Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
Slaves didn't get paid money and got to go home and do whatever amd go wherever they want.

Technical enough?
back then there really wasn't anywhere to go. it's not like they would have hopped on a plane and spent a week in the Bahamas.

a steady job, good housing for them and their family. free food, free clothing. sounds legit to me.


Well-Known Member
Yea but someone made them live there and made them work a certain job... At least we can choose witch slave trade we wish to work.

edit: which* (pretty fucked right now)


New Member
Yes but one is a choice and the other is not. People choose to work so they can have money for things, slaves are on another level of that, they either work or get beaten.

I guess the Philippines of child prostitution could also be on your argument side?