elementary school shooting in newton ct


Well-Known Member
No link ATM but they're reporting its already perceived to be one of the worst shootings in history.
3 have been confirmed injured no word toward casualties yet but they're projecting over 20 people have been injured. Gunman is dead. Breaking on NBC atm
Im watching live and now they are saying 27 shot 14 fatal, mostly kids. Smdh... People are losin it
Im watching live and now they are saying 27 shot 14 fatal, mostly kids. Smdh... People are losin it

Jesus Christ man. Sickening.. I'm sure the gun grabbers will be having a field day with this as well. At least they were low capacity 9mm pistols and not a "sbr" (scary black rifle). What gets me is that for a day it will be about the kids then the attention will turn to the tool used not the person responsible. Either way I just hope the tragedy stays the focus (of tuis thread and the news..but that seems unlikely as its always a hot issue even without kids being slaughtered.. Poor innocent kids murdered will just become a platform from which the lobbyists of each side will project.

I hope the toll doesn't keep climbing.
Sick arsed mother fucker!!!
same shit happened here many years ago,consequently even owning an air rifle now is a joke.
firearms? What are they?
only takes one prick to ruin it for all.
even though it's enshrined in your constitution,some sort of gun control must come from this,
not the first massacre and shall not be the last!
brain dead half wits,guns and economic ruination= The American massacre story!!
My thoughts go out to the unjustly bereaved families of this deranged psycho!!!
a person that does something like that should be kept alive and torured in the most painful ways for as long as possible before dying the slowest most painful death possible all the while being reminded of the evil they did
I'm sure they do in this day and age but why the curiosity to watch such a thing?

I would focus more on the shooters then the kids being shot. Just curious how psychos like this work. I mean you gotta be pretty gone to do something like this.
a person that does something like that should be kept alive and torured in the most painful ways for as long as possible before dying the slowest most painful death possible all the while being reminded of the evil they did
totally agreed brother!
when after the torture, their heads should be removed using a blunt pen knife!!
it's so fucked up,it's difficult to even comprehend how someone can be so cowardly and callous.
i mean WTF!!! How does someone come up with such an idea, let alone actually carry it out..
fucking retarded sick cunt!
This sickens me deeply. I can't imagine this happening to one of my own. Poor helpless little children, my they rest in peace.
Even though the govt. And religion are seperate (hahaha) such a punishment would be seen as inhumane and vengeful. The relisious sector would freak out... that said I agree. I think u should have to piss in a cup.for welfare. Take a political aptitude test to vote. Plead your reason for seeking abortion before a jury of peers and I'm no man of the Bible but it should be eye for an eye. You rape a baby you should be raped repeatedly with a double barrel 12 Guage then have both triggers pulled simultaneously. You kill someone anyone who cared for them should be allowed to do unto you as u did unto their loved ones... tenfold. But I realize that that is largely irrational lol.
I would focus more on the shooters then the kids being shot. Just curious how psychos like this work. I mean you gotta be pretty gone to do something like this.

There's nothing TO learn. We know how people behave in combat situations, incl. raids. I can't see any reason to watch such a video that isn't prurient. I say no death porn. cn
Shooter was a 20year old living in CT but was possibly a NJ resident previously. Though one person was thought to do the shooting a second person has been taken into custody for questioning. No info was provided on him so far.
Assailant was carrying two handguns 9mm.
Even though the govt. And religion are seperate (hahaha) such a punishment would be seen as inhumane and vengeful. The relisious sector would freak out... that said I agree. I think u should have to piss in a cup.for welfare. Take a political aptitude test to vote. Plead your reason for seeking abortion before a jury of peers and I'm no man of the Bible but it should be eye for an eye. You rape a baby you should be raped repeatedly with a double barrel 12 Guage then have both triggers pulled simultaneously. You kill someone anyone who cared for them should be allowed to do unto you as u did unto their loved ones... tenfold. But I realize that that is largely irrational lol.

You post on a site devoted to fighting the drug war, and you post enemy propaganda? Aiee!

As to the blue ... why? What part of "I don't want to have a baby" would a jury be needed to ratify?? cn