Can we get Republicans to support Cannabis Re-Legalization?

How likely is the Republican Party to support Cannabis Re-Legalization?

  • I believe they will support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I believe they might support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I believe they will not support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Republicans will never support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • No Opinion but I voted anyway

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And a very well versed one

better a well informed cynic than an ignorant jingoist.

ernst seems to actually believe obama or some other democrat will lift the prohibition on weed. but only a retard would believe that.

therefore he is a tout, a bullshit slinger for the democrats, selling their party line and hoping a few potheads will fall for it again.

weed may fuck up short term memory, but my long term shit is just fine, and even bill clinton, with his bulletproof majority in the congress and senate didnt try to legalize weed.
but then clinton didnt hint that he MIGHT do it, so clinton is more honest than obama,
and thats a pretty fucked up thing to realize.
I don't agree.. If there is any side it will be the Left. We know the Psudo-Republicans (Libertarians) Believe but cannot act.

As for where Obama is on the scale? He lives in a world where they have to get work done. He can neither endorce legalization nor can he act on it's behalf because he is sworn to uphold the laws as is.

Where I am on this thread is what and who do we follow?

The idea that some how following Libertarians into 2016 will do anything to help us be free is pure crap. Republicans are automatically on that list as well.
These people are looking for a "Pitch" to sell their point of view and the erest of us are hoping to NOT go to jail for Weed.

haha, hilarious. Even with Obama's administration releasing a statement POST ELECTION saying WE WILL NOT SUPPORT LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA, you dont agree....

Who are you disagreeing with exactly?
Bl13,I made a mistake,marijuana has a high chance of causing the lazy thieving disease syndrome called Democrat.The only cure is if a Democrat ever comes into found money,the majority magically become Republican.Except the rare conditition Hollywood actor.
You do know that on average Democrats make more money than Republicans, right? why do Republican states take more in Federal taxes than they give? Isn't that stealing from the productive?
better a well informed cynic than an ignorant jingoist.

ernst seems to actually believe obama or some other democrat will lift the prohibition on weed. but only a retard would believe that.

therefore he is a tout, a bullshit slinger for the democrats, selling their party line and hoping a few potheads will fall for it again.

weed may fuck up short term memory, but my long term shit is just fine, and even bill clinton, with his bulletproof majority in the congress and senate didnt try to legalize weed.
but then clinton didnt hint that he MIGHT do it, so clinton is more honest than obama,
and thats a pretty fucked up thing to realize.


@ 1:15
Hey Chesus (U.B, Carne and all other progressives) have you ever heard of the story the little boy who cries wolf? If not maybe you should find it and read it. Just because somebody's veiw does not fit your agenda does not make them racist. Just because someone is proud of their etnic background also does not make them racist. As far as the term white pride goes, I do not personally know any skinheads or neo nazis to say if they use this term or not. However it appears that that term might have been hi jacked by progressives such as yourself to fit your agenda. As I have said before on this site, by you and your sidekicks screaming RACIST
almost every post, it waters down the meaning. And after awhile people just tune you out and you become that boy who cries wolf. So, I hope the next time you or your cohorts think about yelling Racist at the top of your lungs, you actually stop and think before you act.

I prefer the one about the bigger boy who sighs bear ... cn

@ 1:15

it took clinton more than ten years after leaving the whitehouse before he found the courage to say "Aww fuck. War on drugs? Thats retarded."
obama plays the war on drugs game from both directions, if it were an ACTUAL war he would be a traitor to both sides.
of course obama is a switch hitter on every issue. he's got a low batting average from both sides of the plate, and a shit record for RBI's cant field worth a damn, and commits more errors than anybody but larry craig and joe biden.
i cant believe the dems didnt bench him after last season, and re-signing him to a new four year contract is just insane.
psst. dipshit. its an AISLE.

and your side is as bad as the republicans on the issue of weed. neither side will ever end the prohibition on weed since BOTH PARTIES PROFIT BY IT!

you lame-brained insistence that "ITS ALL REPUBLICANS FAULT!" is as retarded ad your anti-honkey racism and militant leftist doggerel.

you are simply a tool. your every thought is crafted by your master and you course to his every whistle. youre too deluded and brainwashed to even recognize that your own master is the villain you rail against.

the Republican Vs Democrat game is as old as washington, and its designed to offer a false choice. vote for the D who wants to run your life, or vote for the R who wants to run your life, and whichever side you choose, you have to HATE everybody on the other side with every fibre of your being.

you are still too stupid to talk to. ill check back in a few months and see if you figure out that obama is no more your pal than romney.

Do you really need my attention that bad?

Look you have your panties in a twist. Take a break.

The Subject of this thread is can we get Republicans to support legalization.
What your personal issues with a greater Geopolitical construct of your own making I simply don't care.

Look, friend, I have handled freak-outs like you are having before. You are not going to get my goat.

How did you vote if I might ask? Do you think Republicans and that includes the Tea and Libertarian parties, will support Legalization?

This is especially important now the that U.N. has basically said we are in violation of Treaty.

Will the Republican's Support States rights and Legalization?

It's just that simple. Even I get it.. Get it?
better a well informed cynic than an ignorant jingoist.

ernst seems to actually believe obama or some other democrat will lift the prohibition on weed. but only a retard would believe that.

therefore he is a tout, a bullshit slinger for the democrats, selling their party line and hoping a few potheads will fall for it again.

weed may fuck up short term memory, but my long term shit is just fine, and even bill clinton, with his bulletproof majority in the congress and senate didnt try to legalize weed.
but then clinton didnt hint that he MIGHT do it, so clinton is more honest than obama,
and thats a pretty fucked up thing to realize.

Hey you have no idea who I am or what I think..

You sure need our attention real bad.. Especially mine.. Why?

So then the conclusion to this topic is Hell No Republicans and their ilk will NOT help us in Re-Legalizing.

From what I see the last thing our Right of center people want is for us to understand the big fat NO-WAY we are getting form them not just on Cannabis but a wide range of things like health Care but I digress.

We all know, by the polling,
they cannot and will not help.
I trust we can forget the silly hope that any Libertarian can rise up and do Legalization for us. Please remember this when the next chance to Vote comes up. Get these useless to legalization people out of Congress!

it took clinton more than ten years after leaving the whitehouse before he found the courage to say "Aww fuck. War on drugs? Thats retarded."
obama plays the war on drugs game from both directions, if it were an ACTUAL war he would be a traitor to both sides.
of course obama is a switch hitter on every issue. he's got a low batting average from both sides of the plate, and a shit record for RBI's cant field worth a damn, and commits more errors than anybody but larry craig and joe biden.
i cant believe the dems didnt bench him after last season, and re-signing him to a new four year contract is just insane.

Can you blame them, the other guy didn't even know what fuckin' game he was playing..

Conservatives bitch about Obama while putting people like Romney up to bat. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me..
Can you blame them, the other guy didn't even know what fuckin' game he was playing..

Conservatives bitch about Obama while putting people like Romney up to bat. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me..

granted, romney was a useless toe-rag. i honestly think he would have been better than obama.

but i voted for gary johnson. he would have been better than any president or candidate since reagan. or possibly theodore roosevelt.

i prefer principles over punditry
It was the Southern Democrats that got it banned in the first place. Even the issues change sides.
It was the Southern Democrats that got it banned in the first place. Even the issues change sides.

you mean the future republicans after 1965?

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP]
Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery prior to the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.
The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater[SUP][6][/SUP] in the late 1960s.[SUP][7][/SUP] The strategy was successful in many regards. It contributed to the electoral realignment of Southern states to the Republican Party, but at the expense of losing more than 90 percent of black voters to the Democratic Party. As the twentieth century came to a close, the Republican Party began trying to appeal again to black voters, though with little success.[SUP][7][/SUP]
I reduced the font size to this one. Does this meet with your approval? Feel free to let me know if I am to change it if you disapprove.

So, people we need to get started on the next rounds of elections.,_2014

As I see it we need Pro-Re-Legalization Representatives or at least those willing to support States Rights on Cannabis Legalization.

I understand this is much like Free-State Slave State in scope but this is how we are to fight the war.

From our own local poll we know Republicans and all the ilk ( like kind ) are not going to support Federal Level re-legalization. That includes Rand Paul.

As for Gary Johnson if he was to be elected President of the USA he would have to defend the laws on the books so he couldn't "re-legalize."

I toss this out for you all... What is our plan for 2014?

How do we get the House in order for re-legalization?

not sure if stalking horse straw man or red herring...

"republican" does not automatically mean anti weed, and "democrat" does not automatically put somebody on the side of Truth Justice and the American Way. i know you love simple labels that allow you to freely hate somebody over your personal gris gris, but democrats too have, do, and will continue to support, prosecute and profit from the "war of drugs", as much as that idea pains you.

throwing out political hand grenades like "Free-State Slave State" doesnt help your supposed cause, nor does your insistence that all who register as republicans or libertarians are fools enslaved by the ideology of their masters. your exhortations to wage "war" on the "war on drugs" is even more retarded than the "war on drugs" itself. this kind of idiocy can only lead to an infinitely recursive "war on the war on the war on the war on drugs".

from my own local poll, we know that california's democrat majority is ALSO unready to simply attempt to fully legalize weed. does this mean california's democrats are REAL democrats, or are they secret republicans attempting to undermine liberal ideology with their fifth column of crypto-conservative infiltrators?

your silly coments about "the laws on the books" is as ill informed as your other rantings on the nature of party affiliations and the need to excommunicate everyone with an R behind their name from society.
the president has a wide array of executive powers at his disposal, from choosing an attorney general who doesnt have horse semen on his breath and who would be unwilling to prosecute a grandma over her state authorized glaucoma medicine, OR the Pharmacist who provides it, to ordering the FDA to re-examine cannabis' scheduling under the CSA, to just not appointing a fucking "drug czar" for the first time since harry ainslinger.

federal laws are prosecuted and administered by the federal executive branch and thus declining to prosecute is well within executive purview. hell if he wanted to, Gary Johnson could make a "Pardoned!" rubber stamp and smack it on every pot case as it is presented.

the congress are the ones with no particular power to end cannabis prohibition save by repealing the Controlled Substances Act, and thats pretty unlikely since the repeal of that act would also legalize heroin, meth, cocaine, etc. and only the most outre' and whackado Ultra-Libertarians would want that.

congress created the FDA and the CSA, but they have no real power over it save the power to wreck it all and make something new, or not. the executive and legislative branches are the ones with the power to change bureaucracies, and they have shown only limited interest in changing shit for the past 60+years of prohibition, regardless of party affiliation.

your partisan dogma and jingoism doesnt serve the cause you purport to embrace, thus you perform the duties of an Agent Provocateur, a narc from Co-IntelPro attempting to sucker us all into an ill conceived plan which results in us all getting busted while attempting to stage a "Smokeout" in the capitol rotunda.

also. we could have a "Smokeout" in the capitol rotunda. bongsmilie
not sure if stalking horse straw man or red herring...

"republican" does not automatically mean anti weed, and "democrat" does not automatically put somebody on the side of Truth Justice and the American Way. i know you love simple labels that allow you to freely hate somebody over your personal gris gris, but democrats too have, do, and will continue to support, prosecute and profit from the "war of drugs", as much as that idea pains you.

throwing out political hand grenades like "Free-State Slave State" doesnt help your supposed cause, nor does your insistence that all who register as republicans or libertarians are fools enslaved by the ideology of their masters. your exhortations to wage "war" on the "war on drugs" is even more retarded than the "war on drugs" itself. this kind of idiocy can only lead to an infinitely recursive "war on the war on the war on the war on drugs".

from my own local poll, we know that california's democrat majority is ALSO unready to simply attempt to fully legalize weed. does this mean california's democrats are REAL democrats, or are they secret republicans attempting to undermine liberal ideology with their fifth column of crypto-conservative infiltrators?

your silly coments about "the laws on the books" is as ill informed as your other rantings on the nature of party affiliations and the need to excommunicate everyone with an R behind their name from society.
the president has a wide array of executive powers at his disposal, from choosing an attorney general who doesnt have horse semen on his breath and who would be unwilling to prosecute a grandma over her state authorized glaucoma medicine, OR the Pharmacist who provides it, to ordering the FDA to re-examine cannabis' scheduling under the CSA, to just not appointing a fucking "drug czar" for the first time since harry ainslinger.

federal laws are prosecuted and administered by the federal executive branch and thus declining to prosecute is well within executive purview. hell if he wanted to, Gary Johnson could make a "Pardoned!" rubber stamp and smack it on every pot case as it is presented.

the congress are the ones with no particular power to end cannabis prohibition save by repealing the Controlled Substances Act, and thats pretty unlikely since the repeal of that act would also legalize heroin, meth, cocaine, etc. and only the most outre' and whackado Ultra-Libertarians would want that.

congress created the FDA and the CSA, but they have no real power over it save the power to wreck it all and make something new, or not. the executive and legislative branches are the ones with the power to change bureaucracies, and they have shown only limited interest in changing shit for the past 60+years of prohibition, regardless of party affiliation.

your partisan dogma and jingoism doesnt serve the cause you purport to embrace, thus you perform the duties of an Agent Provocateur, a narc from Co-IntelPro attempting to sucker us all into an ill conceived plan which results in us all getting busted while attempting to stage a "Smokeout" in the capitol rotunda.

also. we could have a "Smokeout" in the capitol rotunda. bongsmilie

Again you do not know me so continuing to insist you do is gay.

Second Johnson didn't and never will win the Presidency.

Basically you are a crazy fuck arn't you.

After all this blabbering you have done on how I am such a bad person all you have to offer us in leadership is show up on the Steps of Congress and Smoke Marijuana. Sure a whole year in Federal Prision awaits us if we do as you suggest. Solid political advice there whoever you are NOT!

I still don't understand why you like me so much. It's queer.

How did you vote in this poll? Did you say you think Republicans will support Re-Legalization? Remember the topic is a National topic currently.

For everyone else I believe 2014 is a pivotal election. We could get more support for Re-Legalization in the House in 2014.
I came back from laundry and changed it to Font size 3.. I just wanted to make it a bold statement. No yelling really...