Denver is like the asshole of Colorado, the closer you get to it, the more it stinks. Just kidding, but personally I hate traffic and the rest of life that accompanies 5million mouth breathers huddled together in a valley. If you "have" to be in Dtown shoot way north or way west.... then again wtf do I know?
You don't know shit. North? You mean Thornton? lol
I live in near the Platte River, in the valley on a half acre.
Go fuck yourself.
Got any more moronic insights? Referring to the residents of the Denver metro area as mouth breathers is what stupid assholes do. Just because you prefer living in the sticks does not mean Denver is a shitty town.
I'm 10 minutes from Denver and less than an hour from great skiing, hunting, fishing, hiking...
You are the mayor of Dumbfuckistan, you provincial troglodyte.
Clearly you were offended or you wouldn't have cried about it and personally attacked me. Since you asked though, last time I was in Denver it was to pick up some 303 gear from kind love don't plan on going back for a while, Im a bit put off by your douchery, must be a denver thing.Why do you visit Denver if you dislike it so much? Are you a moron?
I'm not offended by your opinion, but I am a bit put off by your stupidity.