So how about banning all semi-automatic weapons?

Dense? No, I am talking about the exact same topic that most aware americans are presently talking about and it is not knife violence in New York.

Ad populum does nothing for your argument. It only proves the masses are hysterical over the same bullshit.
Ad populum does nothing for your argument. It only proves the masses are hysterical over the same bullshit.

Ahwhat? We are taling about mass shootings, not mass knifings (except of course for that valient chineese effort), we are talking about the latest shooting of a couple of dozen kindergardeners and not the crime rate of New York City. While I can see why you would wish to divert the conversation to something more theoretical, the discussion I' am attempting to have doesn't go there.

Or are all of those people wrong in being just a tad hysterical about that incident, the most recent in a rather long and rather recent set of SHOOTINGS.
I am using purpseful murder because I am talking about purpseful murder, not something as amorphous as "violent crime". purposeful murder precludes accidental death and suicide.

The fact is that you seem to be cherry picking your data to attempt to dispute data that was specificly asked of me. Deaths are the most concrete and indisputable measure that I can think of that - again, excludes the ability of a particular medical system to correct.

What you seem to be implying is either the U.K. is more violent than the U.S. but not so violent as to actually take lives, or that their medical system is better. Simple thing actuallyl, in the two countries that have strict gun laws, there are fewer murders than in this one. That actually proves nothing about gun law.View attachment 2450173

But you seem to think there is a direct correlation.
The UK is the most violent country in all of Europe, it isn't a safe place to live. At all. 400% more violent crime than USA, I know you don't mind being knifed, paralyzed, beaten, had your legs broken or are nearly beaten to death, as long as you aren't shot is all that counts. BHut don't worry about it, becasue you won't be able to defend yourself from the big bad mean guy who is going to knock all your teeth out and blind you and disfigure you, don't worry its only going to be like that for the rest of your life, be glad he didn't shoot you to death, you wouldn't be able to enjoy this wonderful life you have now. Let me know when you are getting beaten how much you would like it if you had a gun.

Somalia rocks! Why do you think Bucky recommends all Ayn Rand fans move there. Because it has such a low homicide rate, of course, duh!
Ahwhat? We are taling about mass shootings, not mass knifings (except of course for that valient chineese effort), we are talking about the latest shooting of a couple of dozen kindergardeners and not the crime rate of New York City. While I can see why you would wish to divert the conversation to something more theoretical, the discussion I' am attempting to have doesn't go there.

Or are all of those people wrong in being just a tad hysterical about that incident, the most recent in a rather long and rather recent set of SHOOTINGS.
Ad Populum- where a proposition is claimed to be true or good merely because many people believe it is so.
The UK is the most violent country in all of Europe, it isn't a safe place to live. At all. 400% more violent crime than USA, I know you don't mind being knifed, paralyzed, beaten, had your legs broken or are nearly beaten to death, as long as you aren't shot is all that counts. BHut don't worry about it, becasue you won't be able to defend yourself from the big bad mean guy who is going to knock all your teeth out and blind you and disfigure you, don't worry its only going to be like that for the rest of your life, be glad he didn't shoot you to death, you wouldn't be able to enjoy this wonderful life you have now. Let me know when you are getting beaten how much you would like it if you had a gun.

You are missing the point - as long as I am not intentionaly murdered. You don't seem to accept those stats and you don't seem to accept that they are the only ones that really matter when we are talking about..... murder, fatal shootings. Your hypberbole being what it is has nothing to do with those stats.
Ad Populum- where a proposition is claimed to be true or good merely because many people believe it is so.


We are talking about the national topic of the day. There is no propsition claimed to be true or good. If a majority of the people are talking about a particular topic then the fact is that particular topic is being talked about by the majority.

Any search on gun violence of late will net you thousands of references to the kindergarden shooting and perhaps a few on New York crime stats and those only ancilary to.... the kindergarden shooting.

Yours is akin to discussing the lincoln debates when the rest of us are having a dialog on the election of Obama vs Romney.
You are missing the point - as long as I am not intentionaly murdered. You don't seem to accept those stats and you don't seem to accept that they are the only ones that really matter when we are talking about..... murder, fatal shootings. Your hypberbole being what it is has nothing to do with those stats.
I think it is you who are missing the point. I can name 20+ nations right now that have more gun control than the USA yet have a intentional homicide rate 5-20 times higher than the USA rate. your argument fails completely in the light of these facts.

We are talking about the national topic of the day. There is no propsition claimed to be true or good. If a majority of the people are talking about a particular topic then the fact is that particular topic is being talked about by the majority.

Any search on gun violence of late will net you thousands of references to the kindergarden shooting and perhaps a few on New York crime stats and those only ancilary to.... the kindergarden shooting.

Yours is akin to discussing the lincoln debates when the rest of us are having a dialog on the election of Obama vs Romney.
I wasn't trying to argue with you , I was letting you know what it meant since you didn't know.
I think it is you who are missing the point. I can name 20+ nations right now that have more gun control than the USA yet have a intentional homicide rate 5-20 times higher than the USA rate. your argument fails completely in the light of these facts.

And you are missing the point. I'll say it again, I was asked for the stats on those three countries - if you wish to present something else, do so. Also, regardless of that, I did not state that there is any correlation but you seem to think there is. I don't think there is any correlation when the comparison is taken out of the context of the culture and society where the violence occurs.
This whole "mass shootings" is all slight of hand. Maybe we should ban Flavor Aid? Jim Jones murdered over 200 children with a soft drink!
I don't feel safe going up against a tank with my AK any day of the week. It's a different world we live in than it was back in 1814. The point you are trying to make isn't even relevant anymore. If we tried to revolt like we did against the British, they would be rolling tanks to our doorstep and hitting us with drones. Like we have even a slight chance of victory. Sadly our right to bear arms to revolt against an unjust govt is now just a ruse. The govt is too powerfull militarily for a homeland revolt nowadays.

How exactly did Vietnam beat us and how did a few thousand Muslims play beatass on us when they were outnumbered 100 to1. Our soldiers will lose the will to fight when nothing is to be gained and they still have to fight. It happens over and over again in history.
I do consider it true, but I don't think it is acceptable that someone can have prudently, responsibly owned the gun, and still the gun could have been taken for misuse. I think when you have an object that has the potential to cause great harm, the gun owner should take the highest precautions to prevent that. Even if that means continually changing the combo on a safe, or not having a key accessible to the household. If a gun owner is negligent in properly storing their guns, and it ends up in a shooting spree, their should be some accountability. In this case the mom got held to highest form of accountability.

If you are a gun owner and you are on vacation and someone brakes into your home and steals your cache of guns, you should alert the police how many guns got stolen and the vin numbers of all the guns immediately. If you are a legal gun owner those number should be available in a database anyway. But this just notifies the police that these guns are out on the street and if they end up in a crime, you did your due diligence to report them stolen.

Also if you sell someone your gun without notifying the authorities and it ends up in a crime , you should be held accountable in some way.

I think if we address this issue on many fronts such as mental illness, stricter owner responsibility, stricter purchasing requirements, and possibly and I hate saying this, but maybe we do need more security at schools. I think it should be a police officer and not a teacher or principle. We might see less incidents. Although I don't totally buy the fact the criminals only target gun free zones or that more guns = less crime.


If someone steals your guns, what difference does it make if you report it? There is no database, btw. Most states don't have registration. I own dozens of guns and there might be a dozen historic rifles that I bought under a FFL. The rest are untraceable.
So does that mean if we don't have a shot at winning against the military foreign or domestic we should be not armed with adequate guns? That really is the only thing that sways my decision on whether we should be able to have guns like AKs to protect ourselves if shit hits the fan. Other then that I see no reason to have such dangerous weapons.


If we outlaw everything that isn't needed then we wouldn't have a whole hell of a lot.
Yea we can't win that fight, but I still wanna keep my guns. Just being realistic. They could blast me with a tank/artillery unit from farther than I can see from my house, if I were deemed a target. And an air strike would come faster than I could wipe my ass. We don't even have radar like the govt does. That alone would puts civilians at a huge disadvantage if it came to that. I don't think it will get to that though. Again just saying, even an organized malitia probably couldn't even take on a swat team along side the local police with shoot to kill orders, let alone the military. Let's be realistic here guys.

Ideally, you wouldn't stand in formation with other people who are rebelling and fire at tanks with rifles. You hide in the trees and shoot the escorting soldiers. I am willing to bet that a couple of us in this conversation know how to make sticky bombs that can disable a tank's tracks.

Tanks are like bases. You don't take the bases, you just make life miserable for those inside.
So what is your solution? Just roll with the punches, what ever happens, happens? I don't suggest , nor do I think it is a reality that all guns can disappear. But I can't imagine inaction is better then action. I'd rather confront a guy with a knife or a pointed stick then a guy with a gun.


Sometimes inaction is better than action, especially when the ones taking action are incompetent. Have you ever went to fix something that had something wrong with it and ended up trashing it altogether even though it worked previously albeit incorrectly?
Show us how the U.S. kills it's share of one million of its own civilians every year. Numbers, graphs, recountings would help. And if you count rougue local police officers you are counting wrong.

Oh, so when we count government murders all murders aren't attributed to all governments but when you count gun deaths all gun deaths are attributed to all guns. I see. Hypocrite. The reason those governments killed so many people is because people like you gave more and more power to them to feel safe. They never start out as tyrannical murdering nutbags. Government = genocide machine.

My 'assault weapons' or 'evil black guns' or 'hi cap magazines' never killed anyone - why would you hold my guns accountable for ones some nutbag stole and used to kill people?
Show us how the U.S. kills it's share of one million of its own civilians every year. Numbers, graphs, recountings would help. And if you count rougue local police officers you are counting wrong.

I forget to actually show you. We killed millions of Germans after the war while we occupied their country. Women and children for the most part. We purposefully starved them to death when we had the food to keep them from dying. They were our citizens because we were their government at the time.
Yeah, never mind that the difference between those irregulars and british soldiers at the time was a few cannons and some outmoded tactics. Today the difference is, oh, I don't know, Cluster munitions, wire guided missiles, aircraft, satelites, advanced tactics, armor, artillery, hellicpoters. And those modern day squirel hunters have what exactly?

How well does that stuff work against a population that is fed up? The answer: not very fucking well. We couldn't even beat Vietnam BECAUSE they didn't have a military to beat.