the chitown sourkush thread

i just wanna say for the record sex is da bomb.... but sex on speed is fucking ungodly!!!!!!!!!!!! unlike coke it dont make ur dick limp.... u can fiuck for 3-4 hours before u nutt... and right after u nutt u right back in the pussy for a couple more hours... untill the bitches walls run dry and ur dick is chaffed da fuck up... i fucked a bitch for like 7 hours once... i couldnt even maintain an erection after that and my dick hurt for 2 days nigga
still no xbox? wtf!?! :?

yoooo ur gonna have to get black ops 2.... ill get homefront cuzz its cheap n shit but something tells me im not gonna like it... so take some of that money r.i.u. been sending u and cop that black ops 2.. well play some zombies... my 360 will be ehre monday or tuesday
haha I actually don't consume that much of it, but I do learn from the mellow side of life, I prefer it. as you guys have seen in the past I am capable just as anyone else is of going on tirades going too far into something, just taking shit too seriously.

I have been just keeping up a chill back attitude as much as possible now. smokin concentrates and when life starts to add up on me I'll enjoy some opium tea. but typically only at night and idk it has an effect like I feel more balanced the next day.

opium tea isn't that addictive if you don't consume it every day, cannabis also curbs opiate addiction as well.

in general I believe opium to be a generally safe thing if you are wise about it, that's why I don't recommend it to everyone as I don't consider others to be as wise about such substances. but I will gladly let people know that it isn't that dangerous and the high is very similar to a dank indica only stonier haha.

but do keep it on the DL, nobody really knows about it, and I don't really see them ever legalizing this (even though it should be) because it is such a huge cash crop for them if it remains illegal.

processing poppy straw into pills = billions of dollars of profit, vs people growing their own and maybe 30% of the population going for the pills which wouldn't be worth as much. oh and by the way the poppy plant is chemically balanced unlike the pills.

i got a mean ass recipee for narcotic tea... u get a can of brisk ice tea right... then u open up a dime bag of heron {number 4 dope no tar!} and put that bitch in there... then swirl it... then drink half... dont drink the whole thing..
no wonder pops is sooo mellow nowadays.

listen bro.. u gotta stop macing on all them fat bitches dude.... i dont know wtf u be saying to these hefty hoes but u gassin these bitches up got em thinking they something special or some... i know its u gassin all these fat hoes uop nigga... i saw one of ur victems.. told that fat bitch blow how she know then pay how she weigh.. bitch told me uh uh i dont do that.... i only do that for the doc.. he said i could be on americas next top model... i thought to myself "yeah right maybe the biggest looser" i put my away zipped my pants and rolled out... u can keep these fat hoes up... just stop juicein there minds and make em think they hot or some.

i agree with all that bro.

dont think i seen u before.. u been on this site a minuete to huh.. welcome to da vip train....... we alow smoking weed, snorting rails, and fucking hoes on this train {just dont jizz on my upholstry fool}.... and never never never ever ever evr... look at this trains conductor directly in the eye... they say he paranoid and considers it a threat... u look down at the floor if u ever see him...
pop i had been wanting to try a few
you use stems and bud in yo tea

are they hard to grow
i got sum seeds tried to start in summer did not take
sumone told me to start in winter is dat correct
where to ge the grow procedure you know
pop i had been wanting to try a few
you use stems and bud in yo tea

are they hard to grow
i got sum seeds tried to start in summer did not take
sumone told me to start in winter is dat correct
where to ge the grow procedure you know

u tryna make some of 'pops poppy pleasure tea' pops is gonna have everyone on riu doing da lean n nod...
Shit not this dude. i done popped more Oxy's than any human should, i don't even fuck with any opiates now. At all. smoke weed, might drink on somebodies birthday but even that it's only grey goose or belve, and now ciroc. i wanna try shrooms though.
Shit not this dude. i done popped more Oxy's than any human should, i don't even fuck with any opiates now. At all. smoke weed, might drink on somebodies birthday but even that it's only grey goose or belve, and now ciroc. i wanna try shrooms though.

u mean u havent tried shrooms??????
everybody should try shrooms atleast once in there lives... me im cool on them... i used to grow them and my last trip i ate 75 wett grams and had a wicked ass trip... havent touched em since... u gotta eat an eight bro.... half 1/8 gives u nice buzz but a full eighth will rock yo ass!!!! when i ate the 75 wett grams thats the same has a lil over a 1/4 dry.. it was waaaaay too much and when u eat them fresh they kick in super fast like 20 min as appose to dry it takes like a hour or so....
do you got some brown rice flour.... a couple half pint jars... a can of lysol, a 15 psi pressure cooker? and a big ass clear plastic tote?
thanx to pops the chinease people of siskiyou county will always have work with him...
growers from all over northern california have now switched crops from cannabis to poppy... the price per pound for opium locally is much higher then per pound of nugget... enter the medical opium movement? meanwhile somewere in norcal....------->