Screw the good ol' day's....

We are at a point in time where 3 generations are interacting! The baby boomers being the elder, trying to understand Generation X, Y or whatever they are called. Im a boomer and ive learned that it is pretty much a waste of breath and time to try and have a functional conversation with the others. This discussion about cannabis quality is a typical example! Unless you were there to experience it, you just dont understand!!! All the fancy shit of today started from back then!!! Yes improvements have been made and we have learned more!!! How do you think the first person that learned how to get sinsimilla felt? Then the crossing of strains! The art of pheno searching, backcrossing and so forth! Just understand that the only thing constant is change! Once you totally understand what that trully means, you will learn to argue and debate in a better way!!
OK folks, I remember Colombian Gold at $15/ lid as it went to $20/ lid. We didn't care what it looked at least 4 people high off one joint for over 4 hours. Thai stick was a real treat and Panama Red was coveted.
College in the 60's and 70's was very different...I was at Kent State...49 bars, a lot of weed, and Ohio State was the soper capital of the world...things were different. However, maybe the only differences are more choices now and things are waaaay more expensive. For all of you, if these will be considered your good old days, make the best of them. In 1972 I remember making a list of what I wanted to thing on the list was to always have the best dope I could find...I am fine with that one achieved :) and retire at 55...did that 8 years ago :)
You don't see em putting mmillions of their own in cages either :D I'd rather be a monkey in the wild than a human trapped in this insane system of anger and oppression :D tech can be good or bad depending on how you perceive it. Personally i think it is destroying the human race, look at what a bunch of useless cunts kids have become courtesy of mobile phones and facebook etc :D I say kids, even the 30-40yr olds have become said useless cunts.

See how well we have drawn this away from weed :D

One really should not preach of the way technology is destroying the human race; while using at as a resource to grow pot, and argue with strangers on the internet. This "useless cunt" happened to enjoy his personal mp3 player while he was busy repairing 1500 horsepower turbine engines. The toughbook with all my troubleshooting manuals beat the shit out of carrying around 13 books worth of wiring diagrams, troubleshooting procedures, and poorly drawn pictures. An inability to moderate our vices for our own good is ,in fact, what is killing humanity
These dudes know.
Of course the karaoke lyrics are all fucking off
We, as a society, have have basically said the hell with freedom, give me security instead. I remember when freedom was the call in the 60s and 70s. Free speach was the mantra, now look what has happened. The same libs who once cried out for free speach are calling out to silence people they disagree with politically. Berkley, the hub of the free speach movement, will not allow conservative speakers to have their say. The campuses have instigated a ban on saying anything that might 'offend' anyone. Liberals are constantly trying to figure out new ways to get Rush Limbaugh off the air, and are actively persuing and persecuting people who they do not agree with, on a personal level. How much longer until we see re-education camps for those poor misled, politically uninlightened people. Its for their own good of coarse. They now think that the government is there to take care of them. Where 'divercity' becomes conformity, where freedom becomes dependance, and where lies repeated often enough are accepted as truth.

I cry for what it has all turned into.

And a president who admits to having smoked marijuana directs his Justice department to attack marijuana growers and vendors.
A president who once vowed to reform marijuana laws gives us persecution instead.

Sorry, I had to rant.
I'm surprised no one mentioned tolerance.....
You might have gotten just as high in the 70's as today. Most marijuana had a lower THC level, most people probably had a lower tolerance, therefore they got just as high.
With all the hash,keif,wax,canna butter tinctures and many 20+ THC strains today, many people I know have an extremely high tolerance to weed, even 25+ THC strains barely get them high.
If someone in the 70's smoked what we have today, most of them would get floored! The same thing happens to people who quit smoking weed for a few months, they go back to smoking and get something dank, next thing you know they are puking.
fuck that noise! i'd HAPPILY take as much FLUFFY pale green columbian popcorn with microfuzz as you can carry any day! that whole "looks myth" started with schwag appeal... look at how much more resinous it is! look at those red hairs! mmmm... smell that dead skunk's ass! look how big this top cola is... blah blah blah fucking blah.

then you get all the confusors that think just because brick sucks, so do the seeds.

some of that gear in those pics might suck, but i bet some of it was ass kicking awesome. back then too, it was grown in less than optimal conditions probably in crappy soils too.

naw... the good old days were fucking awesome! NOTHING i've EVER smoked is as good as scrawny no flavor columbian. no bag appeal whatsoever, but the most potent high in the world as far as i know as i've never seen it bettered yet.

the weed wasn't grown for looks yet back then either. it wasn't a pointless beauty contest any more than a flavor of the week circle jerk. i'll trade everything i have in my collection for just one page of that whatever. something in there was bitchin'.

bag appeal is a fucking lie.

i only saw the 80s, but weed was still weed then. i really would have liked to see the 60s and 70s more than saturday morning cartoons.

one of the reasons this decade sucks so much shit for weed, music, oh and the fucking economy is because of "just give in and let the evil demon win it all" don't fight it talk.

naw... fuck the 00's forever!
We, as a society, have have basically said the hell with freedom, give me security instead. I remember when freedom was the call in the 60s and 70s. Free speach was the mantra, now look what has happened. The same libs who once cried out for free speach are calling out to silence people they disagree with politically. Berkley, the hub of the free speach movement, will not allow conservative speakers to have their say. The campuses have instigated a ban on saying anything that might 'offend' anyone. Liberals are constantly trying to figure out new ways to get Rush Limbaugh off the air, and are actively persuing and persecuting people who they do not agree with, on a personal level. How much longer until we see re-education camps for those poor misled, politically uninlightened people. Its for their own good of coarse. They now think that the government is there to take care of them. Where 'divercity' becomes conformity, where freedom becomes dependance, and where lies repeated often enough are accepted as truth.

I cry for what it has all turned into.

And a president who admits to having smoked marijuana directs his Justice department to attack marijuana growers and vendors.
A president who once vowed to reform marijuana laws gives us persecution instead.

Sorry, I had to rant.
Barf. Take all that to the political forum please, unless you've already been laughed out of there.
Some of that old shit was damn near psychedelic. Appearences can be deceiving. The trichomes on those landrace sativas are just very small. Trust me there is some good shit there.
I'm surprised no one mentioned tolerance.....
You might have gotten just as high in the 70's as today. Most marijuana had a lower THC level, most people probably had a lower tolerance, therefore they got just as high.
With all the hash,keif,wax,canna butter tinctures and many 20+ THC strains today, many people I know have an extremely high tolerance to weed, even 25+ THC strains barely get them high.
If someone in the 70's smoked what we have today, most of them would get floored! The same thing happens to people who quit smoking weed for a few months, they go back to smoking and get something dank, next thing you know they are puking.

I mention it all the time. These guys were smoking hay and then would smoke something that wasnt TERRIBLE and think it was the best thing in life. You compare that SHIT to today's herb and it is nothing but one big joke.

Coming from someone who has been smoking since the 70's.
ya theirs no way it was better back then they where mostly just landrace sativas but if your a sativa lover I doubt even nevilles haze will match the effect of a pure landrace sativa so in that sense it may have been better. but for all you old timers that love it the landrace sativas will get you their cause thats what you where smoking.

but the buds are much larger, more potent, more flavor full just from breeding. only problem is the only full sativa plants basically are landrace and the yield and flower time are terrible so most people in europe and the US can't grow them outdoors and indoors is not practical a greenhouse would work great though but thats pretty much why breeders don't work 100% sativa lines they won't sell shit unless they hit it with some indica to shorten the flower time. also it would probally take a lifetime to work a 100% sativa landrace to flower early and yield heavy and you can bet your ass you release them to the world fem or reg most every breeder will steal your work. but who knows weeds legal in two states already if it keeps up we can breed in open fields and patent the hard work put into your line I bet we'd come out with a lot better weed if it was legal.
Sitting around smoking with some friends at a bbq. When my friends father called and asked if he would bring a couple bowls home for him. He hung up and said that his dad always got baked and started talking crazy about todays weed. That we didnt know real weed from the 70's.
So, after many bowls and lots of talk I got on the computer and did a little research. These photo's are from Hightimes 1977 "top 40" please take a close look at the stuff those poor bastards had to smoke back then. Those good ol' days dont look so good to me.




After seeing these pics its understandable that head would experiment with sheesh and trying to condense better parts of the plant foir a better quality smoke. Those pics were eye opening, and im betting that mag you got itn from is a collectors item waiting to happen! thanks dude really good pics there.
the weed is better, but the times aren't. screw the new times:)

for real cops are way worse then they where back in the 70's and the amount of rats is rediculous very few these days have morals they will rat even if their only looking at a year. for real fuck the new times I see it all the time they act solid swear they won't ever rat and the first time they get popped with a fellony their singing like a bird I only know of two people that took it like a man but probally atleast ten that have ratted.