Screw the good ol' day's....


Well-Known Member
This poor old bastard remembers that the thai,red bud and gold,kicked our asses back then.Wish i could go back in time and have a taste,and bring back a few beans too.


Well-Known Member
where exactly do you think today's weed came from? you can't breed crap and end up with gold, so how do you account for today's great weed? all of the selective breeding that has been done began with those strains, so any effects/flavors/aromas produced were ALREADY THERE.

do you honestly think that if those same genetics were grown today by a weed snob who brought them to their full potential they wouldn't be every bit as good or better than what we have now? ever grown a schwag bag seed?

silliness. i would KILL to get to taste that stuff before we started pissing in the gene pool.

Well, if you believe that, take a look at horses before men started breeding them.
When you take something and selective breed it for generations you start to keep the traits you desire.
So that 3 and 1/2 foot shaggy looking pony turns into a 5 1/2 feet thoroughbred. So yeah you can take some generally not great weed and breed it for the better traits, then breed those for their better traits, and continue doing that until you have something quite bit different from the original.


Well-Known Member
true that^
but still lol, all of those pics looked like complete garbage nowadays. It almost looks like nutes hadnt been invented yet.
maybe they hadn't? i'm pretty sure the indoor thing didnt take off til the 80s, and i'd bet dollars to doughnuts that all 40 of those strains were grown outside in their native lands (or conditions similar to their native region) before being packaged up, crushed down, and transferred all around the country. that being said, most of the shit being grown in the 70s was grown outside. and i doubt any nutes were used. odds are that a ton of seeds were sewn, and then left alone until the grower came back to see if there was anything to harvest. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think, dare I say, "the golden age" of breeding was late 80's to mid 90's. That's when NL, AK, Skunk, Romulan, Williams Wonder, White Rhino, C99, etc, all came about. Take Northern Lights for example - didn't that take like a decade or something to develop? And wasn't Skunk a very long and selective breeding project between some of the best, most serious Cali growers at the time?? A lot of what I see going on right now is straight up pollen chucking mixed with a ton of hype. The testers most often seem to be the customers nowadays.
80s and 90s was the "golden age" because thats when most moved indoors. they were able to play god over the conditions and begin to selectively breed, this was not possible as an outdoor grower. strains like Skunk, NL, Haze, Afgan dominated the 80s. WW, C99, Rom, and those dominated the 90s.

but i think i'm getting off track. the reason the strains you mentioned are so uniform is because they are indeed lines that have been worked on and breeded into stability and uniformity. Shanti, DJ Short, and some others that work on certain strains are stabilized down to an F5 generation.

most of todays strains are just F1s that have not been worked on. so if you buy a 10 pack you aren't going to see 10 identical plants. you have to pheno hunt, and then turn that single plant into a mother to take clones from.

simply put, todays breeders are charging more money for much less work.


Active Member
I too am a child of the 70's too; actually smoked my first joint in the Summer of 1964 (13 Y.O.). I DID get high my first time because I inhaled... I'm from Chicago originally, and we got mostly Mexican in a baggie, four fingers tall, for $15.00. We did get some Colombian, Panamanian and Acapulco Gold, etc. Almost everything I ever smoked was full of stems, seeds and leaf. Never did I ever see purely buds like we have today. There was even a jingle that went something like this: " No stems, no seeds and nothing you don't need; Acapulco Gold is some bad ass weed...
I think it's been expressed perfectly above. What we were smoking was some original Land Race Herb. When you think about it, we were smoking a mixture of Female and Male plants; the whole plant. Couldn't roll a joint without a Frisbee to clean it. I do believe that they were sowing 1,000-nds of seeds and then only come back to harvest. No care, no nutes, $hit, no water other than what was natural. Talk about schwag! I used to get my pounds in bricks (for +/- $100.00/lb), compressed (crushed) to a small size about 4" X 2" X 2" overall. Think about it. I couldn't put a 1/2 oz. in this size container today. The weed was good but then again, we had nothing to compare it with. IMHO, today's Hybrids are superior, all-in-all, in Taste, Visual appearance and of course, THC, etc. levels. I also remember when they were starting to talk about Sinsemilla; truly an elusive concept back then. Today, one wouldn't even consider what we were smoking a mere 50 years ago. Today, almost everyone determines the viability of the herb by a visual and olfactory check. Too bad that (I agree with an above reply) these factors, while legitimate and significant indicators, are not the "end all" in the evaluation. I have smoked herb that looked like $hit, smelled like $hit, tasted like $hit BUT was the bomb! Paralysis too, so IMHO, the only way I can make a true evaluation (4 me only) is to test the smoke out, first thing in the morning B 4 I have smoked anything. Otherwise, it's just an indication. Color is certainly low on the significance list...


Well-Known Member
80s and 90s was the "golden age" because thats when most moved indoors. they were able to play god over the conditions and begin to selectively breed, this was not possible as an outdoor grower. strains like Skunk, NL, Haze, Afgan dominated the 80s. WW, C99, Rom, and those dominated the 90s.

but i think i'm getting off track. the reason the strains you mentioned are so uniform is because they are indeed lines that have been worked on and breeded into stability and uniformity. Shanti, DJ Short, and some others that work on certain strains are stabilized down to an F5 generation.

most of todays strains are just F1s that have not been worked on. so if you buy a 10 pack you aren't going to see 10 identical plants. you have to pheno hunt, and then turn that single plant into a mother to take clones from.

simply put, todays breeders are charging more money for much less work.

you some kind of poet or something ...? Lol nicely put JC

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Sitting around smoking with some friends at a bbq. When my friends father called and asked if he would bring a couple bowls home for him. He hung up and said that his dad always got baked and started talking crazy about todays weed. That we didnt know real weed from the 70's.
So, after many bowls and lots of talk I got on the computer and did a little research. These photo's are from Hightimes 1977 "top 40" please take a close look at the stuff those poor bastards had to smoke back then. Those good ol' days dont look so good to me.

id kill people to have all those today


Well-Known Member
There is pot that has lots of crystals and will not get you high. There is pot that has little crystal formation that is devastating. I assure you that the schwag you see in the pics would get you very high. Lots of stems, seeds and extra leaf but a really good high. If you smoked that stuff right off the plant in the country where it was grown it would be a lot better than what we got. Sitting around for months, packed and crammed into small containers, not trimmed, pollinated, and it still was great many times.

Not saying all it was better than today's pot, but very good. The sativas were better then, no doubt in my mind. Grown in equator sun or high on mountains.

I do not miss the old days btw, all I could get were sativas and I prefer a good indica. I also get to grow my own here in Cali and do not have to rely on dealers to get me whatever they happen to have at the time. Most of the pot I smoked back then was not great and I get better today. The best of it, and I think those pics represent that, was outstanding. Like I said, that import stuff was not handled with great care or grown or harvested or trimmed like it should have been.
I agree. I've got some stuff right now that has practically 0 (zero) trics, yet around 3 hits and my face melts! :) lol


Well-Known Member
Being someone who had their first smoking experience in the 70's, and now grow my own top shelf buds, I would say that this is a dumb thread. Why argue about something so irrelevant as to the quality of cannabis now vs then? Im just glad Im alive to say that Ive experienced both. Just think what the kids will be sayin another 30 years from now after all the crossing of these super hybrids! Cannabis cultivation, breeding, and just general knowledge have continued to improve. Humans by nature since the start of time have always tried to improve and learn more. The study of botony has improved tremendously over the last 1000 years. Just think about the way we store data, and use that stored data to learn and improve on products. This alone has made cannabis cultivation better. its just something about our nature as humans to be arrogant and argue and brag and compare penis sizes and so forth. Like I said Im just happy to have had good weed to smoke now and then!


Active Member
I remember buying a lid of seedy weedy in the 70's for $30. The best stuff was Thai stick but was hard to come by and pricey. I remember one day we were trying to get an oz and my buddy said he could get a lid of sensimilia for $60, double what we were used to paying. Living close to Detroit we got all those old time strains.

Well we got together the $60 and wondered where the hell all the seeds were. We loaded up the power hitter and got blasted like we never got before. I remember sitting through a couple of traffic lights late in the evening we were so jacked.

I still miss those exploding seeds in a joint. You always knew who the stoners were in high school. T shirts and car seats were always full of holes...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I agree that the Basic genetics have to be the same.. but, to say that with all the human intervention over the past 30 odd years that nothing has improved.. is a little narrow minded in my opinion.
it's not that nothing has improved, but people act like there's just no way that weed in the 70's could taste good or get you high the way today's weed can. regardless of the fact that you might have to buy a few bags to find it, it was still around is the point. it had the very same potential to be awesome in the same ways as today's weed does. the fact that the grower didn't know what they were doing is beside the point. you could take today's fancypants weed and grow it like shit, too. doesn't mean the weed is no good.


Well-Known Member
it's not that nothing has improved, but people act like there's just no way that weed in the 70's could taste good or get you high the way today's weed can. regardless of the fact that you might have to buy a few bags to find it, it was still around is the point. it had the very same potential to be awesome in the same ways as today's weed does. the fact that the grower didn't know what they were doing is beside the point. you could take today's fancypants weed and grow it like shit, too. doesn't mean the weed is no good.
So, I guess what is "fancy pants" weed? lol


New Member
And yet these folk are all telling you that the stuff that they SMOKED and not simply LOOKED at, was completely kick ass, . Your whole point is based on ignorance. Some poor quality photo's do not say a thing about the quality of the smoke. It seems very silly to try arguing a point on something you know nothing about and considering your conclusion to be of a more accurate nature than someone's conclusion that is based on actual experience.

These poor bastards smoked it and thought it better, i'm not seeing you offer any valid reason to think otherwise.
My grandmother thought black white TV was the SHIT!


Well-Known Member
I remember a guy that put big slick tires on the back wheels of a mid 70's Pinto. I think it had the original motor though.


Active Member
I do remember the 60's and 70's ( yes, I was there ) I'm not sure of the years, but I believe it was the late 60's when The Alcapolco Gold strain hit the west coast. I swear that it was the only strain that I had ever had halucinations with. Later, the stuff that they sold as A.Gold wasn't nearly as good. I guess they had one good year and then lost the strain or something. Panama Red, Columbian, Thia sticks, All kicked ass... but that one strain of Alcapolco Gold was legandary. Never had anything like it again. And only $10.00 for a 'lid' or 4 finger ounce! I remember buying a 'key' for $100.00.


Well-Known Member
^^ I have heard the same of Acapulco Gold from others and one was late sixties, berkley. Like being on acid with cartoon visions of stuff floating in the air. 2 dimensional vision like watching a movie.

Like you said, the last time they tripped like that off of weed for the rest of their lives. I had some unknown Mexican 1975 that was like being on shrooms, if I have to compare to something. Full on trip, like I am in a cartoon and nothing seems real. Kinda scary to be honest and did not last like that for more that 45 minutes I guess?

It is funny or sad depending, when someone looks at old raggedy looking sativa buds pictures and says their pretty hybrid shit is so much better. If they only knew. Most of that old time shit was not real good, I will admit. Now and then it was awesome, just had to pick some seeds and stems out.