Sounds like a deal, my setup cost 7 grand.
Sounds like a deal, my setup cost 7 grand.
Here is a question,
If you are a caregiver and you leave your plants unattended for 5 days, what would happen?
Here is a question,
If you are a caregiver and you leave your plants unattended for 5 days, what would happen?
Nobody is entitled to anything, of course. The patient and caregiver have to find something that works for both of them. Many caregivers are patients themselves so they already have a setup. By a patient simply appointing a caregiver at their doc appt, it allows the caregiver to make a pretty penny off the excess. Is it wrong to reward a patient for giving you the ability to grow more, and thus make more meds, edibles, hash, and cash? Seems fair to me. But again, the agreement has to satisfy both parties, and deals can vary. I wouldn't agree to anything that was ridiculous or just didn't work for me. I think the point of the thread was to determine what a "fair deal" is for someone interested in a caregiver. What are some other agreements out there? Do you guys feel like there is a baseline/ starting point for these agreements?
Are you saying that sick people have a right to free healthcare because i have always been in favor of universal healthcare.
if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it?
Nothing like half smart to distort the facts. Obamacare is not universal healthcare. What you are refering to is a public mandate which is not an argumnet anymore. There is no point in even arguing with anyone abput obamacare. It is here to stay and there is not a fucking thing anything can do to stop it no one wants to hear anymore whining. But I never really wanted to get into that discussion but that's what this is basically about. Should sick people get free medical care? Should the caregivers be the ones to pay for it?
We pay for the shit anyways. Anytime someone cant foot the bill we as insured Americans pay for it some how.
The issue is this, our hospitals never turn away a patient - no matter how much money they have or don't have. That is not the best way to treat a sore throat or a cold, but people without healthcare know that they will get treatment at a hospital. So, we pay for it now, through higher costs associated disproportionate care and lack of a preventative plan.
Everyone should have healthcare - how can we be the greatest nation in the world if we are not willing to help and provide for those most in need?
There is no point arguing with the uneducated especially about subjects they are truly uneducated about. Half smart is more dangerous than ignorant.
Ok Professor...
You will find many out of state folks never understand AZ... And I have seen many come and go.!
It's a shame because folks who talk down on others can not have valid arguments because they are always right...
I still like you irieie - slightly!