Ever called out when buying supplies?


Well-Known Member
Gee, I go to the garden center in January to buy pro-mix wearing a ball cap with a pot leaf and a "Legalize It" button, and no ever comments. That's Canada for you...


Well-Known Member
funny, they stock 10,000 1 gallon pots and 6 pallets of soil but you buy a few and they look at you funny.


Well-Known Member
OK, so I finally read all this and yet I still cant stop laughing about, growin trees and owning this place by christmas comment,,,hahahaha,, so f-n true too, if they only knew..............:peace:...................................................


Well-Known Member
i was with a friend at a lowes getting sketchy stuff... although it was for his pineapple plant (honestly) haha and the girl helping us started making "suggestions" about grow lights and other things we might need haha.. very helpful... but... it wasnt for weed (that time)


Well-Known Member
i get the strangest looks when i go in and actually buy flowers. like "whatever, pothead". i do love me flowers. :)


Active Member
Myself and 2 friends were at lowes yesterday buying 4 packs of soil and 30-40 pots. Mothers day gifts, right?

When we got to the counter the girl working was on the phone so we put everything down and waited. She started ringing it up still while on the phone and when she finally hangs up she announces, "Come on guys! It's really obvious what you are up to.".

I mean, we're some mid 20-something guys. Clean cut give or take. And we hadn't even smoked pre-store run so the lingering smell is out of the question.

So I speak up saying, "What does that even mean? There are 300 people over there buying gardening materials from your garden center." and "I'm completely insulted".

I have this very very strong anger towards this girl at this point. I thought about asking for a manager and explaining the harassment that this girl just spat out of her mouth but I didn't want to make a scene because let's face it - she was right.

But it's like going to the grocery store, buying peanut butter and jelly and going to pay for it "SERIOUSLY GUYS. Peanut butter, jelly and bread? I know what you're up to. I'm on to you.".
Hahahaha, that's happened to me so many times and all I do is laugh and tell him or her to prove it. They always smile back and it just ends with that.

A dude in Home Depot showed me where I could find some good Grow Lights too, and I didn't even ask. He told me off the rip that he was a cultivator just because he seen what I was buying— I was buying the best of the best shit of course. ~.^


Well-Known Member
Ok, calm down. Prior to doing ANYTHING, "cover you ass" CYA. Prepare & rehearse answers prior to doing anything suspect. In this case, mistakes was made by having more than one young guy buying the stuff. It's unbelievable that 3 guys are interested in your purchase. Dressing like you just walked out of a garden or flower bed would help. Kill it before it (the suspicion) grows; Like "Are these big enough for tomato seeds/ can I put 2 tomato seeds in each one", some dumb ass question will advert focus. I use the excuse of growing on-line bought heir loom tomatoes seeds, which is really for sale. Hope this helps. That girl nailed you Dude!
Rehearsing for Home Depot. employees? Not me. I have never been "called out" at a home improvement store, and if I ever was, I would tell them to mind their own fucking business. I always pay for all my grow supplies in cash, if they are going to hassle me i'll take my dollars elsewhere.

Not to mention just about every person I have seen working in the garden center at the stores here is just about brain dead, and the last thing they are worried about is me growing.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
what a coincidence, just got back from the hydroshop literally 20 minutes ago. same deal. i said to the cashier, i need the red and the blue envirolites.
let me paint a picture for you. the guy at the register is the pinnacle of all that is hippy.
greatful dead t shirt, those rope "jesus" sandals, long hair, unkempt beard.

he knew. ohh he knew.

on my way out he said,"with those lights, you'll have the worlds most potent tomatoes without killing your power bill"

SSOOOOO this leads me to believe that "tomato" is code for pot in every growing language. roflmao.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that was my point, maybe they know, so what? I pay cash , load up the station wagon and drive away. They don't know where I live after all.


Well-Known Member
What you say to the cashier is " I see you took a day job, good for you. You can't gobble knob's all your life" then as you walk out turn around and say "you are good, I'll give you that".....or ask if the sores have cleared up yet ?

i'm so doing this next time....


New Member
Last time i went out i guess i asked for to many things [real exotic stuff like perlite LOL]
Older hippy chick called me out good, i just laughed it off really. She called me a "fussy little tomatoe grower" And then she said " I bet you pay cash don't ya son", "Yes maam yes i do ,Thank you for your help and have a good day, I replied.



Well-Known Member
Myself and 2 friends were at lowes yesterday buying 4 packs of soil and 30-40 pots. Mothers day gifts, right?

When we got to the counter the girl working was on the phone so we put everything down and waited. She started ringing it up still while on the phone and when she finally hangs up she announces, "Come on guys! It's really obvious what you are up to.".

I mean, we're some mid 20-something guys. Clean cut give or take. And we hadn't even smoked pre-store run so the lingering smell is out of the question.

So I speak up saying, "What does that even mean? There are 300 people over there buying gardening materials from your garden center." and "I'm completely insulted".

I have this very very strong anger towards this girl at this point. I thought about asking for a manager and explaining the harassment that this girl just spat out of her mouth but I didn't want to make a scene because let's face it - she was right.

But it's like going to the grocery store, buying peanut butter and jelly and going to pay for it "SERIOUSLY GUYS. Peanut butter, jelly and bread? I know what you're up to. I'm on to you.".
haahaaaa...thats great.....i was in wal mart buying 20 gallons of distilled water(was on rollback :mrgreen:) and some little fans...the girl checking me out with the rasta colored earings looked at me and smiled and said mmmm hmmm...but i paid cash(like you should always do but especcially if you are making outlandish purchases)and went along my way...also...maybe next time leave the other 2 guys in the car and do your shopping alone...3 20 something kids buying pots and soil.....but no seeds kind of raises suspicions......as far as the girl....just smile give her the cash and tell her to have a blessed day.....being a smart ass to another smart ass only causes more smart asses running around:joint::peace:


Active Member
My buddy walked into home depot and purchased fluorescent tubes, chains, pots, and soil. Self checkout of course. No questions asked.


Well-Known Member
Not to be racist, but it helps a ton if you look a little Hispanic/Mexican. My mother was Spanish, so when I slick my hair back and grow out the sides of my mustache a bit, I can pull it off. You can buy whatever gardening stuff you want, whenever, and no one questions you. They think you run a landscaping/yard work business like so many other immigrants. I did it once just for fun, but found shopping for stuff a way different experience, so I do it whenever I want to buy something that a civil looking white guy would look sketchy buying.


Active Member
i was looking behind the counter at a convenient store when all of a sudden the older lady that worked there says "We dont sell zig zags." I walked out...

she knew what i was looking for, my eyes were most likely red, but i did sorta feel offended.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Myself and 2 friends were at lowes yesterday buying 4 packs of soil and 30-40 pots. Mothers day gifts, right?

When we got to the counter the girl working was on the phone so we put everything down and waited. She started ringing it up still while on the phone and when she finally hangs up she announces, "Come on guys! It's really obvious what you are up to.".

WTF? She was COMPLETELY out of line making any comment about your purchase whatsoever! I absolutely would have demanded to speak to a manager..... that bitch needs to be put in her place and told by her BOSS to collect the money and keep her fucking trap shut!