Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member

Listen for it right around the 10 second mark. Smart girl


Well-Known Member
NASA has confirmed that there will be an event taking place today 12/21/2012! It is to happen in the late afternoon! The sun will disappear and it will become very dark! They are calling the phenomenon "night"!!!!! Warn everyone!


Well-Known Member
NASA has confirmed that there will be an event taking place today 12/21/2012! It is to happen in the late afternoon! The sun will disappear and it will become very dark! They are calling the phenomenon "night"!!!!! Warn everyone!
Weather forecast for tonight: Dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.
And George Carlin and NASA aren't even Mayan!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
am i the only one bothered by the fact that he covered the mouth of the bong and not the bowl? saving all that stale smoke while the good stuff burns away...
There is a lot of smoke in that bong still. If I take a hit and can't clear it I block it so I can go back asap and finish it off before it gets stale. I also just watched that movie last night. It was pretty good. I laughed through most of it, but I was high as shit. If you light seth mcfarlane you will probably enjoy it.