Well-Known Member
ive smoked my fair share of opium pops..... shit is fun has hell and taste awesome...
tea is even betta

and nobody in the right mind would try to produce opium for profit in the US, takes way too much, way too much work, and just not enough payoff.
cannabis in high quantities gives you MUCH more profit for MUCH less work. makes sense. the true war on opium is the war on the INFORMATION, the fewer people know, the less it matters.
it grows everywhere humans are pretty much, certain areas will produce better opium than others, but it pretty much grows everywhere.
those who are afraid of opium because they see heroin coming from it, they need to realize this... to get heroin they separate the morphine from the other 10+ chemicals in opium that are balancing, apply a couple chemicals to it to get diacetylmorphine (which is I believe 7 times stronger than pure morphine.)
so by the time it reaches heroin, it isn't even close to the same thing anymore, it's much more dangerous , much more addictive.