Well-Known Member
Again, I'm a little disappointed all of this slander against Dr. Bob is all based on the accusations of Joe Cain.. I know 100% that Joe Cain is a liar and if anyone was pushing an agenda it was that asshole.
haha, I wrote a two page essay about the freemasons and how they have been the core of keeping it all illegal for years but not sure if I want to post it here. Your right repub or dem both just puppets of a much larger foe!What they post in their bylaws means jack fuck to me.
I'm done with these threads for awhile. I was hoping for a nice change of pace after the elections.
I will stick with the growing. I don't believe either side.
It's like democratic or republican anymore. lol. Both full of shit.
yea but with your hate towards him you are missing the other 100 in the crowd that you need to be watching out for too......Again, I'm a little disappointed all of this slander against Dr. Bob is all based on the accusations of Joe Cain.. I know 100% that Joe Cain is a liar and if anyone was pushing an agenda it was that asshole.
Not pissed off at all, merely concerned for patients. After the 'p2p is legal' fiasco over that Barry Co. Case and the spin put on it by the various financial interests, I am concerned this will result in more patient arrests rather than few. I think I pretty clearly stated the reasons. As for the 4 clerks, bully for them, they dodged a bullet and I'm happy they wont be doing time.I'm happy with that ruling. I am with anybody being let off for marijuana. I'm all about no jail time for the plant. that's just me and my opinions from my expert studies tho. No hate for the good doctor; jsut wondering why a ruling like that would piss you off nearly as much as a conviction. sounded like a win to me.
yea but with your hate towards him you are missing the other 100 in the crowd that you need to be watching out for too......
at least we know you are a critical thinker, glad we've got some of those here... lolOhh no, I watch everyoneI take no sides until proven guilty or theres without a doubt reasonable suspicion. I might find someone suspicious but I wont call them on it until I see it firsthand ya know?
I only speak against Joe because I have all the evidince I need to put him in the chair and light him up lol.
Yeah, at least One member here will make exceptions with a contrary view to that... Any guesses who?I'm happy with any ruling where no one is punished because of cannabis.
Yeah, who. I'm happy as a clam they dodged the bullet. My concern is that others will extrapolate the ruling for their own ends and get in trouble, or get others in trouble. You disagree with that? You do realize the ruling is limited to that case, right? That it doesn't affect any other court, or even the other 4 judges in THAT court. You did read the 19 page decision, right?Yeah, at least One member here will make exceptions with a contrary view to that... Any guesses who?