Can I dry too long?????


I harvested about 2 weeks ago. Can I mess things up by letting them hang/dry too long??? Is 2 weeks too long? They're pretty dry now.. Thinking about now putting them into containers... PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
Yes you can dry them for too long.

Depending upon how you harvested two weeks could be too long.

If you cut the plant and hung it up with all leaves still attached 2weeks should be ok.

If you manicured before hanging then you may have dried them too long.

How did you harvest?



Before I harvested I did a light trim. Basically just cut off the "Fan Leaves"..Then I hung the "Whole Plant" to dry. What do you think? Am I ok?


Active Member
It really depends on what condiitons they were drying in, but usually that is too long. Time to cure!


Well-Known Member
I can hang mine up and they can be flaky within two days, just because of the difference in humidity. Is there a certain humidity range we should keep for drying? Just curious, as I've read several drying and curing guides and none of them ever mentioned it. Just to check the buds for dryness, pinching and touching them to be sure. But a set humidity, weight of plant, and size of colas should go into the factoring. Or maybe I'm just rambling again.


Well-Known Member
I like to keep my dry room around 65-70F and my humidity around 40-50 but no higher then 55 as I don't like to run the risk of mold and have had amazing results doing this for the last few years.


Active Member
2 weeks might be too long or it might be just right depending on the conditions.
When my plants get drying enough I cut the buds offthe stems and place them in papers bags so that they dont get crispy before I can get to trimming them.


Well-Known Member
You just threw it over a line and walked away ,2 weeks later its still hangin there. Better off trimming straight after harvest then dry the buds in a more controlled way.


Well-Known Member
Size of buds, humidity and location all play a part in the drying process. The way I harvest is, section up my buds (instead of hanging whole plant) give a quick trim to get the fan leaves and then a very close trim which i do over a bin to collect the sugar leaves, Then i simply hang it in a closet, the closet's humidity is around 45-50% temps are in the low 70s, I leave the door cracked to allow some fresh air, and I always chop and hang on Friday and by monday night im taking them down (by this time there already dry 80-90%), then what I do is cut the bud from the stems give them one more touch up manicure, then put them straight into quart size jars (about an oz per) I leave them open for 24 hours then put the lid on before i go to sleep (8 hrs) then I wake up crack them for a few hours, give em a good shake then put the lid on again and repeat. I always get good results, I've been complimented many times on the texture of my buds. To me its one of the most important parts because if you they get too dry, you lose a lot of weight. Also the curing process determines to a certain extent the quality of the buds.


Well-Known Member
Size of buds, humidity and location all play a part in the drying process. The way I harvest is, section up my buds (instead of hanging whole plant) give a quick trim to get the fan leaves and then a very close trim which i do over a bin to collect the sugar leaves, Then i simply hang it in a closet, the closet's humidity is around 45-50% temps are in the low 70s, I leave the door cracked to allow some fresh air, and I always chop and hang on Friday and by monday night im taking them down (by this time there already dry 80-90%), then what I do is cut the bud from the stems give them one more touch up manicure, then put them straight into quart size jars (about an oz per) I leave them open for 24 hours then put the lid on before i go to sleep (8 hrs) then I wake up crack them for a few hours, give em a good shake then put the lid on again and repeat. I always get good results, I've been complimented many times on the texture of my buds. To me its one of the most important parts because if you they get too dry, you lose a lot of weight. Also the curing process determines to a certain extent the quality of the buds.
do you mean they lost %80-90 percent of weight :S


Well-Known Member
Hanging plants to dry is a waste of time. Under most circumstances my bud is dried and cured 5-7 days after harvest.

Tha larger the nug or bud the longer it takes to dry out. You are waiting for the whole plant to dry out. It is easier and faster to trim the plant
the minute you cut her down. You want as small pieces as you can trim. Forget keeping huge colas to show off. Trim immediately and try to
snip each bud from its' branch. After all buds have been removed spread them out to dry and make sure the nugs don't overlap each other.
Otherwise they will take longer to dry out. Leave out 2-3 days until the smallest nugs start to get crispy. Then put all the buds in a glass sealable jar,
Mason jars are perfect, seal it and put in the 'fridge for 24 hours. This is the start of curing. Purpose of curing is to make the product uniformly dry.
If you don't cure you will end up with small crispy buds and less-than-dry big nugs. 24 hours sealed allows whatever moisture remains to spread out
evenly. All nugs are the same dryness regardless of size.

Check your jar after being 'fridged and decide if it is just the way you want it. If not dry enough spread out again and leave out overnight. Next day back to the
'fridge for 24. Keep re-drying and 'fridging until you are happy.

Folks who do not cure are leaving themselves open to mold. It doesn't take much moisture hidden in some large bud to start molding. Then the whole bag/jar
has to be tossed.

So dry until close then chill 'em until they are uniformly right.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
Just wondering, but how the hell do you get to 2 weeks of having your weed hung up before asking if that's too much? Does it really matter at this point? Either way they were hung for 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
They're probably fine, just put them into 5 gallon buckets, and seal them up for a couple of days. All the moisture left will evenly distribute, and he'll know what he's dealing with instead of what is being told to him. Maybe they were monsters as big around as 2 liter pop bottles? lol.