so what kind of deal do you care providers make with patients?

Not at all. We will have a few spots to fill but in my group there is 4 caregiver/patients + myself. As a total we have 21 patients. That is plenty considering we don't have more then 90 plants EVER at one time. A lot of the patients are in cities most haven't even heard of. We planned ahead ;)

This is exactly what we did. Except we have more patients and more Caregivers. We will see how long this pans out. In the meantime we are compensating our Caregivers very well and getting them mostly licensed as AZ Dispensary Agents as well. We are always looking for more Caregivers that want to work through our Dispensary. Hit us up. We are growers, not biz moguls.
This is exactly what we did. Except we have more patients and more Caregivers. We will see how long this pans out. In the meantime we are compensating our Caregivers very well and getting them mostly licensed as AZ Dispensary Agents as well. We are always looking for more Caregivers that want to work through our Dispensary. Hit us up. We are growers, not biz moguls.

Does your name start with an M? If so I am sure we have already spoken ;) well not personally, but you talked to the "investor" if not it might very well be a possibility. You guys seem like you are on the same page as myself and my group. Who knows, maybe combining forces is what we need to do :) I will send you a pm and we can arrange something. Keep it up man, this state needs more advocates
This is exactly what we did. Except we have more patients and more Caregivers. We will see how long this pans out. In the meantime we are compensating our Caregivers very well and getting them mostly licensed as AZ Dispensary Agents as well. We are always looking for more Caregivers that want to work through our Dispensary. Hit us up. We are growers, not biz moguls.

i kinda know a little about growing. :)

View attachment 2446998
i kinda know a little about growing.

View attachment 2446998

Ever think about changing your screen name to johnny cannabis seed?That is a beautiful sight!
Ever think about changing your screen name to johnny cannabis seed?That is a beautiful sight!

the last halloween party where i dressed up a bit (girlfriends are annoying) was in the early 70s. i went as johnny marijuana seeds. it's in my blood.
Does your name start with an M? If so I am sure we have already spoken ;) well not personally, but you talked to the "investor" if not it might very well be a possibility. You guys seem like you are on the same page as myself and my group. Who knows, maybe combining forces is what we need to do :) I will send you a pm and we can arrange something. Keep it up man, this state needs more advocates

yea for sure. sorry for delay. i don't get on forums too much.

hit me up
Didnt you make most of those seeds? And didn't you just say you are always making more? If so then why not harness the power of crowdsourcing to grow out your genetics. I am sure there are many competent growers on here that would do a great job and he able to provide you with clones of whatever turned out good. Also got any pics of the finished bud from any of those seeds?
Didnt you make most of those seeds? And didn't you just say you are always making more? If so then why not harness the power of crowdsourcing to grow out your genetics. I am sure there are many competent growers on here that would do a great job and he able to provide you with clones of whatever turned out good. Also got any pics of the finished bud from any of those seeds?

i like you all, but until the state gets it's shit together, i'm lying low. old habits die hard but keep me out of trouble.