I don't get it all either - Guess that comes from not caring too much - the more the merrier I suppose - I sure don't have a beef with the Dr. and don't know enough to have opinion on him. I set tile for a living - don't like my work call someone else - I'll figure it out. Can't help but think of hic here: he said he got his old Dr. in Court/license trouble for not properly 'diagnosing' him with Asperger's - the 'American Shrink Association' just tossed out Asperger's as a diagnosis! Autism - not some special class of sick - so looks like the hic and the Dr. both got fucked with no grease in that deal. For what?I am going to have to reread this in the morning. This is way the fuck out of control, as far as being about me. I am searching for
an eject button no fucking doubt about it. I seen the dr on here, fucking curiosity got me, I knew to sit back for a week of two and see
the sides, cuz I knew it meant some division. I fucking knew better. Now I;m in this bullshit, new shoes on, just fucking covered.
I getting drunk. Fucking Lions. wtf
"Insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person becoming a danger to themselves or others, though not all such acts are considered insanity." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InsanityInsanity?
Commando all the way. Let them boys rockPersonally, I free ball as I do not care for restrictions![]()
I still seem to fit in here somehow![]()
Here's my 2 cents:
Like everything else in America, greed and profit run the show. Nothing is sacred here. Not your religion, your health, the food you eat, or the weed that you grow and smoke. Everything is for sale, and there are a million greedy fucks out there that will find a way to squeeze every last penny of profit out of something.
Not necessarily. I will use Canada as an example. They have removed the profit motive from delivering health care. There is a single payer system, and if you are a Canadian citizen, you receive health care. No questions asked. Here in America, if you have the MONEY (or coverage) you receive health care. If you don't, you end up living in a cardboard box, or filing bankruptcy due to medical bills.Thats not solely a American trait it is human nature and always has been. No matter where you are on our fine planet. Its the way of the road bubs.
No offense meant, but I hear these stories all the time. They're just that ..... stories.Do you kno what Canadian doctors are tellin mothers with complications near the American border?? Don't trust our system cross the border and let America take care of it.
You make some good points. You are 100% correct in saying that it has more to do with government regulation, but then again, I think the government should be representative of it's people. In the case of health care, I know for a fact that the vast majority of Canadian citizens are happy that they have the health care system that they do their as opposed to a for profit capitalistic system that we have here.That's because you've taken out the human element by restricting it heavily with government restrictions. You could make the argument that Colorado fits in the same category as Canada with mmj meaning that greed is not solely a American trait. Once again it's the human element. If you don't have a set of rigid laws and standards held by a government the grey areas are where the faults of the human element show through. The way America has approached mmj and Canada has approached mmj is not based on money and greed it's based on different societies and histories which leads to a more progressive approach by the Canadian government instead of the U.S. who has a history of letting the far right control drug policy and spearheaded the war on drugs.
And when you talk about healthcare in Canada your talking about increased government control/ interaction once again checking the money grab we have been experiencing domestically on the health care front over the past couple of decades. What I find interesting is a lot of the growers I talk to think the state of Michigans authority over mmj is already sufficient and shouldn't be increased. I'm all for functioning government that can regulate a market but I would say the majority of the mmj community is extremely against increased government presence in the program even if it were to blatantly benefit the community.