Gallup poll.

Is it your contention that the 10% of independents changed the vote 12 points from Obama plus 8 to Romney +4 because Romney did such an AWESOME job in the first debate? It is not mathematically possible.

So, could you please explain how those numbers changed that fast?

actually, it is entirely mathematically possible within the acceptable error levels of these polls, which is usually 6-7%......
there's levels of error within these polls

the only thing i'm not saying is what that error is without any damn proof.

it can be sampling error, or it can be misunderstanding the question.. .who knows.

you were the ones getting all specific 'democrats are oversampled' with no proof whatsoever

i suggest reading a book every once in a while so you can comprehend conversation a bit better my friend....
yea yea...

the entire narrative has been modified, and I am calling out the BULLSHIT.

it hasn't even been a month when 'polls over-sampled democrats', it doesn't matter that not one of the 'experts' on here claiming that there was over sampling of democrats cared to provide any methodology to prove that sampling was skewed (yes there are methods to figure that out).... they just said it, and if you repeat it enough, it becomes the truth??...

if you bashed the gallup poll always, regardless of what it said, then you'd have some credibility.

but since conservatives ONLY bash it when they don't like what it says, they're full of shit...

huh funny how that works
there's levels of error within these polls

the only thing i'm not saying is what that error is without any damn proof.

it can be sampling error, or it can be misunderstanding the question.. .who knows.

you were the ones getting all specific 'democrats are oversampled' with no proof whatsoever

i suggest reading a book every once in a while so you can comprehend conversation a bit better my friend....

You dont get it and I dont really give enough of a shit to try much longer.

We proved why democrats were oversampled by showing they were being ... Oversampled. You were the ones saying that pollsters are geniuses that took all that shit into account.

You cant handle the fact that we were right so you are trying to re-write history in order to assuage your trampled feelings because you didnt bother to listen to us in the past.

Buck up... :P

I've consistently said the polls are full of shit and using 2008 turnout figures is ludicrous. I stand by that, if the polls are still oversampling Dems by 8-9%' and they are, then I still say they're full of shit and Romney's lead is even greater than they reflect. I haven't wavered an inch from that position.

I've now seen five focus groups of undecided voters and they are virtually identical in their findings. Roughly 75% of the folks said they were likely to vote for Romney. If the undecideds are moving to Romney and the enthusiasm of Dems is lower than it was in '08 and Republican enthusiasm is up from '08, how are they justifying the use of '08 percentages in their polls. It would be funny if it weren't so painfully obvious and pathetic.
Who the hell cares about the polls. If there is one conspiracy I subscribe to it's the one where pollsters alter results in order to tighten the race. Party and candidate are merely after thoughts.
You dont get it and I dont really give enough of a shit to try much longer.

We proved why democrats were oversampled by showing they were being ... Oversampled. You were the ones saying that pollsters are geniuses that took all that shit into account.

You cant handle the fact that we were right so you are trying to re-write history in order to assuage your trampled feelings because you didnt bother to listen to us in the past.

Buck up... :P

How did these predictions work out for you science denying, douchebag republicans?
How did these predictions work out for you science denying, douchebag republicans?
A black Negro? He never told me he was a black Negro. Thank you. Boy, just when you think you get to know somebody. I'm gonna go confront him with this information right now. Wow... Mark... a black Negro! I haven't been a Republican since 1992 when I voted for Perot. But, we've already covered that several times.
A black Negro? He never told me he was a black Negro. Thank you. Boy, just when you think you get to know somebody. I'm gonna go confront him with this information right now. Wow... Mark... a black Negro! I haven't been a Republican since 1992 when I voted for Perot. But, we've already covered that several times.

Perot wasnt a Republican
You are truly a "gifted" person
I can't remember exactly who it was, but in the last 24 hours, he posted at least twice that Romney was actually actually ahead by about 7 points. Of course, he was mocked and marginalized by the leftys on here, but he stood up to them like the brave warrior he appears to be.

Who was that? Hmmm.

And how did your brave(read foolish) prediction work out, wombat? :lol:
Perot wasnt a RepublicanYou are truly a "gifted" person
No shit Sherlock. Apparently, you can't grasp the concept that someone can vote for a candidate OUTSIDE his or her party affiliation. I never said or alluded to Perot being a Republican, I clearly stated that was when I was last registered as a Republican. You have two ears and one mouth, you should listen twice as much as you talk, chucklehead.
Not well, however, thank you for posting further proof I was saying 6-7%, not 10. Nitwit.

You said 10+ percent too.

Turns out your pathetic mental calculus was off by 10+ percent.

I got florida wrong by 1 percent and was fooled by polls in colorado, both inconsequential. Science, how does that work?

Bur hey, maybe you are right about anthropogenic climate change and all those scientists are just wrong?

You said 10+ percent too. Turns out your pathetic mental calculus was off by 10+ percent.I got florida wrong by 1 percent and was fooled by polls in colorado, both inconsequential. Science, how does that work?Bur hey, maybe you are right about anthropogenic climate change and all those scientists are just wrong?LOL!
Yes, enjoy the victory. There is no question I gave the populace FAR more credit than they deserved. Fortunately or unfortunately in this case, time will reveal the harsh reality that simply convincing a majority of people you can find your ass with both hands, in no way proves you can actually do it.In the same way that enough time has transpired that so many of the dire and earth-shattering ramifications of climate change have been exposed as complete junk science. REMEMBERTHESPOTTEDOWL.ORG