How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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It shouldn't be. However the popularity of civil suits with the surviving recipients of defense fire has made it so that if yer gonna shoot, shoot for keeps. No in-betweens. Dead men don't sue.
Otherwise Samwell would be right, but I must disagree because, well, lawyers peeing in the punch bowl. cn

It is never a good idea to "shoot to wound". If you are going to use lethal force then your intention ought to be lethal.

Your stress meter is pegged and you are calmly calculating how to shoot some guy in the thigh while missing the femoral artery? Sounds like a good way to end up a statistic.
It is never a good idea to "shoot to wound". If you are going to use lethal force then your intention ought to be lethal.

Your stress meter is pegged and you are calmly calculating how to shoot some guy in the thigh while missing the femoral artery? Sounds like a good way to end up a statistic.

I will not draw a gun unless I intend to fire it in the nearest future.
I will not fire at someone unless my intent is to positively stop my assailant.
There is no nonlethal way to use a firearm to positively stop anyone.

Until the stunner is invented, that's the situation. It's harsh, but it serves as fair warning to anyone who ponders attacking me. I will not "shoot to create a plaintiff". cn
i didn't realize the penalty for burglar was death..

You should look up the Colorado laws regarding someone being in your dwelling uninvited. If your going to break into a house in better be prepared to die.

All burglars in Colorado know the laws. They also know that most police officers support Colorado's laws and share them freely with people. I've talked to 4 different cops about our laws, once after getting 'burgled'. ALL 4 said to shoot 'em. ALL 4 said if I shoot someone, I should shoot to kill.

If the shoot was legal and I didn't kill big deal. Colorado law prohibits lawsuits if the shooting was within the law.

Until the stunner is invented

I would think that beanbags or salt shot would do the trick with a shotgun. That's what I use for home defense.'s 2AM, it's dark, I just woke up, I'm terrified, I don't know what your intentions are, I don't know how many of you there even are, I don't know what you're packing. I do know that my kid is in another room. Sorry, beanbags just won't cut it...
I would think that beanbags or salt shot would do the trick with a shotgun. That's what I use for home defense.'s 2AM, it's dark, I just woke up, I'm terrified, I don't know what your intentions are, I don't know how many of you there even are, I don't know what you're packing. I do know that my kid is in another room. Sorry, beanbags just won't cut it...

I mean a real stunner, the sci-fi sort that will still work through armor. cn
Good ole V Town!

Unless you lived in Vallejo during those times, you could never grasp how rough that place was.
Until I read your post Doc, I wasn't going to share any of my experiences of getting guns pulled on me or getting shot because I knew it would sound exaggerated to most of the people on here.

If you read the Times Herald often, you read about some of my unfortunate situations more than once.
In 1987, a car I was riding in was riddled with 11 bullets near College Park. I thought I was hit in the head but was only cut by flying glass, my buddy took one in the hand, damn near took his ring finger off.
They never did find out who the hell it was, I think Vallejo PD investigated us more than the punks that shot the car up.

Another time in 1989 I was involved in a huge fight in the back of a nightclub on Solano Ave. If I remember right it was called Jenica's.
This one started over a gun being shoved in the face of one of my buddy's, I got eight staples in the back of my head and a face full of pepper spray from some stupid bitch trying to break it up.

Like I said, if you didn't live there back in the day, you'd have no clue how fucked up that place really was.

It's still a shithole bro. my mom still lives there. in the heyday of the crackhead, it was insanely violent, now in the era of the tweaker, its just fucking wierd. i came for a visit a few months ago, and in the middle of the night the dogs started barking. two tweakers were tryin to steal the taillights off my mom's shitty old pickup... dude. tailights. hunkered down in the dark pullin out the screws to steal the plastic tailight lenses. WTF?

one of her church members across town woke up in the night hearing people in the front yard, she called the cops (who never came) and when she came out in the morning... some tweakers had installed a sprinkler system in the middle of the night. dug the trenches, laid the pipes, installed the popup sprinkler heads, they even connected it properly to the watermain... of the house next door. WTF??

a few days later a tweaker broke into the house of one of her neighbors up the street in the middle of the night. he entered the home undetected, and made his way to the objective without waking the sleeping occupants... drew hmself a scented bubble bath lit some aromatherapy candles and slipped in for a soak. and fell asleep. he was still peacefully dozing in the bubbles when the family got up in the morning to discover their guest.

man i miss crackheads. at least their motivations are somewhat understandable.

the only thing that hasnt changed is "Funland" the creepy porno shop on hwy 29... it still looks like a perverted Chuck E Cheese on the outside with the 365 day a year rainbow chaser christmas lights.
It was an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. I'm a blaster guy myself. cn

well youre in luck, the state of california finally, after like 15 years, repealed their ban on lasers, plasma weapons energy weapons death rays and lightsabers.

i guess with the new trend in "climate change" were back to a new iceage agsain. so were gonna need something to slice open our tauntauns to get in out of the cold.

a tauntaun stuffed with a jedi stuffed with mitichlorians. it's like a polarbear's Turducken.
a cornfield party. there was about 6-7 kids from hartford ct that showed up that happened to be friends with a kid from our town. After a fight about the keg, and everyone beating the shit out of eachother, one kid pulled out a gun and didn't say a word........just pointed it 2 of my friends. (luckily not me). Still, to this day that was probably the scariest thing iv'e witnessed in my life. everyone just stopped fighting and we all just backed off and were like "ok man, chill out it's over, take the keg." They didn't take the keg they just called us more names and then left. My heart sank and i bet my face was white as a ghost. They really didn't look like kids that would actually kill someone. I really feel like it was more of a showoff thing. but still, who the fuck knows what other people are thinking.
On me (I was alone) somewhere in Chelsea (NYC) in the eighties. He wanted my money - I gave him $20 and he ran off.
Years ago when I delivered pizzas I had two guys pull guns on me to rob the 30 bucks I had and two pizzas. I had more money and weed in my wallet which they didn't take. Nor did they take my cell phone or car that was right there running. Must have been real hungry .
I've looked down the bore twice. Both home invasions. Quick wits and a calm demeanor is what saved me, both times.
yeah i was never there.
I do have this .32 caliber bullet on top of my desk that I dug out of my side though

but in the defense of your shooter, it was ONLY a 32. at most thats "Assault With A Bothersome Weapon" or "Attempted Welt Raising", the penalties for Aggravated Indian Burn, and 2nd Degree Noogeying are more severe.

it's not like he tried to give you the Cooties.
yeah i was never there.
I do have this .32 caliber bullet on top of my desk that I dug out of my side though

Did you try the piss your pants, thing. :) Sorry you got shot, btw.

Also, it turned out that both invader sets were pretty brutal, if allowed to take their
time. We were witnesses in the subsequent trials.

I'm glad I pulled off the ruse and deceptions, of course. There were women in house both times. And the first time my girlfriend was assaulted. But, I would rather not have been without me shotgun.

Not anymore, will I be.