Ever called out when buying supplies?


Well-Known Member
Not to be racist, but it helps a ton if you look a little Hispanic/Mexican. My mother was Spanish, so when I slick my hair back and grow out the sides of my mustache a bit, I can pull it off. You can buy whatever gardening stuff you want, whenever, and no one questions you. They think you run a landscaping/yard work business like so many other immigrants. I did it once just for fun, but found shopping for stuff a way different experience, so I do it whenever I want to buy something that a civil looking white guy would look sketchy buying.

This is High-larious.


Well-Known Member
i was looking behind the counter

Wait a second! This sparks a memory. Waiting in line yesterday my friend noticed a sign saying something about all employees having to be drug tested. He pointed it out to me. Maybe she saw / heard that and put the 2 and 2 together.


Well-Known Member
I do construction work, I wear my work clothes, nobody thinks twice, dress the part if you want to go stealth.


Well-Known Member
i went shopping at home depot once and when i went threw the line the cashier began talking about his couple thousand dollar setup. I was nice to him but did not talk to him about it, altho hd or lowes can't do anything, it would have been akward talking to a stranger about my lovelys.


this is one of the best threads we have had in awhile. you gotta remember when you go into these places, that they are just average people on the job; just trying to get through their day. the way i look at, they are just amusing themselves and trying to get make their 8 and get the fuck out; the ones that notice are probably smokers themselves. i always throw em off. i'll go in there with my wife or a buddy, always blazed as hell; go get exactly what supplies i need, and then i get stuck in the gardening section for like an hour or two... i love plants and cant go anywhere that sells them without buying a few live plants and a bunch of seeds. so at first they're like "look at this stoner buyin grow supplies" then a hour or so later, i imagine that they either think that they were absolutely wrong, or that i was just really baked and bought a bunch of shit that "looked cool"


Active Member
i was at home depot a couple of weeks ago, and keep in mind this really can be other things, but i saw 2 guys that looked very much like plain clothes officers standing right outside by the door (lets just say i spend a lot of time around cops and i can spot them from a mike away). so i lit up a cig and hung close enough that i could hear wat was happening...next thing i know one of the guys pulls a little radio outa his pocket and starts saying stuff like "he's leaving the store right now in a ______". they were following some guy in what seemed like a pretty organized little operation.

i dont want to make anybody any more paranoid than they already are. i see how paranoid some pot-smokers get, and let me say i myself am not the paranoid type, never have been. i believe in walking in there, buying what i need naturally and confidently and then straight to the self checkout where i pay in cash. u can always buy a little packet of herb seeds to kill suspicion...they cost like 1.50

stay safe guys


Well-Known Member
I try to be subtle when shopping at the home and garden places.

no one bothers me with whats this or acts like they care,
i have even started growing garlic, tomatoes, and several types of pepper just to
have a pack of seeds each time i check out.

when i go to the hydro shop...

she asks "how many weeks you been flowering",
or,"are you still having trouble with the smell."

she doesnt act suspicious at all, hmm


Well-Known Member
when all else fails, just drop everything and scream...


Pull of your shirt and undo your pants while gettin the fuck outa there, if anything...itll be fun to talk about later while blazing, even if your by yourself


Well-Known Member
when all else fails, just drop everything and scream...


Pull of your shirt and undo your pants while gettin the fuck outa there, if anything...itll be fun to talk about later while blazing, even if your by yourself
LMFAO! lol I would only do that if I was high out of my mind, but I wanna do it still. Would be funny as hell:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha i just read thise nitre thread while high and its awesome...

i go into lowes almost every other day getting gardening supplies and what not, it helps that i only look 15 or so and if any one looks at me suspicious then ijust act confused and lost and likei pretend to pull out a shopping list

i was there yesterday and i bought 2 bags of soil, 4 cfl's 2 Y splitters, and 1 90 degree plastic elbow. and i also got a smell obsorber gel and a timer

i didnt get looked at once in a funny way


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha i just read thise nitre thread while high and its awesome...

i go into lowes almost every other day getting gardening supplies and what not, it helps that i only look 15 or so and if any one looks at me suspicious then ijust act confused and lost and likei pretend to pull out a shopping list

i was there yesterday and i bought 2 bags of soil, 4 cfl's 2 Y splitters, and 1 90 degree plastic elbow. and i also got a smell obsorber gel and a timer

i didnt get looked at once in a funny way
where do they keep the smell gel at lowes:joint:


Well-Known Member
never been asked. Mostly cos where i live people behind the counter arnt chatty americans who want to know about ure business , they are people who hate thier job and want to go home and couldn't give 3 fucks what you want gardening equipment for.

i didnt laugh at the ''tell her to eat shit'' and my thought was better yet , take some shit in for her to eat .

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Next time you buy that stuff, add a padlock, some whipped cream, some vaseline, jumper cables, and a pack of condoms, if they sell them there.....and perhaps a baseball bat....if they say anything then, tell em everything youre buying tonight is for a date.

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Yeah I went to get a mail order made to the Canadian Seed Exchange on Friday and happened to stumble across a rather chatty teller. He kept asking me what seeds I was buying and what they were for. Luckily I have spent years honing my bullshitting skills in school so I was able to convince him I was going to build a greenhouse for my mother for mothers' day. I created an entire backstory on the fly and the guy didn't even charge me the $7.00 draft fee ("it's good you are being such a caring son," is the jist of what he said.) However, while I was leaving some loser in a baseball cap blurts out "Are you really getting seeds for mothers' day" (being that I was getting the money order made and thus mailing it friday which means theres no way to get the seeds by sunday, thus the story is pretty thin if you read into it.)

I just looked at him and said "It doesn't matter. What transpired here is a private banking transaction. Please keep it to yourself next time."


Well-Known Member
If anyone ever asks you what you're growing with your supplies / mats, do what my friend does: Look them in the eyes and say really firmly "None of your Fucking business!"

My buddy did that in Chicago when we were visiting his sister who lives on a high rise condo. We were waiting in the lobby for her to come down and let us in, and this old lady goes past us (unlocking the door) and we try to follow her through the door, explaining that we're waiting for someone to come down and it would save them a ton of trouble (and 5 minutes) if she just let us through. She closes the door behind her and looks at us and shakes her finger, going "nuh uh uh..." and then asks "Who are you waiting for?"

I was just about to say "we're visiting his sister", when out of nowhere I hear my friend say "None of your fucking business!"

The lady was shocked. I have never heard anyone my age (20s) EVER talk smack to a 70-something year old lady, no matter how nosy she was being.

I know if I ever went with him into a Lowes or Home Depot, he'd chew the cashier out and spit him/her on the ground.