The Weed Nerd~

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We just watched the Weed Nerd Episode #102. Great show. We are excited to see that Subcool is working with another Oregon award winning strain. Sub mentioned that it was a strain from Ray, the breeder responsible for Oregon Blues. We wanted to make a clarification: Medicine Woman is a strain bred by D. Verstoppen. He has been a frequent Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards winner with this strain, and another one he created called Dynamite. Last year, Verstoppen's Medicine Woman was the highest tested THC in the competition and took home 2nd overall.
It's the same guy :) we use nick names generally esp since Hightimes Posted his Info and he was robbed at Gunpoint last year!!
Anything but water and ice to extract with for concentrates is whack and I am not participating

Well said. I don't understand this butane craze. Butane extractions (*in my opinion*) are harsh, don't taste very good, and for whatever reason they usually send me into a fit of sneezing when I smoke them.

None for me, thank you. I'll stick with my bubble :)

Edited to fix all my iPhone autocorrects.....
I dont mean to be rude but i was so hyped up when i saw this episode was on A-13, now that i've watched it i feel like i havent learn anything...
You said it: it's pretty hard to find info on that specific strain, would it be possible to get more infos on the phenotype and the "behavior" of that baby?

Have a dank day :)
been on the fence about what to order this made my mind up...A-13....ordered 400 dollars worth last year from another 1 keeper far...a fellow weed nerd sent me AOS and THA FLAV over the summer....started 4 seeds got 4 female and 4 keeper phenos......dirty
been on the fence about what to order this made my mind up...A-13....ordered 400 dollars worth last year from another 1 keeper far...a fellow weed nerd sent me AOS and THA FLAV over the summer....started 4 seeds got 4 female and 4 keeper phenos......dirty
that's killer bro!.....nugs
Watching episode 102 just made my day. Is the description you were reading posted anywhere? It made me so excited about growing Apollo 13. Subcool, that was very inspiring. Thank you!
It's the same guy :) we use nick names generally esp since Hightimes Posted his Info and he was robbed at Gunpoint last year!!
Thanks for the clarification. When we spoke with the person who created Medicine Woman at the OMCA's it was a different person than the breeder of the Mad Scientist and Oregon Diesel so we assumed they were two different people. We became friends with both breeders, and it does not appear as though they work together. Also, Skunk Magazine has pictures of the 1'st, 2'nd and 3'rd place winners. The article and pictures state that a different person is the creator of Medicine Woman.
We don't want to step on any toes or speak when its not our place, but we're sure that if they are in fact two different breeders, that the breeder of Medicine Woman would be ecstatic to know that his work is being tested for an international seed company.
Hey Sub - I dried mine at room temp with a paper towel circle held on to the small ball jar with a lid ring. I wish I had known to keep it cooler.

Malawi Gold IWE Before Drying:




Been raining here too - no rivers or waterfalls though. Killer poem and reading :)

Look what I found after the rain stopped:


It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow hehe

Keep it sticky,
Thanks for the clarification. When we spoke with the person who created Medicine Woman at the OMCA's it was a different person than the breeder of the Mad Scientist and Oregon Diesel so we assumed they were two different people. We became friends with both breeders, and it does not appear as though they work together. Also, Skunk Magazine has pictures of the 1'st, 2'nd and 3'rd place winners. The article and pictures state that a different person is the creator of Medicine Woman.
We don't want to step on any toes or speak when its not our place, but we're sure that if they are in fact two different breeders, that the breeder of Medicine Woman would be ecstatic to know that his work is being tested for an international seed company.

I should further clarify that there is a father and a son I've seen Rays Ommp award but I will ask him myself about this and thanks I'm gonna assume It's Just Ray and Mushmouth entering things but I will dig

I gotta say i Love the name Nurse Jackie I love that show lol. Is that how the name came to be? It must be like a pain killer since thats Nurse Jackies thing. No i dont know if you came up with the name from the show but i do dig it.

Beat me to it :)

Raised my scissors to you, sub :) I got into it when bros Grimm were on their way out only Apollo 11 was around -- getting ahold of Genius and Apollo 13 were my first 'i gotta get those'/holy grail strains. Apollo 11 is still a fave of mine to this day -- Apollo 13 is definitely not a twin. When I started growing again, A13 is what got me into TGA -- now i'm tga all the way :) Us real weed nerdz are up til late at night while everyone else is sleepin, trimmin our asses off. It is definitely not easy work, but the satisfaction you get if you're a nerd type is worth it for sure (not to mention always having your own non stop supply of dank ;) ) -- my props to those out there like me keepin one foot in the real world working a full time job and their other one in their dream garden. Juggling a job, family and largish home grow is an art :)

This was my Dr. Quinn, medicine woman from mr nice stock - very potent, awesome yield (over 4 oz), but the flavor wasn't there for me and made me too sleepy (let her go a bit long)

We can't wait to try the Nurse Jackie and see TGA's influence on a strain we have already grown. Here are a few pics of our Medicine Woman to get you all excited about the new cross:

Medicine Woman.jpgMedicine Woman 2.jpg
All the info is from my article in Hightimes
Google Subcool Apollo-13
Thats how I found it :)


I'm a stupid f..k, my apology for the comment when the infos were lying under my eyes, sometimes your start typing stupid shit , over-analyzing the porblem...
I'll be sure to read this article with great care!

Have a dank day!
Suggestions for a Name
Harliquin X JTR were stumped.

J and J you may be right about the creator or medicine woman I only talk to Ray at events and he keeps me pretty tore up you were there so I will defer to you in this case I just wanted you to know this.
I'm now thing Ray just has a very special phenotype.


funny you mention it, I was just thinking.... my wife reads a lot of crappy novels (girl porn). Some are printed by Harlequin Press.

Anyway, makes me think of those crappy novels every time, lol.
Jessie Ray says your dead on him and D are friends and trade work.
Great call now we have the whole story

Were calling The Sweet Irish Kush X JTR Mickey Kush
Did you know Jack the Ripper used to slip his victims "Mickey's
Suggestions for a Name
Harliquin X JTR were stumped.

J and J you may be right about the creator or medicine woman I only talk to Ray at events and he keeps me pretty tore up you were there so I will defer to you in this case I just wanted you to know this.
I'm now thing Ray just has a very special phenotype.



Jacquin , I'll try and come up with a few more
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