250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Active Member
I just chopped a few of my plants down yesterday. 2 PPP from Nirvana and one bagseed plant. I still have six more growing in the closet. The biggest colas weighed in at around 23g after trimming. What should this weigh when it gets dried out? About 5-6 grams right? The PPP are amazing. They are completely covered in large trichomes. I can almost make out the tip of a trich with my naked eye, and my vision is failing me. They both carry a heavy nauseating rotten fruit smell, and one released a sharp minty pine smell when I was trimming it up. Really looking forward to the first inhale.


Active Member
I just chopped a few of my plants down yesterday. 2 PPP from Nirvana and one bagseed plant. I still have six more growing in the closet. The biggest colas weighed in at around 23g after trimming. What should this weigh when it gets dried out? About 5-6 grams right? The PPP are amazing. They are completely covered in large trichomes. I can almost make out the tip of a trich with my naked eye, and my vision is failing me. They both carry a heavy nauseating rotten fruit smell, and one released a sharp minty pine smell when I was trimming it up. Really looking forward to the first inhale.
4.6 is 20 percent of 23. take 23*.20 to get 4.6


Well-Known Member
Yea man you should expect to lose about 75% if its dried and cured properly. Commercial growers don't do that because they are going for the weight.

I don't know bout anyone else but I don't like smoking wet bud just doesn't get me high and I think it's a waste. I'll gladly smoke one fat bowl of properly dried herb over 2 or 3 bowls of wet uncured bud.


Active Member
here is an update...pistils are turning orange on the pineapple and starting to see bananas on the purple afghan but not the pineapple so i will get the tweezers out in a day or two when the bananas grow a bit for me to pluck them only 2.5 weeks to go so dont need no pollination going on! here are some pics to look at..Pic 1 purple afghan, Pic 2 pineapple, Pic 4 pineapple, Pic 5 purple afghan



Well-Known Member
yeah georgy about 5-6g.im with giggles u should lose around 75% weight. a few 5-6g colas will add up fast.keep it up coolguy they look quite healthier than the first pics you put up.i see you really dropped that light down.


Well-Known Member
I think the biggest cola I ever had weighed 10g's dry and I was one happy cat, but budz is right a few 5-6g colas will add up real quick.


Active Member
yeah georgy about 5-6g.im with giggles u should lose around 75% weight. a few 5-6g colas will add up fast.keep it up coolguy they look quite healthier than the first pics you put up.i see you really dropped that light down.
nah i moved the plants up but ya same thing light is fixed on the top putting in another shelf with 250w hps once i get the funds hopefully before next run or might just wait until 4 weeks in then do the other shelf and harvest once a month that would be better but during the summer i will not be doing indoor grows only keeping mothers as it is hot and outside light is free i prob will stop the cab around april cut clones root them veg for a month to month and a half then go outdoors with them might do indoors once the outdoor stuff is done but im fairly busy in the summer so who knows

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Now thats a good looking flower.

How is the exodus kush treating you? I'm looking for a strain for 4 plants under a 1kw hps... hows the stretch yield and flower time?


Active Member
Now thats a good looking flower.

How is the exodus kush treating you? I'm looking for a strain for 4 plants under a 1kw hps... hows the stretch yield and flower time?
I really like this strain, The stretch wasn't too bad flowered at 12" now she is 30" she should be down around 63-67 days that is what DNA told me on FB, she is sooo delicious smelling one of the nicest strains I've had in my garden. Dna Genetics always treat me right, never had a male or any problems


Active Member
Mine only come out a couple of grams, but I scrog and tend to get 80 or 90 of them.
did you mean sog? like my grow because scrog with 90 plants would be insane and shitty if only got 2 gram a plant as scrog should get 2 oz or better from what i have been reading


Active Member
ordering some 4 inch square pots for next run going to start doing 24 instead of 12 look at all the wasted space in my pics where plants could be! i know some people may say im crowing but drgreenbudgenes on another fourm does it with way more plants and they come out nice and he uses cfls 42w 2700k 400 somthing watts worth i believe been awhile since i have read the journal


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I really like this strain, The stretch wasn't too bad flowered at 12" now she is 30" she should be down around 63-67 days that is what DNA told me on FB, she is sooo delicious smelling one of the nicest strains I've had in my garden. Dna Genetics always treat me right, never had a male or any problems
Word thanks for the recommendation ill be checking out dna genetics for sure.
Well Im sorry you couldn't see how they came out, the pics were online, but have been removed or dissappeared, maybe putting more than a few pics on doesn't work well, shame I have no copy's. Its a good thing to see the 250club popular again!


Active Member
first pic pineapple want all plants to look that way! the purpling is from last night got down to 50 degrees in my house i have wood heat so it goes out at night means cold temps sometimes...what is a lowest temp you can go before affecting yield
Little update, WW, 250 mh, soiles mix, hesi nutes, according to my calculation 6th week of vegging.
They are getting pretty tall, so me thing time to flip them right?

All comments appreciated



Well-Known Member
they look good.if you are in a cab id flip they will stretch maybe a little lst.are you going to use hps or mh whole way?