Cold pussy?

My real concern is that far to many animals were harmed in order to film this , and it should be a reminder to be hip with Bob Barker .. Spay and Neuter your animals and help the problem of over population ..

Sad to say this lady probably began this madness with good intention , like so many do . I dont understand how nobody else intervened before it got this far .. Damn dont you think it smelled for miles around of death and animal feces ? I can only imagine as I gag now ..

I pray and hope that the living animals alive were able to be adopted out and not destroyed due to health and being feral ! I cant bare to watch more than the clip itself ..PotSnob
Dude it wasn't just full of her cats. That crazy lady was picking up road kill and bringing it home to house in her fridge of horror. I was absolutly shocked she wasn't put in a hospital to have an eval done on her mental state.
Or 30 years after its cool...

"boning". cn

It's kinda funny when you think about it.. I go on RIU to learn about growing pot.. And this pops up... Who would have thunk