Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
And you believe that why? I recall even the "assault weapon ban" whatever that is, was not reenacted. i can't see where our gun rights have been curtailed recently, hell, we can even carry in Federal parkland. Seems to me that you are believing the NRA propaganda.
here in california the "assault weapon ban" is alive and well, thanks toi a bunch or moronic lefties who think a law will stop the chinese governemnt from shipping THOUSANDS of full auto AK's to Los Angeles for the express purpose of arming the street gangs (lol caught in the act)
of course those same laws do not stop ordinary citizens from acquiring arms in other states, or declining to register and then surrender our existing arms, under the entirely justified assertion that the constitution prohibits these acts entirely.
im considering taking it to the next logical step and buying a thompson in nevada and machining up the parts to make it full auto, just in case The Brahmin In Chief decides to take the final step towards confiscation.