Active Member
If this sort of thing is to be prevented in future, how can that be accomplished?
Maybe properly locking your guns is a start in the right direction. If these guns were stored in a way where he didn't have access to them, then he would not have taken those guns to kill his mom and the kids. Could he have bought a gun at a gun show maybe. But this kid seems like an idiot and pursuing a weapon outside of the home may have been difficult.
I am right in the middle on this one. This is a crazy tragedy is horrible and disscusting and these seem to be more frequent. I think it is a combination of things, bad gun safety, lack of access to mental health help, society that glorifies violent games and movies, no back round check at gun shows or internet purchases. I am sure I am missing other important factors contributing to the rise in gun violence.
On the other hand I feel one day down the road when the worlds super powers are struggling and competing for resources and our country comes under attack I want our citizens to armed ready locked and loaded. I don't want other countries invading us with automatic weapons and we only have handguns and single shot rifles. We all know civilizations come and go and the united states can't last forever, but i'd like to think we could protect ourselves if shit hits the fan.