go horde lol. Not sure how one would be creative with a dick pic, I'm thinking, hanging upside down from a pull up bar, one hand on each..bar..

Can't get creative? I want one this year with a Xmas theme. Like wrapping oneself up in Xmas lights (could cause a real shock) or perhaps just a piece of tinsel. I'll have to ask nicely but I'm sure my man will do it. I think the best would be if he stuck a fairy on the end of it - yeah I could relate to that !! (please baby...xx)
Good thing your not God or Dike queen of the universe. We wouldn't have a have human race after 100 years of your reign. Pussy + Pussy = no re-production same goes for homo dick play ewewewwew!

Man I'm glad my wife's hot, and loves my cockaosaurs!

But, dike love is far more tolerant & sexy then gay man butt sex! EEEEWEWEWWEWEWWWWWEWEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWE

Latent homosexual urges I sense, cannot repress!

You like the cock, I'm here to tell you it's OK. Just accept it.
I'm the one in the middle.

Can't get creative? I want one this year with a Xmas theme. Like wrapping oneself up in Xmas lights (could cause a real shock) or perhaps just a piece of tinsel. I'll have to ask nicely but I'm sure my man will do it. I think the best would be if he stuck a fairy on the end of it - yeah I could relate to that !! (please baby...xx)
I'll take a photo shoot with ya.. I'll wear this lol.jpg
.. Oh and you ;)
Can't get creative? I want one this year with a Xmas theme. Like wrapping oneself up in Xmas lights (could cause a real shock) or perhaps just a piece of tinsel. I'll have to ask nicely but I'm sure my man will do it. I think the best would be if he stuck a fairy on the end of it - yeah I could relate to that !! (please baby...xx)

sausage pizza . open the box ...........go ahead i made it myself
lol nah i keep checking back here for one though.. lol, riu detective squad was on him in like 5 minutes flat
lol nah i keep checking back here for one though.. lol, riu detective squad was on him in like 5 minutes flat

That was hilarious! He's probably trying to get a 'real' girl now (incl himself in the pic) although I doubt he'll manage it. In fact I don't think he could manage his way out of a paper bag!