Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
I was excited when I got the clone, but then had to move never flowered her. She and others got sick and just got tossed outside in October sometime.
I wonder if I can take a cut from her still and clone it lol.

Can you recreate her??
Yes, a buddy of mine has grand daddy and I have a ton of master kush seeds.


Well-Known Member
Yes, a buddy of mine has grand daddy and I have a ton of master kush seeds.
I hope you find the same one again bro!!

The GDP I grew was the best weed I have had so far for sex, thats all I really remember about her.

I hope you find a c99 like mine also, and I hope my new ones replaces my old one that died...Smoked some of her last buds 2 days ago. The high is in layers..not just up or down, but both with euphoria and laughter in the middle as well.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey T what's going on. I was surfing last night and came across the express' thread. Did you see the clip of the monkey skull fuking the frog? That was so funny/sick hahahaha!! Kind of wish I hadn't seen it lol.

Yo aev this is how the bubbamaster f1s came about. With the bubba x master beans that I had from you I ended up with 2 males and 2 females. The females in the sink are the 2 females. I took pollen from both males and spluffed both females and then mixed all of the resulting beans together.

I'll give you a brief description of the 2 females,,,#1 on the left and very hard very frosty buds but not as much smell or taste whereas #2 had a little softer buds but a real nice smell taste and high. I would have kept # 2 but I lost it after only a few generations


Well-Known Member
Hey T what's going on. I was surfing last night and came across the express' thread. Did you see the clip of the monkey skull fuking the frog? That was so funny/sick hahahaha!! Kind of wish I hadn't seen it lol.

Yo aev this is how the bubbamaster f1s came about. With the bubba x master beans that I had from you I ended up with 2 males and 2 females. The females in the sink are the 2 females. I took pollen from both males and spluffed both females and then mixed all of the resulting beans together.

I'll give you a brief description of the 2 females,,,#1 on the left and very hard very frosty buds but not as much smell or taste whereas #2 had a little softer buds but a real nice smell taste and high. I would have kept # 2 but I lost it after only a few generations
Awesome ive never heard of anyone mixing pollens before...great idea as to explore more of the genetics of a particular strain.


Well-Known Member
You can take a cut in flower and get it to take and reveg... just take as many as you can in case they don't all root.


Active Member
topping HC style ...if i recall correctly that is at the 4th node? and then again at the what node? and how bigs that pot?


Active Member
cool cool love to see them Tryna. I tried topping my HotHoes that i am growing in coco reall early like i do my hyro girlz. big mistake! plus under 600 watt hps. talk about halting growth. terrible terrible mistake im a bad girl spank me.


Well-Known Member
cool cool love to see them Tryna. I tried topping my HotHoes that i am growing in coco reall early like i do my hyro girlz. big mistake! plus under 600 watt hps. talk about halting growth. terrible terrible mistake im a bad girl spank me.
Give em 4-5 days and they will recover and start growing again

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Oh cONkey you make me laugh ;) Come on over baby I'll spank you!

The rosepots are 1.75 gal and are what I normally use. Those 2 big bushes that came down yesterday though were in 3.5 gal containers. As far as topping the second time, I try and lop their little heads off about 3 weeks before they are going to get flipped. By that time they are getting their grow back on and the nodes are still tight.

Pretty funny T and I were talking about that the other day and I noticed afterwards that the run that just got flipped about 5 days ago never got topped the second time (forgot) and now they are going to be double cola plants but because they were topped earlythe bud sites are not tight to the stalk like I prefer but are all wasting energy growing out and away from the stalk

Just finished giving the budroom a good cleaning sitting down for a few right now with a coffee and a bong of DOG before I water the harum that's out in the kitchen lol :)


Active Member
high caveboy, hope you had a sweelllllll weekend.
we had lost touch for while and i wanted to show you something special i grew while I was away.
i was just going through some old photos and though you might like this one!! it was my last waterfarm Casey Jones Scrog 18.5 oz.
have an aweome work week!!
View attachment 2436545

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Real nice yeild on that scrog sweet baby blue eyes! Very impressive thanks for posting!! I'm trying to think of a nickname for you hmmmm,,,I like sweet baby blue eyes but that's to long. Baby blue? Blue eyes? Ambs lol? Baby blue eyes!

Weekend was so so. I trimmed most of the day on saturday and then had to play catch up yesterday. Ima farmer baby blue eyes, my work week is 7 days long lol. Some days are easier than others though and I take a lot of breaks ;). Trying to adjust to being single again, just ended a 5 1/2 yr relationship. First time I have been alone in almost 25 yrs and it's kind of sad and lonely. Just trying to adjust.

You have yourself a good week too hon hope it goes by quick for you, I know you work like a slave. I would visit your thread but then you would prolly see all the uk boys leave. Later


Well-Known Member
high caveboy, hope you had a sweelllllll weekend.
we had lost touch for while and i wanted to show you something special i grew while I was away.
i was just going through some old photos and though you might like this one!! it was my last waterfarm Casey Jones Scrog 18.5 oz.
have an aweome work week!!
View attachment 2436545
Might be an old photo, but I am impressed!! Nice work!


Active Member
thanks for the compliments.. ambz would be just great! im sure the perfect women will come around for you and you wont be sad and lonely for very long.I admire your farming dedication. Do you have animals on your farm? Its hard work but very rewarding . good for the soul. Id love for you to visit my thread whenever you desire, but dont feel any obligation, its cool if you dont. and dont worry about what other people think especially those pUnkZ from across the pond.... just free flow brotha! LOL>.
i know eXactly how it feelz though going on peoples threadz you really like and CRINGING when you see some people on there. hahaha..i certainly have my share of haterz but i dont give a fuck. i wonder if we cringe at the same names.! Ha! like that fuckin asshole _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
who me and lordjin fuckin hate so much.. what an arrogant fuck and all these idiots worship him. its so GROSS! like gag me with a fuckin spoon.LOLOLOL. puff puff puff pass the CASEY!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss or congrats on your freedom, whichever fits best.

There's only a few threads I visit to avoid crap I hear about that is on this site.