Ursus marijanus
I have yet to see anyone suggest all guns be taken away, yea some may want that but the average person is not suggesting that, I think we can all agree it won't happen at least in our lifetime. I also absolutely do not believe gun laws have gotten tighter and tighter, if anything they've become more lax.
Its the dishonest intellect that gets me.... blame movies, video games, prescription drugs, the media, lack of God, music....everything but guns. Every country on the planet has these same issues yet they're not shooting each other by the tens of thousands every year. How do you explain that?
I cannot really tell you. I do not blame any of those things except the media. When the icon for a violent crime story is a handgun (whether or not the crime involved one) I can see that the fix is in.
You might not be suggesting it, but i have seen too many people applaud when a gun restriction is voted in. I do believe that the anti-gun lobby in this country is using "gun control" as a blind for gun removal. If you can show me otherwise, if you can show me that Gun Control Inc. has a plan for some residual civilian ownership and carry, I'll shoosh.
I am worried about the Ratchet. Legislators like things simple, even if their attorney confrères thoroughly enjoy finding as much complexity as they can in simple laws. Legislators will likely polarize into two camps: those who say guns are already overcontrolled, and those who say that as long as there are weapons out there to interfere with the jobs of the uniformed protectors of society, there are too many. Middle ground is not stable in this debate. I want to retain my right to won, possess, and carry a gun as long as the threat of violent crime is less of an aberration than a horror like Sandy Hook.
I propose a very simple test for the suitability of gun control. If the police and letter agencies will submit to precisely the same level of gun control as civilians, i can accept a lot. Imo Great Britain is the model here: their cops do their duties unarmed. Even Japan, the supposed model of social tranquility, arms its officers. To that i say something rude, ideally in Japanese.
Test the concept by passing a Federal-level law that limits the policeman to the weapons allowed civilians. I will wager that the nationwide support police organizations have for gun control will vanish like a puddle in Libya. cn