600w multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
nice DWC bucket. the only thing i would do different is have the air hose come thru from the top lid. it should make changing the water easier. get a 2nd bucket then it is as easy as changing the lid over. otherwise ya gotta find somewhere to set the lid/plant while you do a water change. and it will give you a chance to clean the old bucket. AND you may want to add some sort of level indicator on there. just so you can visibly see how much water is in their without popping the lid.


Well-Known Member
nice DWC bucket. the only thing i would do different is have the air hose come thru from the top lid. it should make changing the water easier. get a 2nd bucket then it is as easy as changing the lid over. otherwise ya gotta find somewhere to set the lid/plant while you do a water change. and it will give you a chance to clean the old bucket. AND you may want to add some sort of level indicator on there. just so you can visibly see how much water is in their without popping the lid.
yeah i have another bucket and i can easily drill new hole in the lid thanks for that info i will make some changes tomorow :)


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worry about the water level indicator. light is bad and it makes checking the level a little harder, but to be honest a little light wont hurt and checking the actual roots daily, to me seems a good thing. plus all the hassle of DIYing and elbow and bulkhead just to hold a clear tube to check the water level just doesn't seem worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worry about the water level indicator. light is bad and it makes checking the level a little harder, but to be honest a little light wont hurt and checking the actual roots daily, to me seems a good thing. plus all the hassle of DIYing and elbow and bulkhead just to hold a clear tube to check the water level just doesn't seem worth it to me.

I used a half inch size fish tank tube. No elbow needed. No leaks either. I used to add nutes thru it then blow on it lol. You can also use it to drain out water if needed.


Well-Known Member
im probabally just going ot dial it in and keep a blue cheese mother in it. i may do the water level thing but im definatly going to take your advise on re routing the hoses for easier rez change.


Well-Known Member
so i checked my cloner a few days ago and have been getting kinda dissapointed as all my clones are staying a nice healthy green but not growing any roots and it has been about 16 days. I noticed a couple of the sprayer were clogged so cleaned em out and checked today and it looks like everything is starting to form white bumps around the part where i cut so hoping by this weekend i have some nice roots. Got some small rockwool cubes for clones to go into after the cloner. I will put them into the soaked rockwool with a bit of clnex and then plant them in small starter pots im hoping this allows the clone to establish a nice root system in the rockwool before they venture into the soil. And in hopes speeds up the time it takes my clones to start putting on new growth.


Well-Known Member
so i checked my cloner a few days ago and have been getting kinda dissapointed as all my clones are staying a nice healthy green but not growing any roots and it has been about 16 days. I noticed a couple of the sprayer were clogged so cleaned em out and checked today and it looks like everything is starting to form white bumps around the part where i cut so hoping by this weekend i have some nice roots. Got some small rockwool cubes for clones to go into after the cloner. I will put them into the soaked rockwool with a bit of clnex and then plant them in small starter pots im hoping this allows the clone to establish a nice root system in the rockwool before they venture into the soil. And in hopes speeds up the time it takes my clones to start putting on new growth.
may as well bubble clone. you need a fine spray and to just let it run, you should be seeing nubs in a week roots in 2, anything over that your system is flawed :(
get a filter bag for your pump at the hydro shop or pet store next time your up there it will prevent a lot of being pissed about clogs.


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres a pic update, everything is doing awesome...i thin this will be my best harvest yet.

going to try a 12/12 from rooted clone and see how that works out, if well i may go with the SoG style. im really up in the air right now as far as how to utilize my space and $$ and time to get the most out of my grow.



Well-Known Member
Looking very sweet M8,

I am in the first few weeks of my intial grow. I hope I can share some pics in the future that look as good as these do.

Looking forward to more.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
you have a journal going?

best advice i can give is toi make sure you add in a bit of dolomite lime when you mix your soil this will keep your PH balanced.


Well-Known Member
man this thread sucks....if your subbed up and shit say something dammit i feel like im talking to myself
dont feel bad my thread be the same damn way i feel as if im talking to myself all the time, but fuck it, i just show my shit off regardless of peoples feelings on it. half the time from the way you and i post there is not much to say unless there is some small detail about the grow someone like, IE strain, setup, nutes.

just stay at it fuck everybody else its looking like you need a rep hug!:)


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA poly thanks man i figure if people arent saying much its because im doing it right as people love to chime in to tell someone they are doing shit wrong. just wish more convo topics would be started in here. My first threads there was always convorsation going on.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA poly thanks man i figure if people arent saying much its because im doing it right as people love to chime in to tell someone they are doing shit wrong. just wish more convo topics would be started in here. My first threads there was always conversation going on.
must have been doing shit wrong back then lol, or some crazy scenario.

naw but your stuff looking good smooth sailing:) ive been working so i havent had much time to really get on here any more


Well-Known Member
looks good, but your skills are way past that now, for sure, your plants right now are looking better by a longshot. much denser growth and more foliage. but those look like they where some dense buds considering the sparse foilage.