Global Warming Swindle


New Member
That is an excellent response which I can understand quite clearly....and I am wicked stoned at the moment...
Thanks, Skunky, although I suspect you are overly pessimistic, I can't deny that I read somewhere years ago that all successful ancient civilizations learned NOT to locate major important cities too close to coastlines...
And our "modern" culture allows a New Orleans to exist and flourish below sea level!
I'm surprised that you think of it as pessimism. As I strive to be an out and out optimist. I see the destruction as a logical conclusion. Before the warming kicked off people were still killed by the climate and severe weather conditions. Now those conditions are going to get worse and more frequent. 2 plus 2 always equals 4.


Well-Known Member
just think if ,,,,Now just think,,,, we are heating up to cool down,,,

everyone has it wrong

Having the fossil fuel lobbys control the media and the whitehouse will prove to be a bigger mistake,,,no free markets involved with the current standards


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Cheers gentlemen...

This thread is probably one of the biggest mastabatory sessions ever... sorry i wasn't invited... :spew:

please tell me how al gore benifits from his lecture series, his "propoganda", his global warming theory..?

Whatever y'all here in jack off ville, (home of the worlds largest buffet) are calling it..

thank you


New Member
Cheers gentlemen...

This thread is probably one of the biggest mastabatory sessions ever... sorry i wasn't invited... :spew:

please tell me how al gore benifits from his lecture series, his "propoganda", his global warming theory..?

Whatever y'all here in jack off ville, (home of the worlds largest buffet) are calling it..

thank you
Knowm, do you remember my reaction when I very first joined this site to your first thread on Al Gore? I said something along the lines of all politicians being out for themselves. This is true, because it is true of all of us. We are all intelligent beings and we do try and see into the future. Al Gore must have thought about himself even if he does feel strongly about the warming threat. It's human nature. Maybe immoral to point this out, but he still has an angle for himself. To be quite honest, I'd much rather he got into power. If he does as he says and gives us a cleaner Earth that is. Maybe Gore sees himself as a pioneer, maybe sees his name being underlined in history. Maybe this isn't such a bad thing.

The trouble is that the debate has now moved forward. There is no proof that man is responsible at all, and in fact it has been proven that Global Warming is a natural occurence that happens on a cycle. So there really is little we can do about the actual warming itself.

We do need a cleaner Earth, and this debate has moved us closer than ever before to trying to clean her up.


Well-Known Member
Garden Knowm , besides most likely commanding $$$$$ for lectures on the circuit, he's likely going to announce his running for presidency next month. He has a lot of the same people of influence in his circles as Bill Clinton.

He's the great white hope. He's got 1 issues he has championed and is "hot". What more can you gain then the oval office?


New Member
Al Gore is making a fortune on the speaking circuit. Also, Al Gore and his ilk are promoters of world socialism. What better vehicle than world-wide panic over global warming to convince people to give ever more power over to government?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Silk and Skunkk .. Thank you very insiteful...

Dearest Vi -
Can you dumb your explanation down for me.. please..

When I see Al Gore I see a guy that is sincere... aguy that has an agenda that would benifit a great many of HUMANS.. not only now but for the long haul..

I see a man that not only wants to preserve the planet for tree hugging liberals but murderous elephants,,, he wants to preserve a place for all humans to act out there DRAMAS of daddy not giving them enough attention and uncle chester goving them to much..

What do you see?



Well-Known Member
Vi Redds---quote says
What better vehicle than world-wide panic over global warming to convince people to give ever more power over to government?
Resinmans---quote says
What better vehicle than world-wide panic over global terroism to convince people to give ever more power over to government?
Vi Redd
some strange shit,,,there


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

open your eyes GK.
ONE seperates me from you .. with such a line that gives ONE... their own IDENTITY and validation...

with the presupposition that "you" KNOW "my eyes are close" because "your" eyes are open... LOL...

I am you... you are me... it's ok... find your inner me... I have found my inner you...



New Member
Knowm there are good people in the world but even these people are out for themselves. I believe this is what 7x was getting at.

Al Gore does have an agenda other than the one he proclaims. He must have.
But my answer to this would be, so what? What's the difference between having a hidden agenda that is going to benefit one set of people than having one that is going to benefit another set?

On the one hand you have the multi billion pound oil industry, and on the other the potentially multi-billion pound alternative.

Choices (preo), we are at a crux. If we do it Gore's way we'll have a cleaner Earth, if not millions of people will continue to die every year from cancers and whatever else having this polluted Earth causes. Hmmm, some choice. Although, I dare anyone to challenge my logic.

The simple truth is pollution is killing us, and maybe the Earth a little too. So what if Gore sees himself as being remembered as a great man. All great men must have thought about the future after they were gone and imagined what would be said about them. So what. At least he has the balls to to be the ONE that stands for the cause.

The simple truth is that we all want a cleaner Earth. The simple truth is that people are too lazy for change.


Active Member
Swindle? What swindle? I'm actually surprised that people here who (theoretically at least) should be more in touch with the issues that we collectively face are so sceptical. I don't give a toss about Gore and I don't give a shit about the supposed blooming of a 'green documentary industry' (what the f&%k?) but the facts stand - we have screwed up our living environment. What are you gonna do, toke that smoke and be all 'green' but jump in your RV, burn some gas, munch some burgers and say 'Hey, wasn't me, I'm only one - how could I have possibly contributed to the problem?' Get real!
I'm no journalist and I have nothing to gain from practising green methods other than a cleaner living environment - which benefits everybody, not me alone.
I've done the research, we're in deep shit! Anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves and is part of the problem. The warming of the planet is the single greatest threat to not only our species but indeed all that share the planet with us, and any discussion about is energy wasted when it should be directed at solutions. So that's all I'm saying on the topic.


Well-Known Member
hed said: The warming of the planet is the single greatest threat to not only our species but indeed all that share the planet with us, and any discussion about is energy wasted when it should be directed at solutions. So that's all I'm saying on the topic.

You are a great example of what "they" want you to be.
volunteer to help collect the "save the planet" tax and you will get a free arm band with a neat logo on it.


SKH, you must see this planet as a great big cesspool or something?? the vast majority of the cancers we have are the result of people polluting their own bodies, voluntarily.

further, Gore's "way" doesn't alleviate the issue of people being mortal, we will all die someday. when boiled down, he proposes nothing that we aren't already doing. his approach does however cause people to suffer very high costs of fuel, and therefore food, power, etc. he has no clue what he's talking about with these huge cuts in consumption, no clue at all.

he wants to dabble in environmentalism, that's great, we all need a hobby, but he needs to shut up and let the professionals handle the environment. he is a hobby activist, he didn't go to school to study ecology or anything even related to it, he's a politician and that's all he will ever be. anyone giving him credit for anything more is terribly mistaken.


New Member
SKH, you must see this planet as a great big cesspool or something?? the vast majority of the cancers we have are the result of people polluting their own bodies, voluntarily.
Yes this planet is a great big cess pool, and yes it's about time we cleaned it up. The vast majority of cancers are caused by people polluting their own bodies? I'd like a few examples of these cancers.

Lung cancer perhaps? Leukeamia? Bowel? Pancreas? Yes, as you go down the list I'll agree that maybe half of cancers can be avoided by people taking better care of themselves.

Lung cancer and maybe even brain tumours can be avoided too. If people stop smoking cigarettes this merely decreases the risk of lung cancer, and in fact hundreds of thousands die every year from it without ever having smoked. Tumours that can appear in your leg, even your fingers. I believe these are caused by radiation which the concrete we walk on, live within contains. Plastic bags that we use to carry home our shopping... Cleaning up the Earth is not just about oil.

I think it's wrong to charge people more for using something that we shouldn't be using anymore. What should be offered instead is a cheaper alternative. Engines can be converted for a one off payment that will save you money in the long run. Maybe these price increases are a way of forcing people to look for the alternatives. Sometimes you need to spend money to save money, which is the same thing as making money.


Well-Known Member
yes, radiation is everywhere. Radiation Sources

What should be offered instead is a cheaper alternative.

this is the dangerous thought that "they" are looking for. this is evidence of successful implementation of their propaganda. new things are not cheaper, they never will be, unless you take the word Free out of Free Market. the government will gladly hand you "cheaper" alternatives while taxing you to pieces for other stuff.... this is how "they" (Goreites, et al.) want to do it. they want to offer the solutions and you are setting them up for it!

making the shift from burning Carbon based fuels to more advanced technology will come from steady pressure from the public, if we allow the market to play out it will be a painless transition. government interference will cause problems like it always does.


Well-Known Member

Pithy posts 7x, I agree with you points.

The very notion that mankind has "caused" Global warming is wishful thinking on the part of Mr. Gore and his "sheeple".
Common sense strategies to control pollution are to be encouraged.
IF this current meager warming trend touches off a host of killer storms, as Skunky has mentioned, we as a thinking people need to do something much more reasonable and effective than the silly game of carbon offsets and this idiotic obsession with carbon dioxide....we humans do not contribute enough to change anything either way.
We should reevaluate our misguided insistence on maintaining ANY thriving megalopolis on the coastlines. If we do not re locate these population centers, it is inevitable that they will be destroyed by the is just a matter of time.
To my way of thinking this strategy would be a far more efficient means by which to save future human lives.

IMO, Al Gore is either really, really dumb, or he is a mendacious asshole!
Remember, this is the same guy who claimed credit for his contribution to inventing the internet....hahaha


New Member
I'm sure Gore isn't still trying to say that we are to blame for global warming. If he is then he is cutting his own throat.

The argument now is that we are contributing. Maybe it's a little, and maybe it's a lot but we are contributing.

Wavels, you must remember that we are right at the start of this new warming. So meagre it may be, at present. We already remark on how much the weather is changing, well we certainly do in my country. Like I said, this is just the beginning.
I'm looking 20 years ahead. An ice age can happen, from beginning to full bloom, in 10 years (so I believe, from watching a documentary once). The probabilities of all extreme weather conditions happening have already gone up. These probabilities will rise each year.