So how about banning all semi-automatic weapons?

And you believe that why? I recall even the "assault weapon ban" whatever that is, was not reenacted. i can't see where our gun rights have been curtailed recently, hell, we can even carry in Federal parkland. Seems to me that you are believing the NRA propaganda.

here in california the "assault weapon ban" is alive and well, thanks toi a bunch or moronic lefties who think a law will stop the chinese governemnt from shipping THOUSANDS of full auto AK's to Los Angeles for the express purpose of arming the street gangs (lol caught in the act)

of course those same laws do not stop ordinary citizens from acquiring arms in other states, or declining to register and then surrender our existing arms, under the entirely justified assertion that the constitution prohibits these acts entirely.

im considering taking it to the next logical step and buying a thompson in nevada and machining up the parts to make it full auto, just in case The Brahmin In Chief decides to take the final step towards confiscation.
Speedloaders for all of my shooting Revolvers, can empty and reload in less than 2 seconds. a hot .357 magnum round does more damage than just about any semi auto commonly carried ever will. What do you do with a guy who shows up with 8 revolvers, each with a reload? Not that I have 8 revolvers, I don't. I have many more than that.

Who ever walked into a mall, theater or church with 8 handguns? No one. This is a dumb response. If that scenario ever comes up then we will deal with it. I don't think you are dumb personally, but this is an idiotic response to a serious problem. Ill take a maniac with 8 revolvers trying to reload with a speedloader during the heat of action over one or two semi automatic guns with an extended magazine clips any day. Yes the 357 mag bullet will do more harm per bullet, but wont nearly have the rapid fire a semi auto would. Plus a decent recoil, Plus accuracy goes way down the further away you get with a hand gun, esp with a 357. So a kid like the one who shot all those kids, would probably have a shooting accuracy of 30% after 15 yards. Shooting a gun like the bushmaster is so easy to operate, has little recoil, accuracy dramatically increases. A person who has never or barely shot a gun can consistently hit a target with a bushmaster type gun.

You can't expect a gun fanatic to empathize with these families. They just think of themselves and their guns. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. This argument is bogus. Pull your heads out of your asses and get off your high horse, and lets talk about a serious solution.

Who ever walked into a mall, theater or church with 8 handguns? No one. This is a dumb response. If that scenario ever comes up then we will deal with it. I don't think you are dumb personally, but this is an idiotic response to a serious problem. Ill take a maniac with 8 revolvers trying to reload with a speedloader during the heat of action over one or two semi automatic guns with an extended magazine clips any day. Yes the 357 mag bullet will do more harm per bullet, but wont nearly have the rapid fire a semi auto would. Plus a decent recoil, Plus accuracy goes way down the further away you get with a hand gun, esp with a 357. So a kid like the one who shot all those kids, would probably have a shooting accuracy of 30% after 15 yards. Shooting a gun like the bushmaster is so easy to operate, has little recoil, accuracy dramatically increases. A person who has never or barely shot a gun can consistently hit a target with a bushmaster type gun.

You can't expect a gun fanatic to empathize with these families. They just think of themselves and their guns. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. This argument is bogus. Pull your heads out of your asses and get off your high horse, and lets talk about a serious solution.


A person who has never shot a Bushmaster won't even know how to load it, let alone know what the fuck a charging handle is.
As I said before, when you can grow a firearm in your basement under a light then we can compare illegal weed with illegal weapons. Sure there will always be some smiths who could make firearms but not many when compared to the millions of pounds of dope being grown in this country. And my tiny liberal brain (seems you folks always wind up insulting when you run out of decent arguments) has no problem comprehending the difference between a car and a firearm.
Growers didn't know how to grow until they took the time to learn the skill. Plenty of help is available online to those who want to learn.

People interested in learning how to make weapons can easily find the info they need to learn the skill. If stores stop selling guns, people will make them in their basement. All the gunsmithing information is out there.

Check out people making guns with minimal tools in this video: [video=youtube;rT_d9-52D04][/video]
A person who has never shot a Bushmaster won't even know how to load it, let alone know what the fuck a charging handle is.

Ok, someone who has never shot a gun might find it difficult to operate. I am sure you tube has video on how to operate a semi.
My 9 year old nephew can learn in seconds how to operate a semi. How hard is it? Load the clip pull back hard on the lever and shoot. Am I missing a step in those complicated instructions other then take off the safety?

Ok, someone who has never shot a gun might find it difficult to operate. I am sure you tube has video on how to operate a semi.
My 9 year old nephew can learn in seconds how to operate a semi. How hard is it? Load the clip pull back hard on the lever and shoot. Am I missing a step in those complicated instructions other then take off the safety?


You can learn how to build a bomb on youtube it kinda deflates your argument.
Ok, someone who has never shot a gun might find it difficult to operate. I am sure you tube has video on how to operate a semi.
My 9 year old nephew can learn in seconds how to operate a semi. How hard is it? Load the clip pull back hard on the lever and shoot. Am I missing a step in those complicated instructions other then take off the safety?

Missing lots of steps, most importantly the loading operation, which is paramount to a properly operating firearm.

BTW they aren't called clips, clips would be what was used on the ole M-1 Garand en bloc clips. Most firearms use magazines.

what do you do when you pull back hard on the lever and it does not return to battery?

What do you do when the round does not go all the way into the chamber and the rifle is rendered inoperable?

I have seen professed gun owners fumble with an AK Magazine for quite a while before figuring out how to get it into the rifle.

Every manufacturers model of semi auto design is different, what works for one does not necessarily carry over to the next one.
Missing lots of steps, most importantly the loading operation, which is paramount to a properly operating firearm.

BTW they aren't called clips, clips would be what was used on the ole M-1 Garand en bloc clips. Most firearms use magazines.

what do you do when you pull back hard on the lever and it does not return to battery?

What do you do when the round does not go all the way into the chamber and the rifle is rendered inoperable?

I have seen professed gun owners fumble with an AK Magazine for quite a while before figuring out how to get it into the rifle.

Every manufacturers model of semi auto design is different, what works for one does not necessarily carry over to the next one.

Ok fine, but these deranged guys didn't seem to find it that difficult to kill all those people in oregon, aurora or newtown.

Ok, someone who has never shot a gun might find it difficult to operate. I am sure you tube has video on how to operate a semi.
My 9 year old nephew can learn in seconds how to operate a semi. How hard is it? Load the clip pull back hard on the lever and shoot. Am I missing a step in those complicated instructions other then take off the safety?


every 9 year old already knows how to operate a semi.

gription friction, and the sears catalog opened to the lingerie section.
Ok fine, but these deranged guys didn't seem to find it that difficult to kill all those people in oregon, aurora or newtown.

I think the point you are really trying to make is thus: People who have been trained to use guns don't seem to have much trouble using them properly.

Cars are super simple to operate also and can kill almost as easily as a gun can, but no one calls you a bad person for teaching your kid how to drive.

So let me get this straight

bath school disaster in 1927 , killed 38

corckville in 1986 killed no one

poe elementry in 1959 killed 6

OKU in 2005 kill no one

Kanawha county textbook in 1974 killed 1

Stearling hall in 1970 killed 1

Looks like guns have a better success rate. When I say no one walked into a school with a bomb, I don't mean no one has ever walked into a school with a bomb.

Except it isn't a deterrent and that in our modern age guns will not protect your rights and a nation that has over a million man military is not particularly concerned about an armed civilian population.

Unless the military has to kill its family members.
Government is all about prohibition, taking individuals' rights for itself. Alcohol, pot, guns, etc. - it's what they do. If politicians thought guns were that bad, see how quickly they want to disarm their bodyguards and personal security forces. It's the normal citizen they don't want to have protection. This is a matter of the Bill of Rights; its been brutalized enough in the past decade. How much more of our freedom do we want to give away? Constitutional protections are there for times exactly like these, to preserve rights in the face of emotionally charged, majority waves. If the 2nd Amendment can be sidestepped, can't all of them?

Not to feed into your agenda but our government kills far more people than guns deaths in this country. The loopy liberals got their priorities all fucked up, hell I would be willing to trade high capacity magazines if they would get these knuckle dragging LEOs off the road and on the street corner and replace their sidearm with a baton. This day in age with smart phones and digital cameras we now know the people we hire to protect us are as criminal as the people they're trying to catch.