If I were younger, I could make solid use of the puntential ... and suggest both the tree and the placement. Alas, I am old. cn

Yup! You are! I imagine someone much younger joking about taking pole position!

I like the horizontal growing, but where's Waldo??

Its not horizontal- I just tilted the camera! Waldo is with me btw!

Trim that bush and you'll find something


Kuroi!! That's not the sort of chopping I had in mind for you! :)
How many angles or what body part can you focus on and how many guys have a pretty face? All most can show off with is a dick pictures which don't really do much for me.

Why u think I like women. So much beauty to look at before they even take anything off..
How many angles or what body part can you focus on and how many guys have a pretty face? All most can show off with is a dick pictures which don't really do much for me.

Why u think I like women. So much beauty to look at before they even take anything off..

nice... i like women to.. lol
I never really got the whole dick pic thing until Recently. Well I still dont get it. But fuck it... I'll send it :p
how many angles or what body part can you focus on and how many guys have a pretty face? All most can show off with is a dick pictures which don't really do much for me.

Why u think i like women. So much beauty to look at before they even take anything off..

:o penis photos ftw.
go horde lol. Not sure how one would be creative with a dick pic, I'm thinking, hanging upside down from a pull up bar, one hand on each..bar..

I like to send a picture of my dick with a sunset in the background. (They love that shit) Or since I'm in the christmas spirit I might have a Christmas tree in the background . Get creative .
my inbox is always open boys;)

How many angles or what body part can you focus on and how many guys have a pretty face? All most can show off with is a dick pictures which don't really do much for me.

Why u think I like women. So much beauty to look at before they even take anything off..

Good thing your not God or Dike queen of the universe. We wouldn't have a have human race after 100 years of your reign. Pussy + Pussy = no re-production same goes for homo dick play ewewewwew!

Man I'm glad my wife's hot, and loves my cockaosaurs!

But, dike love is far more tolerant & sexy then gay man butt sex! EEEEWEWEWWEWEWWWWWEWEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWE