Well-Known Member
Paranoid? Have you ever read anything about the American revolution? Federalist papers, or the CONSTITUTION? I am not being paranoid, the reason we have the right to bear arms is simply because of the fact it is to keep government in line. The framers were not thinking about target shooting or hunting when they made up the second amendment they knew full well that a nation disarmed is a nation ruled by government instead of government ruled by the people. You think government gives a shit about you? Government is not a god, government is not benevolent , stop treating government as if it were.
NL is my strain, very Indica.
Look, I'm no fan of the stiffs in Washington, but to sit here in 2012 and draw parallels between what our founders felt was a threat and what is a realistic threat today is beyond absurd.
Are you prepping for the zombie apocalypse too?