Power Your PC Fans for FREE!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I found out after posting this that this video is a Hoax, there's a hidden battery & switch, would have been pretty cool if it actually worked though, too bad, I guess that's why you should always do some research before posting/starting a thread, live and learn, lol.
I'm having a hard time not laughing at you OP.

Well instead of being rude & laughing at me why don't you just enlighten me as to why its so funny???? I'm not beyond admitting that I'm ignorant in some areas, lots actually to be completely honest, I bet you are too, no matter who you are there's always something to learn, I bet there are several things that you have misconceptions about, however I wouldn't laugh at you I would simply explain why you are wrong, no need to be rude or condescending. I saw this video at 5AM after a 12hr graveyard shift, I was tired as hell and baked as could be so forgive me for taking it at face value, it looked legit to me and the theory seemed sound, I've used those neodymium magnets before and their strong as hell so it seemed possible that it could work, granted the amount of energy "Theoretically" produced by a small fan like that would in most part be negligible but I digress, its common knowledge that north & north & south & south sides of magnets will repel each other, well try that with neodymium magnets and you'll see just how strong they are, those fuckers have some push/pull no joke, that's the energy that's being used, its not like the energy is coming from no were. So if strong magnets were positioned in just the right way, where one magnet pushes another & another & another in a circle, where they just keep coming back in range of each other, like in the vid, wouldn't it just keep spinning???? At 1:54 in the video he takes away the magnets and the fan stops, now unless he has a small battery hooked up with a switch wouldn't it just keep spinning???? (I never saw any battery or him flip a switch so if that's the case it must be a small battery and a very well hidden switch, which is possible), Now maybe this guy is just a trickster and is good with slight of hand, however to me it seems possible that a free energy magnet motor could work, here's another video that looks pretty real (-->CLICK HERE<--), however once again it could be fake so someone please explain to me what I'm missing???
In the video it is shown as a prepetual motion engine, first of all it is impossible, second, the magnets in the fan itself would align accordingly to outer magnetic field (attraction or repulsion depends on the polarity orientation). Thrird, it has to overcome mechanical friction, air friction and has to do work which requires energy, but as no energy is being put in the system then no work can be done by the system.
Magnets wont make anything move unless they are moving themselves or being moved by other magnetic field, which is in sequencial order (for rotation), they will find the spot (position) of the least energy and stay that way if not moved.
So if its not real then how is it working???

If its not the magnets that's making it spin, like logika & others are saying, then it must be a trick of some kind, probably a small battery and switch very well hidden, however I for the life of me couldn't see any battery or him flipping a switch (I watched it several times looking VERY CLOSELY), like I said previously, at 1:54 in the video he takes away the magnets and the fan stops spinning, I didn't see him flip a switch or anything (unless he's VERY GOOD with slight of hand) so if there was a battery hooked up wouldn't it just keep spinning??????
You cannot actually see the end of the wire and small batteries can be hidden in the corner. When i looked at this video second time i noticed he is using magnets in different orientations paralel and perpendicular, so this is not the way it works with magnets at all. From the looks of it he is using magnets from hard disk drives. I could make video of myself using simple button and batteries covered with insulating tape, no prob.


You cannot actually see the end of the wire and small batteries can be hidden in the corner. When i looked at this video second time i noticed he is using magnets in different orientations paralel and perpendicular, so this is not the way it works with magnets at all. From the looks of it he is using magnets from hard disk drives. I could make video of myself using simple button and batteries covered with insulating tape, no prob.

I just tried it with the same kind of magnets (out of a hard drive) and it DID NOT WORK!!!! No matter what configuration I put the magnets in it simply wouldn't work so like logika and others have said this must be a hoax. OK, so obviously the PC magnet motor is fake, however can somebody definitively say weather this video (linked to in Post#4) regarding the Magnet Motor generator is also fake???? It looks like the silver box thing that has the one magnet that spins over the round magnet table is powered some how, why would they make that so big if its just a magnet spinning on a rod??? What do you think?:
Magnet gens ARE possible. What's impossible is replacing everything that runs the way it already does without all the rich people who are in charge stopping people so they don't lose their profits. Do you think they care about making lives easier? They couldn't give a rat's ass.
You can very EASILY make one to run one light bulb. Megnetic flashlights already exist and you only have to shake that one! Derp! THEREFORE many, can run more. Larger ones or those hooked in parallel can run a fridge or a stove.
FURTHERMORE, it would be ILLEGAL to hook one of these up to your home without proper testing, permits, and change in household building legislation.
Yes you need a fuckin switch, otherwise how do you turn the gen off!? Yes you need a battery (or hand crank like old cars) ONLY to get the momentum up to the point where the magnetic force to be able to take over and keep it going ON IT'S OWN - Just like pedaling a bike in higher gear: The faster you go, the easier it is! Then you disconnect the battery. Even IF you had to recrank it every 6 hrs or so, IT'S STILL FREE ENERGY!
The switch adds resistance to the axel to bring the momentum to a place where the magnets do not have enough force to keep it going.

We use to use tiny steams of water to push giant wooden water wheels for power in mills. The force of that water is no where near as powerful as some NON-ELECTRO magnets (Such as the ones in IDE hard drives).
You think the gas, hydro dam, and nuclear companies want this TECH in the world!? No, and that's who discredits this tech the most. That and gullible sheep like those close-minded individuals that only help to make the world a worse place to live.

But that's ok, cuz inventors are always being kicked when they're down. Nikola Tesla is a famous one that got swept under the rug by Thomas Edison. Even Einstein's theories were seen as mad and unfounded in his time. Keep a fucken open mind people or you're going to lose it. Read a goddamn book!
If its not the magnets that's making it spin, like logika & others are saying, then it must be a trick of some kind, probably a small battery and switch very well hidden, however I for the life of me couldn't see any battery or him flipping a switch (I watched it several times looking VERY CLOSELY), like I said previously, at 1:54 in the video he takes away the magnets and the fan stops spinning, I didn't see him flip a switch or anything (unless he's VERY GOOD with slight of hand) so if there was a battery hooked up wouldn't it just keep spinning??????

Just remember how cray easy it is to create a switch that operates via a magnet.
Just remember how cray easy it is to create a switch that operates via a magnet.

Yea that became apparent in the video logika imbedded in Post#9, pretty sneaky but a hoax none the less. So can anyone confirm if the magnet motor generator in the video I imbedded in Post #10 is legit or a hoax as well????? Obviously magnet generators are possible (magnet flashlights like snakeByte mentioned) but I want to know if the one in the video I posted is real???????
That was apparent without any videos to disprove it. I learnt this stuff when I was 15 in physics class.

So you (and I quote) "learnt" that in physics when you were 15, you don't say, well here's a trophy for you:
Why not just buy a small 12v solar panel hook up a 12v fan to it and place the solar panel where the hps hits it? Lights on and free fan, well not completely free since you have to pay for the hps. I think about it everytime I see the small 12v solar panels at Fry's.
Reminds me of this.....

So you (and I quote) "learnt" that in physics when you were 15, you don't say, well here's a trophy for you:

Yes, we learnt the laws of physics. They are rather elementary. Refer to my initial post, where I was suppressing my laughter. You honestly thought you could just create free energy? :D