If RIU had a convention, would you go?


Well-Known Member
Naw but seriously I'd go to FL before I'd live in a lot of other south eastern states... same goes for NJ... Arkansas and Alabama are probably highest on my do-not-cross list.


Well-Known Member
I think it might be acward bcuz of all the shit people been talking on here,and to see eachother in 3D,the shit might get real.


Well-Known Member
I think it might be acward bcuz of all the shit people been talking on here,and to see eachother in 3D,the shit might get real.
It's really a personal thing.. if you personally feel like you go around stirring so much conflict that you would expect it to be hazardous, you don't show up. Personally, I don't start much shit, and very rarely conflict with anyone, so I just do what i please and go where i want and trouble doesn't find me, even if other people have issues.

Shit is inherently real, lol. In my experience, though, big talkers are usually not ready to back up their words... and the ones that ARE just THAT "x-treme" that they'd take issue with me saying that on principal, if they do come with an intention to do so, they are frowned upon and shunned by the majority because they're bringing bad vibes to what is otherwise a good time.

Jus sayin, specialty gatherings are a real good time, and I don't think anyone should shy away from one just because they think a bad apple might show up. From what I've seen, hot heads either chill out and go dosile because "it's just for fun" when in person, or they start shit and get sifted quick.


Well-Known Member
I know one thing,if I see thechosen and his little buddy,I can't remember his name,but I'm gonna put baby powder in the palm of my fuckin hand and slap the shit outta both of them,and their gonna sit their and not do shit about it,but fall back.


Well-Known Member
I know one thing,if I see thechosen and his little buddy,I can't remember his name,but I'm gonna put baby powder in the palm of my fuckin hand and slap the shit outta both of them,and their gonna sit their and not do shit about it,but fall back.
It goes two ways... either a) Your attitude is righteous, in which case trolls that deserve such aggression never show so it becomes a non-issue... or b) you're actually the kind of dude I'm talking about, in which case I'd say you'd get your own ass sorted from the group once you started a physical confrontation.

I'm assuming it's A, but I don't really know you, so who knows. No offense meant, just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
It's all good tho,it's some cool people on here,and if it was in a city like,NY,vegas,L.A,Orlando,Miami I will come,link up and hit the town high as all hell having a ball.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Finshaggy will bring his sister? If yes.....I'm in!

Sorry...it's Friday. Everyone knows that I have to mention Fins sister or mom every friday. BTW, do you think he will bring his mom? fap fap fap



Well-Known Member
the whole meme with with that dude is an all time internetz win in my opinion. Normally I would say it was a bit mean spirited but the fodder for the pics was put up intentionally by a complete arrogant moron that is abstract from reality and not in the cool artsy or brilliant kinda way.


Well-Known Member
florida is a shit hole, nj isn't that bad altar nation, you ever even been here?
Naw, I was just poking fun because everyone calls NJ the "armpit" of america, and I was sort of subconsciously debating which is worse, america's wang or america's arm pit.

Seriously though, Florida's draconian law enforcement and conservative residents make it a pretty miserable place, but at least there's beaches and warmth.

Sorry for pokin fun at your state if you're a NJ boy racer ;)


Well-Known Member
I've been through Gary Indiana that would get my vote for the armpit, I hear Detroit maybe where its at now though.


bud bootlegger
I've been through Gary Indiana that would get my vote for the armpit, I hear Detroit maybe where its at now though.
never been to gary, but i hear it's pretty shit hole'ish, lol.. there are some pretty big shit hole's in nj, don't get me wrong, ffs, camden gets voted worst city in the us more than it doesn't, and you won't get much worse than camden imo..
but saying that, nj's not so bad.. ton's of people all too willing to cut your throat for a nickel, yah, but that's the entire east coast imo.. but were i'm at, i'm an hour or so from the shore, and no, not that jersey shore, lol.. i think nj should be 2 states, north jersey, the douche bag new york light, guido capital of the world, and south jersy, which is more philly leaning in thinking et al.. then i'm an hour or two from skiing and shit in pa.. an hour outside of nyc, probably the bestest city in the world imo, and central to a lot of shit.. not to mention people seem to be pretty liberal in their thinking here unlike in florida, even if are mj laws are pretty draconian still, we do have mmj, even if in name only pretty much as far as i know.. :D

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Yeah Jersey, Michigan isn't too bad... Detroit is Cheaaap.Went to highschool near the pocono mountains and delaware water gap. on the Penn edge of Jersey.


bud bootlegger
Yeah Jersey, Michigan isn't too bad... Detroit is Cheaaap.Went to highschool near the pocono mountains and delaware water gap. on the Penn edge of Jersey.
yeah, that's the other end of the state from me, but still a nice area imo..

but back to the op, i'd love to go to an riu meet and great, but they always seem to have them in the west coast, making a short weekend gathering a pretty pricey adventure for people like me on the east coast..

i think they should have area ones, maybe one for east coasters, one for west coasters, maybe one for southerners, one for midwesterners, etc, etc..
sure, they'd all be smaller then one big one, but it would make attending one much cheaper for anyone who doesn't live in say cali.