The Weed Nerd~

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The day 3 sod video posted on farmerjohnfourtwenty's page is Blair Which meets Cheech and Chong...guy was a total d
3 weeks into flower with plushberry. Notice the deep purple flowers:



The day 3 sod video posted on farmerjohnfourtwenty's page is Blair Which meets Cheech and Chong...guy was a total d

So tell us what you have done solely to enrich others in the last 72hrs? Because you seem like a first class bromo to me, you should love FJ420 or gtfo.
So tell us what you have done solely to enrich others in the last 72hrs? Because you seem like a first class bromo to me, you should love FJ420 or gtfo.

that was no enrichment shit lips....homie was a little evasive with his demeanor and I nearly blew chunks trying to follow...

i thought it was a poor depiction of the weekend that's all- amateur hour fellas
FarmerJohn has done more to help the MMJ community with his growing tips then you could ever hope to, so lay the fuck off FJ and let him to his thing.

This has nothing to with! This was a video he liked chief! Get it together and get that d out your mouth and read the post before you try stArt bumping your gumsbongsmilie
How about a school that explains how to start a legal business in the cannabis industry in Washington and Colorado? And call it "The School of Gank" bongsmilie
Hi nerds, I was wondering if anyone knows what harm a cold garage floor can cause. Has any one experienced this. Ive thought about putting down something like yoga mats or I've seen in playgrounds they have the foam puzzle peices. I guess that's what they remind me of. I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks
Hi Nerds,

Just ran my first real batch of trim through the HVY 5 gallon 8 bag set of Ice Water Extract bags. Wow! After I microplaned the frozen chunk of 73 micron I could not believe the size of the pile on the plate!

Grades from each bag on first gentle mixing run:


73 Micron collection in the bag:



Microplaned and jarred:




Smells like the buds but stronger and cleaner!!!!!

I like farmer John he seems like he genuinely wants not only learn but also wants to share what he's learned. I thank him for that. And any body who takes time out of there life to spread a posative message. There's not to many people willing to that. Thanks farmer John between you and Subcool Im finally a step up from mexi, and getting better with each cycle.

Smoke Report:

This is from a ground up early bud jarred for three weeks, then machine-rolled as a bomber doobie, rolled two weeks ago for a patient who was overwhelmed and we stopped. I next had a couple hits from it on Thanksgiving and had a great time! No migrane (which are always triggered by Thanksgiving)

It was now a two week old half doobie.

First hit smooth - wasn't sure it was lit. Second hit - the roof of my mouth goes numb. Third hit - lips go numb where they touch the doob. Two more hits and it goes out on its own - after two weeks it is still too gooey to stay lit!


Got very chatty and had a great time watching DaVinci Code. Had trouble falling asleep - very speedy but in the mind not in the heart. Definitely a morning medicine for use when you need to get things done.

Rollability - Grinds easily and has a nice waxy consistency that does not clump and it is not dry or crumbly.
Taste - No taste - almost undetectable. Numbs mouth.
Expansion - Big hits do not cause any coughing.
Head - High and euphoric. Not trippy at this dose (most I have tried so far).

I bought an off brand set of bags and made a batch of bubble hash, but it didn't melt it just turned black. I don't know If the brand of bags has anything to to with it. Definatly operator error! Im trying to get some of that full melt from the BCS ace of spades I have. Just need a lesson on the correct technique.
Yes - freeze to remove from drying screen and then grate with microfine kitchen graters:



Matt Rize has a thread here and a great vid on YouTube. You need good ice, good water, mix well, wash with ice water sprayed from a pump sprayer and keep everything very cold!
Thanks man I'm going to look for that thread that stuff looks completely different than what I ended up with. My water wasn't very cold it was melting the ice I had only bought a couple bags. First time. I never watched any vids. Won't make that mistake again.
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