Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Thanks voidman appreciate it brother and it would be congrats that I'm a free bird ;)

Getting an order ready of DBL GA and some NHK to head down the pipeline so I can get some bills paid lol. Hey you guys should post some pics over at aevs thread of the blueberry cuts that you guys are running down there. That's who gave me those and I didn't really need them. Still have 4 blueberry beans left from Peak that dizz gave me. Gave the others to our long lost brother chris lmao.

Later man have a good one!
Damn i couldn't get no blueberry hc? lol, im just fuckin with you. that blue cheese bean i found popped in 24hours the i was de-shelling it and i broke its head, oh well. like i never had it.
I'll see if I got pics from my run. I ended up losing most of my cuts somehow sadly. I flowered out and end up losing the clone I took. I was looking forward to getting some back soon but shit happens sadly.
Damn i couldn't get no blueberry hc? lol, im just fuckin with you. that blue cheese bean i found popped in 24hours the i was de-shelling it and i broke its head, oh well. like i never had it.

Ah shit that's a bummer. I've done that once or twice too.

The male blue bubbamaster has been isolated for a couple of days now, he's doing his thang lol. Be pollinating the two females in the next day of so which is cool. The sb x bd are truckin along nicely going to be good size. There is a male sb x bd that will be ready to spuff those two girls in about a week. I knew that I was cutting it close having two males in flower at the same time just made sure they were a little staggered
i just found seeds in some clones i took from a plant that was barely flowering weeks ago. the seed are dark n finished. so i'm guessing thats why they were re-vegging so long. i trimmed it up n collected the seeds. the seeds most def were not there when i cloned so it got pollinated in veg and finished the seeds out under 24h light.
i just found seeds in some clones i took from a plant that was barely flowering weeks ago. the seed are dark n finished. so i'm guessing thats why they were re-vegging so long. i trimmed it up n collected the seeds. the seeds most def were not there when i cloned so it got pollinated in veg and finished the seeds out under 24h light.

Well that's a new one. Sometimes there are some gems in those accidental crosses. Found a jar with a few buds of nhk in a jar yesterday. Smoked those now I'm down to a little grape apollo and a dog bud. Got a dog coming down tomorrow though and a run of 5 nhk and a c4 that start coming down on fri.

Good look with those beans!
How ya doing ambz. I'm a pot farmer silly although this used to be a small working farm a long time ago. Got a barn attached the farmhouse. Got lots of cousins around who are dairy farmers though, big dairy state here :) And the only animals are cats and a dog!

passing back DOG>>>>>>>>>>

There is an asteroid that, in 2029 will pass so close to the earth that it will be closer than the comunication satellites that orbit the earth. AND THEN RETURNS 7 YEARS LATER. Exactly how close said asteroid will be when it returns in 2036 cannot be calculated because the EARTHS GRAVITY will have altered it's path slightly when it goes by in 2029. And not in a good way.

Not being mr gloom and doom haha but I am a realist. In 1908 a meteor broke through the atmospere and exploded just above siberia and flattened 2000 sq miles of forest. I would like to think that history does not repeat itself but it does.
Thanks for the links...I went to another that had footage. Pretty amazing.......especially on this OG#18!! ATB!
Pretty looking bud droman nice job thanks for posting it!

i thought the end of the world was the 21st, your all invited once again to my end of the world/birthday bash too.

what are you serious. im going to a 12-12-12 party tonite. whers the party at? yeah the end of the world is the 21st. but my friend told me that that Myan prediction was outdated .they found another room behind the room where they found that predicition. and in the new room they said that it was a mistake and it wasnt really going to happen.
The 21st is also when a rare celestial occurance happens. Every 26,000 yrs the earth, the sun and a part of the milky way galaxy called the dark rift (center of this galaxy) will be in exact allignment when the sun comes up. It's called the dark rift and there are no stars there because it's theorized that there is a black hole there. Anyone know what happened about 26,000 yrs ago?

I'm not really into speculation, more into facts
Yo hc, i love all the end of the world or economic or spiritual tragedy talk. ive heard so any opinions n what not. its hard for me to believe anything, im a skeptic to a fault.