How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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When I was nineteen, i was accosted by two muggers. One grabbed my elbows from behind. The other snugged a gun (Dan Wesson .357, six-inch barrel, probably Model 15-2) under my chin. The muzzle was cold and pointy (front sight and that weird barrel nut). Needles to say i surrendered my wallet. They were angry that I only had $13 in there but kept running to their car.

The police came 45 minutes later but couldn't do much more than take my statement.

I don't think it changed me or my attitude toward guns. cn
Growing up in Chicago my family lived in a second floor apartment on Ogden Avenue right next to Douglas Park, a very bad neighborhood. On the first floor of the building there was a neighborhood store owned by three brothers from Syria: Jack, Eddie and Sadallah.

One winter evening the store was robbed by a couple of thugs. My older brother, aged about 9, was in the store at the time. One of the robbers shot Sadallah just above the right eye, killing him instantly. He collapsed on the floor amidst a huge pool of blood. My brother saw the whole thing first hand and was pretty traumatized. The robbers were caught a few days later and eventually convicted or armed robbery and murder.

Welcome to Chicago, a city with "common sense" gun laws!
Growing up in Chicago my family lived in a second floor apartment on Ogden Avenue right next to Douglas Park, a very bad neighborhood. On the first floor of the building there was a neighborhood store owned by three brothers from Syria: Jack, Eddie and Sadallah.

One winter evening the store was robbed by a couple of thugs. My older brother, aged about 9, was in the store at the time. One of the robbers shot Sadallah just above the right eye, killing him instantly. He collapsed on the floor amidst a huge pool of blood. My brother saw the whole thing first hand and was pretty traumatized. The robbers were caught a few days later and eventually convicted or armed robbery and murder.

Welcome to Chicago, a city with "common sense" gun laws!

Well being from chicago myself

You leave out one detail. One very important detail

The citys surrounding Chicago have been providing Chicago thugs with guns for years
I've had to point guns at people doing bad things twice. What I learned is that when I do that I want to have the largest weapon possible.

My experience is that you are more likely to use a gun to defend someone else than you are to defend yourself. The larger gun I happen to have, the more likely it is that I will come to someones aid. If four guys are stomping you into the pavement and all I have is a .22 pocket pistol, you're probably gonna be on you own if you're a stranger.
Well being from chicago myself

You leave out one detail. One very important detail

The citys surrounding Chicago have been providing Chicago thugs with guns for years

So, "common sense" gun laws are ineffective and serve only to disarm law abiding citizens? Good point, Cheese. I didn't think you had a good point in you!

What I meant by SEE isn't just hearing gun shots and having no idea where or if it was a real gun.

I used to hear gun shots all the time when I lived in San Bernardino. But I have yet to actually witness one.

My purpose of this thread is to find out how bad the big bad gun is and how that changed their life.

so Hearing the gunshots, from right behind me, feeling the sting and getting the wind knocked out of me, and later having MOST of a .38 slug removed from by broken shoulder blade doesnt count?

well i still got 2 even still,

cuz i SAW the whacked out methhead, i KNEW that whacked out methhead, i SAW his gun i WITNESSED the muzzle flashes (chromed revolver, snub barrel) and dodged the bullet strikes around me as i moved for the cover of the pear tree.

later i SAW the 4 armed perps enter the pizza joint (i was making a 'zza on the line right near the door) i observed them pull out their jammies (and said ""ohh shit". not even excited, just kinda disappointed like) and had a .45 shoved in my punnum as the dimwit said "gimme da munnie" to the guy with his hands full of cheese and pepperoni, completely not noticing the guy at the register...

the guy at the register (asst mngr) freaked out and assumed the knee hugger posture and i had to go open the money drawer for the erstwhile banditos.
stuff is not worth a life , if shooting is necessary it can be done easily without taking a life

Unfortunately you don't know until after the incident is over if "stuff" is all they're after.

Quite a few years ago I was driving through central Florida (moving with my wife and 2 young children), while stopped @ a truck stop just off of the interstate two young guys jumped into the vehicle with us. One had a knife, the other a .38 revolver.
To make a long story short;
Dude #1) .45 trumps a .38.
Dude #2) Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

Not something I'd care to relive, but the justification was definitely there & no charges filed.
where im from guns are VERY illegal but of course some people use them for criminal acts and such. really cant belive what im reading here.. not that im calling bullshit i just mean its SO unreal to me that the cops dont show up or come 1 h later and so on. where im from..shit it would take them 30 sec if someone reported gun-violence lol. maybe people in the US just dont take guns serious? i mean a gun is a tool. a tool for killing. i still belive its wierd that some people belive what need to be done is MORE guns and to start shooting back! just imagine the crossfire that would have happened in that dark movie theatre? Where i live some people live their whole lives and die without ever seeing a real gun in real life except on the police or on tv.

dude, Vallejo California.
i could well imagine the "crossfire" if that tweaker had popped out his door with a pistol again when my grandpappy or one of my uncles was there, woulda been 1 little pop and then one big one, and silence. it would have been a much better alternative than the cops provided,, which was DO NOTHING, and hope it all clears up by itself. they NEVER responded, they also did not respond a year or so earlier when my mon called the cops over a "strangerdangger" creep trying to convince my sister to let him in the house when we were home alone, he even tried to use the Fake fed Flash to pass off his navy reservist ID as an "FBI badge". the cops never even took a report.

when i got robbed at the 'zza joint, i was in rancho,, right by "the crest" google that shit and youll see what i mean. in 1988-92 the cops didnt even go into the crest or rancho, they were declared off limits to all cops,, demolition man style. (but the Romper Room Gang, was no simon pheonix organization...) lemme just say, in 1992 we found 2 murder victims by our dumpsters in the alley. two UNRELATED stiffs, on two non-consecutive occasions. yeah. dude. vallejo is awesome. my grnadpappy gave all 3 of us boys .380 pocket pistols when i turned 10, he said to us "keep em hid, only pull em out when you gotta, keep em loaded and ready. and dont tell your ma." wise words from a wise wise man. i wish i had my .380 on me on several occaisions, and i wish it hadnt been stolen by that cop.
so Hearing the gunshots, from right behind me, feeling the sting and getting the wind knocked out of me, and later having MOST of a .38 slug removed from by broken shoulder blade doesnt count?

well i still got 2 even still,

cuz i SAW the whacked out methhead, i KNEW that whacked out methhead, i SAW his gun i WITNESSED the muzzle flashes (chromed revolver, snub barrel) and dodged the bullet strikes around me as i moved for the cover of the pear tree.

later i SAW the 4 armed perps enter the pizza joint (i was making a 'zza on the line right near the door) i observed them pull out their jammies (and said ""ohh shit". not even excited, just kinda disappointed like) and had a .45 shoved in my punnum as the dimwit said "gimme da munnie" to the guy with his hands full of cheese and pepperoni, completely not noticing the guy at the register...

the guy at the register (asst mngr) freaked out and assumed the knee hugger posture and i had to go open the money drawer for the erstwhile banditos.

Sober up from being so high and chill. You know what I meant. There's a big difference between what you experience and a bandito who farted a few blocks over.

We're on the same side. Well, for the most part. I still think your meat eating makes you an asshole barbarian.
Sober up from being so high and chill. You know what I meant. There's a big difference between what you experience and a bandito who farted a few blocks over.

We're on the same side. Well, for the most part. I still think your meat eating makes you an asshole barbarian.

but i AM an asshole, and i am a barbarian.

im just one of the Hill People, not one of those dogs from Swamp Village or the Forest People. dont get me started on Forest People.
i used to frequent the badlands in north philly to buy drugs.. years ago of course..

one time i was sitting on a one way street, cars backed up all the way down the street, when one of the dealers pulled a gun and started shooting it, at what i've no clue.. couldn't move, couldn't go any where, just sat there hoping he didn't decide to point it my way.. first time i saw a gun in action..

another time i was on another one way street, sitting at a red light.. same deal, couldn't move any where... out of no where i hear this dude being all loud, making a commotion, just being annoyingly loud.. so of course i start to watch him.. he comes from the back of my car running down the street past the front of me car.. all of a sudden he stops, turns around and sticks a 38 in me window and tells me to empty me pockets..

one other time, i was buying drugs.. dude was parked in his car right on a set.. he asks me what i want, and to get in his car.. bag move on my part.. at first he was like, look, i'm cool, and shows me a huge stack of cash, so i relaxed for a second.. he turns back around with a .357 pointing at me.. tells me to run my pockets.. i gave him a $5 and kept the rest of the money in me pocket.. walked back to my car and waited for him to drive away, then i walked back up the set to the real dealers and got my goody bags and left..

another time i went into a shooting gallery... told dude what i wanted and turned away, the next thing i knew i was being hit in the face with a gun.. it was a 9mm and i thought the dude busted my face.. scared the shit out of me as i never saw it coming.. hurt like a mofo.. i just stumbled out of the house and walked away..

that's it for now, i think.. i may remember more later though..
Well being from chicago myself

You leave out one detail. One very important detail

The citys surrounding Chicago have been providing Chicago thugs with guns for years
Make the whole State ban all guns of all kinds and guaranteed you still have problems in Chicago.
I've had to point guns at people doing bad things twice. What I learned is that when I do that I want to have the largest weapon possible.

My experience is that you are more likely to use a gun to defend someone else than you are to defend yourself. The larger gun I happen to have, the more likely it is that I will come to someones aid. If four guys are stomping you into the pavement and all I have is a .22 pocket pistol, you're probably gonna be on you own if you're a stranger.
More people are accidentally killed by .22 than any other caliber.
More people are accidentally killed by .22 than any other caliber.

Yep. My Kentucky uncle said, "more deer have been killed with .22 rifles than all others combined". All the "poachers" around my little birth place, Cave City, Ky fed their families with .22 rifles.
Four gun confrontations, no shots fired. 1. robbed at gunpoint hitchhiking, he got my belongings. 2. attempted robbery while walking in the city- fought and took his gun. 3. came home to intruder in home. He had my shotgun, took it away and called po po. They took him away. 4. Awoke to a "stranger" in my home. Got a gun and confronted him. It was the neighbor, drunk after a long night of cards, he was looking for the bathroom. Brought him home.
dude, Vallejo California.
i could well imagine the "crossfire" if that tweaker had popped out his door with a pistol again when my grandpappy or one of my uncles was there, woulda been 1 little pop and then one big one, and silence. it would have been a much better alternative than the cops provided,, which was DO NOTHING, and hope it all clears up by itself. they NEVER responded, they also did not respond a year or so earlier when my mon called the cops over a "strangerdangger" creep trying to convince my sister to let him in the house when we were home alone, he even tried to use the Fake fed Flash to pass off his navy reservist ID as an "FBI badge". the cops never even took a report.

when i got robbed at the 'zza joint, i was in rancho,, right by "the crest" google that shit and youll see what i mean. in 1988-92 the cops didnt even go into the crest or rancho, they were declared off limits to all cops,, demolition man style. (but the Romper Room Gang, was no simon pheonix organization...) lemme just say, in 1992 we found 2 murder victims by our dumpsters in the alley. two UNRELATED stiffs, on two non-consecutive occasions. yeah. dude. vallejo is awesome. my grnadpappy gave all 3 of us boys .380 pocket pistols when i turned 10, he said to us "keep em hid, only pull em out when you gotta, keep em loaded and ready. and dont tell your ma." wise words from a wise wise man. i wish i had my .380 on me on several occaisions, and i wish it hadnt been stolen by that cop.

Good ole V Town!

Unless you lived in Vallejo during those times, you could never grasp how rough that place was.
Until I read your post Doc, I wasn't going to share any of my experiences of getting guns pulled on me or getting shot because I knew it would sound exaggerated to most of the people on here.

If you read the Times Herald often, you read about some of my unfortunate situations more than once.
In 1987, a car I was riding in was riddled with 11 bullets near College Park. I thought I was hit in the head but was only cut by flying glass, my buddy took one in the hand, damn near took his ring finger off.
They never did find out who the hell it was, I think Vallejo PD investigated us more than the punks that shot the car up.

Another time in 1989 I was involved in a huge fight in the back of a nightclub on Solano Ave. If I remember right it was called Jenica's.
This one started over a gun being shoved in the face of one of my buddy's, I got eight staples in the back of my head and a face full of pepper spray from some stupid bitch trying to break it up.

Like I said, if you didn't live there back in the day, you'd have no clue how fucked up that place really was.
its just my way of thinking, stuff is not worth a life , if shooting is necessary it can be done easily without taking a life

it can also easily kill so . . its 50/50 what do you have to loose trying to wound . . how many people have you seen shot that continue to attack and if they have a gun you can shoot em agian . . guess you have to be able to aim in order to expect to shoot and wound

number one way to avoid having to shoot someone for B&E is keep your house secure . . ..

Your life!

What if the intruder hears you coming and feels cornered? What if... just after he pulls his gun out and gets ready to fire, you shoot him in the leg? Bang! You might be dead!

Thanks for playing this round of 'Being killed by a scumbag intruder who doesn't give a fuck about you or your family as you try to wound the dirtball so he can be sent away (maybe) for some well deserved rehabilitation!' today...
Your life!

What if the intruder hears you coming and feels cornered? What if... just after he pulls his gun out and gets ready to fire, you shoot him in the leg? Bang! You might be dead!

Thanks for playing this round of 'Being killed by a scumbag intruder who doesn't give a fuck about you or your family as you try to wound the dirtball so he can be sent away (maybe) for some well deserved rehabilitation!' today...

i didn't realize the penalty for burglar was death..
i didn't realize the penalty for burglar was death..

It shouldn't be. However the popularity of civil suits with the surviving recipients of defense fire has made it so that if yer gonna shoot, shoot for keeps. No in-betweens. Dead men don't sue.
Otherwise Samwell would be right, but I must disagree because, well, lawyers peeing in the punch bowl. cn