Whats inconvenient for you? Serious question.


Well-Known Member
5 days of snow followed by 5 days of -40 temps. The only redeeming aspect of these temps is it takes just 4 hours to make ice lumenaires.



Well-Known Member
Summertime high temp sometimes rarely reaches the low 90's F. Somewhat "normal" temps are lo-mid 70's. When it hits 80+ folks are bitching, it's too hot. The most oppressive heat I've felt here was 2 summers ago. Early August, seasonal temps were cooling, we had a lot of smoke from late season fires and a "heat" wave hit. It was low 90's, air was stagnant and thick with smoke.


Well-Known Member
Summertime high temp sometimes rarely reaches the low 90's F. Somewhat "normal" temps are lo-mid 70's. When it hits 80+ folks are bitching, it's too hot. The most oppressive heat I've felt here was 2 summers ago. Early August, seasonal temps were cooling, we had a lot of smoke from late season fires and a "heat" wave hit. It was low 90's, air was stagnant and thick with smoke.
Damn, 90's are pretty easy for me, once it gets over 100F, that's when I start complaining..

40F... 30F... that's when I start bitching!

How would I do up there?


Well-Known Member
It's not usually humid in summer so the temps to me are bearable. In winter average cold is +/- 20 below. You would adapt! Find layered clothes you like to keep warm. I work outside mostly year round and it's bearable. It was less difficult as a younger man. Being in decent shape, with a balanced diet, being hydrated, well rested, staying active when out, all add to cold endurance. Most hardy souls thrive wherever life brings em. I suspect you would too.


Well-Known Member
It's not usually humid in summer so the temps to me are bearable. In winter average cold is +/- 20 below. You would adapt! Find layered clothes you like to keep warm. I work outside mostly year round and it's bearable. It was less difficult as a younger man. Being in decent shape, with a balanced diet, being hydrated, well rested, staying active when out, all add to cold endurance. Most hardy souls thrive wherever life brings em. I suspect you would too.

Did you build your own cabin?


Well-Known Member
No. I had a modern home in a very rural setting for quite a while and when I became a father I moved into town. Live in a contemporary home in a residential neighborhood. Wilderness is virtually at the doorstep though.


Well-Known Member
Ha I feel ya man, The other day I opened my bedroom window and chucked a baseball with the perfect trajectory like 30 yards and hit the neighbors mutt right on the ass cuz it wouldnt shut the fuck up. Its non stop sometimes. Neighbors are inconsiderate bastards.
Don't feel bad man, my buddy, with 3 bb rifles that can't hit the broad side of a barn (literally), and neither could he, even if the scopes were sighted in right, woke to one of his dogs in the backyard barking one night.
He opened the window, leaned out with a gun, and shot in the general direction.
Needless to say, the dog had a welt on her side for a week.


New Member
whats inconvenient for me is this girl i know's husband. She is totally hot and if it weren't for him,she'd be mine.Funny thing is we've all been friends for 25 years or so.


Well-Known Member
whats inconvenient for me is this girl i know's husband. She is totally hot and if it weren't for him,she'd be mine.Funny thing is we've all been friends for 25 years or so.
that's better than inconveniently finding out that she HAS a husband.:shock: