it is already against the law to brandish a firearm when drunk. it's also against the law to stand in the street and drunkenly shoot into the air. its also agains the law to ride a horse drunk, or drive a buggy drunk, or drive cattle drunk... drunklenness makes even the most banal activity dangerous, and thus laws against drunkenness are not "what if" but "and these dumbasses keep drinking and _______ing, so fuck that!"
There are limits on certain types of accelerants and things like blasting caps, etc. Sure improvised explosions can be created, that's not the point. If you're a machinist, you could make an automatic weapon from scratch.
we ARE allowed to own "bomb making equipment", and i DO own "bomb making equipment" and so do you. thats part of the reason why BPOMB MAKING is so popular with terrorists, it's easy, effective, nearly impossible to prevent even in police states, and when you successfully touch one off you get a big score on your MDK stats for the back of your trading card. guns are used in crime in two basic ways,
1) impulsive shooting sprees with very little real planning
2) deliberate considered criminal action.
if impulsive nutbars do not use guns they will use machetes, molotov cocktails, motor vehicles, or any other weapon of convenience.
Yes, psychopaths are universal; however giving them free and unfettered access to firearms is not universal.
the ones who plan out their atttacks will not be deterred no matter what impediments you place in their path. that so few american nutbars make home made explosives is testament not to the difficulty of manufacture and use, but the general indolence and laziness of the criminal mind.
Why would someone take the time to study bomb making, create the bomb using improvised components, and attempt to persuade people not to shoot him with threats of blowing them up when he could just go to the local gun store and buy a pistol?
machetes vs guns - who do you think would win in a fight? Unless you're t-1000 chasing people down and cutting them up one by one, it's so vastly easier to kill someone with a gun it's silly. Don't make stupid comparisons. You can run from a machete wielding maniac. If someone is shooting at you, most people aren't trained to serpentine...
because when you lose control of your car at 100mph it plows into something else, and that something else suaslly belongs to somebody else.
And you don't have the right to destroy someone else's property, or injure them, right? You're catching on!
on your own home built racetrack you can go as fast as you want.
And on a homebuilt gun range, shoot whatever you want! as long as your bullets aren't landing on my property or posing a risk to me I could care less.
it's not a "what if" it's a "anyone who drives that fast WILL crash up cuz it always happens"
Bullshit, that is ridiculous! I've driven 100mph more times than I can count, and never caused anyone harm. It doesn't mean that the rule doesn't make sense to have as a precaution.
anyone who owns a gun will NOT murder anyone, that RARELY happens. thats why you, and your lefty budddies never talk about the number of crimes committed per gun in america, you focus on the gross numbers of crimes, and the per capita crime totals, conveniently lumping in lawful shootings, suicides and accidents just to pad the numbers.
Not true. Are you having difficulty reading my writing? I'll try this again in CAPS so you can understand.
MURDERS from firearms per year.
no, there is no such expectation.
Every person has the right to life. By way of the constitution and the universal declaration of human rights.
i assume you mean whats behind the target... and i always consider whats behind what i shoot, even when hunting. people who "panic" are not the people who should or would have a ccw. panic is unreasoning fear, resulting in a flight from danger or helpless indecision. and that can only harm the panicker, not the panickee.
why should there be? thats stupid.
That assumption is correct. You might consider what's behind the target, I don't know you or what training you've had. What I do know is that in many states the training is lax and is only required every 5-6 years. That does
not prepare you for a life or death situation in a public place.
i am MORE skilled than the cops, as demonstrated on numerous trips to the local firing ranges, cops dont "detect threats" they are either in uniform to deterr threats (but we cant all have a personal bodyguard) or they wind up getting surprised just like everybody else. only in hollywood does the off duty cop identify the bad guy and get the drop on him. thats just silly.
Good! You take your gun ownership seriously and practice the skills you would need to protect yourself. If what you're saying is true, I would be comfortable with having you around and holding a CCW permit. You cannot assure me that everyone takes the same precautions that you do. My argument is that every should HAVE TO take those precautions or not be allowed to carry a weapon in public.
And yes, the police certainly do use threat detection. Ever been though a shooting range with tagets that pop up? How do you know who to shoot and who not to shoot, your shortsightedness is mind boggling. Police don''t use threat detection... ROFL!! Yeah, they just shoot everyone in a tense situation and ask questions later... wait, no, that's the exact opposite of what they do.
thats why off duty cops carry CONCEALED weapons. the presumption is that they are competent and thus require no additional permitting, and they conceal their arms because if they carry it openly the criminals know who to jack first while they have the element of surprise.
The fact that they are law enforcement officers and use a firearm on a regular basis is enough to warrant the safe use of a firearm, even when not in uniform.