find that they are 10 packs too.

you guys are real happy with this site? do they ship to the states? id love to try some of that engineers dream, i love casey jones and that DPQ already sounded awesome.
BB needs to state this, as I only knew because I asked too.
Chopped one of the dippy ellses today. Gotta be easy an oz and half on it maybe more which aint bad for 12/12 from seed and 12 weeks growing.



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It was updated I believe quite a while ago.

Looks pretty clear to me, I clicked on Webshop and then S33ds and this was in Bold Black at the top of the page.

All s__ds are supplied in packs of 10

I think most folk like myself just go straight from webshop to clicking on the seed they are interested in from the featured strains section. I personally think that it should just be included in the description of each item. People do not necessarily look for banners and such for information on the product being bought, but rather look to the description of the product being bought.