Power Your PC Fans for FREE!!!!!!

At this point its no longer about being right or wrong, its about you being a complete fucking asshole and for no apparent reason, so far you have ridiculed me, disrespected me, passed judgment on me, called me foolish & stupid, what the fuck did I EVER SAY OR DO TO YOU or anyone for that matter to deserve such crass & rude comments, at least kpmarine is (in most part) being respectful in his retorts, he's not just flat out calling people stupid & foolish, he's simply explaining why he thinks he's right without being rude, condescending or demeaning, I would ask you to do the same but since its obvious civility isn't your strong point I won't waste my breath.

No, this is about you being wrong ;) It has been explained to you why you are wrong, but you keep at the notion, that is why i call you foolish :) And correct, i'm not kpmarmine, i'm me, i do things my way, this is the internet, deal with it. If you don't want to be ridiculed, don't make ridiculous comments.
Believe what you want, SnakeByte. The educated among us realize that your theory is false. The interior magnets in said proposed turbine would reach a state of equilibrium with the outer magnets and stop. Now, if you replaced the interior magnets with coils and spun the turbine, THEN you'd have a generator.

If your "theory" was correct, a single neodymium magnet could levitate another magnet indefinitely, fighting the force of gravity, for free. But in reality we see that the top magnet, no matter how perfectly balanced above the other, eventually (usually in fractions of a second) deviates and falls, typically rotating and attracting as it falls. Unless you have alternative views on the theory of gravity (i.e.,a tunnel through the center of the earth + piston = free energy), there is no way your theory could prove true.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Do you know the word angle? you know Degrees and such? Math?
Yes they would stop if all were facing each other straight and NOT on an angle.
I believe in what I've done and I have made a fan spin with opposite magnetic attraction. A standing fan, hard drive magnets, and super glue.
It didn't create energy and hardly made wind, but when I spun it with my hand the magnets kept it going - continue applying force, IT DOES NOT STOP!
Who said they're free floating???? There is no rotating or falling.
Put those same magnets in a box the same size as them, same poles facing each other, yes one will INDEFINITELY hold up the other.

Never heard of floating magnet sets?

So you guys, who sit on your asses and do NOTHING but speak from theory and not experiment are the ones who can THINK all you like. Dis-creditors don't perform trails only failures.
Do you know the word angle? you know Degrees and such? Math?
Yes they would stop if all were facing each other straight and NOT on an angle.
I believe in what I've done and I have made a fan spin with opposite magnetic attraction. A standing fan, hard drive magnets, and super glue.
It didn't create energy and hardly made wind, but when I spun it with my hand the magnets kept it going - continue applying force, IT DOES NOT STOP!
Who said they're free floating???? There is no rotating or falling.
Put those same magnets in a box the same size as them, same poles facing each other, yes one will INDEFINITELY hold up the other.

Never heard of floating magnet sets?

So you guys, who sit on your asses and do NOTHING but speak from theory and not experiment are the ones who can THINK all you like. Dis-creditors don't perform trails only failures.

Like I said, buddy. Go ahead an patent that shit and become a multi-billionaire. You just made oil obsolete! I shall inform the press so you can make a statement.
Oh man. I have laughed so much, this thread. I've gotta thank you for that. But I'm done debating with you. Your evidence is anecdotal and unfounded, and you speak boldly of empirical evidence, but have none of your own to show. You may one day be a world-renowned physicist (when you grow up) but you'll first have to work on that attitude.
Like I said, buddy. Go ahead an patent that shit and become a multi-billionaire. You just made oil obsolete! I shall inform the press so you can make a statement.

You really need to do research... This is not the only "Free" Energy.

Ethanol is up there too. All you need to do is ferment some corn with water sugar and yeast and then distill the wash to make ethanol. Which can be used as a cleaner burning fuel or even drank. It's moonshine. This should have replaced oil the moment it was discovered.

Oil IS obsolete, WE DO NOT NEED IT ANYMORE! People still use it only cuz the people making money from it don't want to change anything. Seriously, Why would they sacrifice their money to make the world better?
The world runs on money and nothing else, except maybe greed. Which is why it is illegal for the individual to make ethanol without a 5000$ annual permit. In some places you can only obtain a commercial permit. They don't want us to be self sustaining. Where will the money come from??
The faster you get that, the faster you can understand WHY oil is still around.

My evidence has been proven by at least three different COUNTRIES, two of which are Australia and South Korea.
I've personally used these magnets and have been researching the arguments on the subject for over 4 years.
Whereas you guys do NO research and go on the word of some unnamed scientist that you made up. Name me one actual physicist that said magnets cannot spin an axle (and the test they did to PROVE IT).
It's not really perpetual motion as it needs to have a boost to keep up the motion (WHICH WAS DISCUSSED).
DO YOU OWN RESEARCH. Stop living in the past old men.
You really need to do research... This is not the only "Free" Energy.

Ethanol is up there too. All you need to do is ferment some corn with water sugar and yeast and then distill the wash to make ethanol. Which can be used as a cleaner burning fuel or even drank. It's moonshine. This should have replaced oil the moment it was discovered.

Oil IS obsolete, WE DO NOT NEED IT ANYMORE! People still use it only cuz the people making money from it don't want to change anything. Seriously, Why would they sacrifice their money to make the world better?
The world runs on money and nothing else, except maybe greed. Which is why it is illegal for the individual to make ethanol without a 5000$ annual permit. In some places you can only obtain a commercial permit. They don't want us to be self sustaining. Where will the money come from??
The faster you get that, the faster you can understand WHY oil is still around.

My evidence has been proven by at least three different COUNTRIES, two of which are Australia and South Korea.
I've personally used these magnets and have been researching the arguments on the subject for over 4 years.
Whereas you guys do NO research and go on the word of some unnamed scientist that you made up. Name me one actual physicist that said magnets cannot spin an axle (and the test they did to PROVE IT).
It's not really perpetual motion as it needs to have a boost to keep up the motion (WHICH WAS DISCUSSED).
DO YOU OWN RESEARCH. Stop living in the past old men.

You are claiming that you can get more energy out than you put in. That means something that can propel itself forever once it's started. That is perpetual motion. I know what ethanol is, it isn't free. That's entirely another subject though, and has no bearing on your magnetic generator that creates more energy than you put in.
Nope. Read it all again. Claiming you can get out exactly what you put in. Except the magnets take some "weight" off the load.
Think of it more like a device to extend the life of, or ease the load of another energy supply.
Like if a piston only had to fire half or a third of the time to create the same amount of energy. Like super bearings.
Come one folks! It's really not rocket surgery... :P
Hence for the need of a battery and alternator.
Nope. Read it all again. Claiming you can get out exactly what you put in. Except the magnets take some "weight" off the load.
Think of it more like a device to extend the life of, or ease the load of another energy supply.
Like if a piston only had to fire half or a third of the time to create the same amount of energy. Like super bearings.
Come one folks! It's really not rocket surgery... :P
Hence for the need of a battery and alternator.

You were claiming that you could use a car battery to power a house with your generator, and charge the battery to boot.

So what if you have to keep it going every 6 hrs? Use a car battery to keep it going, with an alternator. The gen will last you a year. 200$ to power your home all year still sounds pretty god dam free to me.
Here^^^ Is where you actually finalize that claim.

First it was generators powered solely by magnets, then it was a battery kick starting it, now it's just a low-friction bearing; seriously, pick where this goalpost is going to sit.
How is ethanol free? The corn takes energy to grow, and then it takes energy to distill.

There are many different varieties of corn and that are hybrid. The maturity dates are relative to the type; and the actual number of days to harvest varies also from year to year and location to location. It takes anywhere between 58 days to 100 days to harvest corn depending upon the hybrid type and the ear size.

Through research performed at Cornell University, we know that 1 acre of land can yield about 7,110 pounds (3,225 kg) of corn, which can be processed into 328 gallons (1240.61 liters) of ethanol. That is about 26.1 pounds (11.84 kg) of corn per gallon.

kpmarine said:
[B]SnakeByte[/B] said:
Nope. Read it all again. Claiming you can get out exactly what you put in. Except the magnets take some "weight" off the load.
Think of it more like a device to extend the life of, or ease the load of another energy supply.
Like if a piston only had to fire half or a third of the time to create the same amount of energy. Like super bearings.
Come one folks! It's really not rocket surgery... :P
Hence for the need of a battery and alternator.

You were claiming that you could use a car battery to power a house with your generator, and charge the battery to boot.

[B]SnakeByte[/B] said:
So what if you have to keep it going every 6 hrs? Use a car battery to keep it going, with an alternator. The gen will last you a year. 200$ to power your home all year still sounds pretty god dam free to me.
Here^^^ Is where you actually finalize that claim.

First it was generators powered solely by magnets, then it was a battery kick starting it, now it's just a low-friction bearing; seriously, pick where this goalpost is going to sit

Besides the low-friction bearing (More like no friction bearing plus booster) cuz that's more or less what it is.

You must be trolling me... None of what you just pointed out is true... My statements never changed but only in perspective to help EVERYONE wrap your minds around the concept. All the examples I've given you are all about the same one thing. I NEVER said it would run SOLELY on Magnets. I said that magnets are capable of turning/spinning an axel/turbine/shaft.

Read up on what an ALTERNATOR is. It doesn't charge the battery, it KEEPS the battery charged. They are in every car ever made. Without it your car wouldn't run for a week on one battery.
-Why do you think the car won't start if you leave your lights on overnight? Cuz the alternator has no power to keep the battery charged when the car is not running.
-Why can you drive around with a dead battery? Cuz the Alternator keeps the battery charged.

That being said: It is the alternator that is responsible for taking a charge off the energy source whose load is being decrease by large amounts by a generator that has a turbine/axel/shaft (Which has incredible ease to keep in motion BECAUSE OF THE MAGNETS) WHICH is then in turn attached to resistance which creates the power We use to run our home.

NOW, the battery AND alternator can be replaced by ANY OTHER ENERGY SOURCE (including hand cranking ever so often). As mention earlier, it CAN be powered by a car battery and would be intended to be use to extend the life, ease the load, or boost the capacity of any source of energy.
Have One to run your fridge, One to run your stove, One to run lights....

And I just figured out why most people think it'll just "Stop"... If the magnets are PULLING on each other to make a motion, yes, they will stop and actually provide MORE resistance.
The pole must be pushing. North to north, or south to south. Not North and South or any mix of the two.

Same poles on an angle will be compelled to be pushed away into the path of another pushing force when placed in sequence.
People say that the energy comes from nowhere but it comes from two opposing forces pushing on eachother using an outside force to get it going.
Like hurricanes or tornadoes using the hot and cold wind to create their own larger source of power.
How is ethanol free? The corn takes energy to grow, and then it takes energy to distill.

There are many different varieties of corn and that are hybrid. The maturity dates are relative to the type; and the actual number of days to harvest varies also from year to year and location to location. It takes anywhere between 58 days to 100 days to harvest corn depending upon the hybrid type and the ear size.

Through research performed at Cornell University, we know that 1 acre of land can yield about 7,110 pounds (3,225 kg) of corn, which can be processed into 328 gallons (1240.61 liters) of ethanol. That is about 26.1 pounds (11.84 kg) of corn per gallon.

As for ethanol, it is next to free - once you get the ball rolling. It's just a simple procees you can perform even in your kitchen. (though not for the amount you'd need to run a home, a small shed would do)

The energy it takes to grow is mostly just done by the sun, water, and nutrients... then modified equipment (which would run on ethanol).
Plus you don't need to use JUST the kernel. The whole plant can be used. What you want is the plants sugars.
Not only that but you can make ethanol from hundreds of different plants but potatoes, corn, rice, and grains produce the most efficiently.
Just plug it into the phone line. There is always some small amount of voltage coming out of the wall jack for free.