Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Doc,That Jewboy said I was the reason he left Amerika.After he killed the last arab,he was coming back to hunt me down.I never knew Jews had the Fatwa.He comes out with his hate,how many others keep it under that cap that's too small to fit my 2 year olds?
and the blessed prophet mohammed said "you will fight the jews until the last jew hides behind a stone, and the stone will cry out, oh abdullah! there is a jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!"

any particular individual may be as nutty as squirrel shit, but when an organization goes off the deep end, the membership has to either fix that shit, or quit if they dont wanna be tarred with the brush they wield themselves.

Islam hasnt fixed their shit still, nor has the hadith above been repudiated, nor the many more like it, they cant change the koran since it's their foundational book, so they are stuck with the crap it contains and all they can do is "re-imagine" what the words mean, but hadiths and fatwas CAN be changed, dropped, repudiated, or invalidated. islam has decided to keep it's crazy. islam;s stated aim is to convert EVERYBODY to moslem, dhimmi, slave or corpse, for the glory of allah. the entire world. no exceptions. islam is authoritarian, dictatorial, expansionist, and violent by it's very nature. it always has been and may always yet be. this is summed up by their creedo, "there is no god but allah and mohammed is his prophet". the message is clear. if you do not worship allah, as dictated by mohammed, you are a kaffir, and kaffirs must become moslems, dhimmis, slaves or corpses. mohammed offers no other choice.

judaism is hidebound in it's traditions, but the history speaks for itself. ever since the caliphate seized the land of israel by force and every jew who refused to be a dhimmi fled or got "converted' into either a moslem or fertilizer, the jewish diaspora has NOT tried to force any nation to bend to their will, they have NOT attempted to institute an intifada to seize a portion of any nation as their homeland, and demanded a new state be created for their purposes, and they have NOT engaged in random heedless violence against any non-jew who dared be a little too Goy for the rabbi's tastes. judaism has plenty of crazy, but they dont try to force their shit down anybody's throat. judaism is by it's very nature non-evangelical. judaism is also INSULAR,, not expansionist, and judaism does not endorse any violence save in defense of oneself or another. this does not mean that jews (ethnic or religious) are incapable of violence, it means their religion and their society and culture does not embrace violence as a virtue. juadaism is by it's very nature exclusionary. their creedo is, "We are yaweh's chosen people, set apart, and blessed above all others, and we must suffer though our tribulations to earn back our place at the right hand of yaweh." this does not lend itself to domination of others by force, it leads to self defense, and keeping apart from the non-jewish societies in which they live, while preserving their own traditions, which is NOT at the expense of others. jews make rules for themselves, not for others.

christianity ALSO has a shitload of crazy in their book, but the doctrine of the "new covenant" lets them ignore the bits about feeding children to bears or stoning people for working on sunday. further, the various papal bulls, articles of faith, wacky exhortations from the pulpit, and general crazy bullshit of christianity of the past has been largely excised (at least on the surface) and has been replaced with a more heathen-friendly worldview. they still get on my tits with their selfrighteous proclamations about pretty much anything they feel the desire to weigh in on, as if they are the arbiters of all right and wrong, and disagreement, even on matters of pure opinion are viewed as heresy. actually they are a lot like lefties in that way.

christianity is so scatterbrained, factionalized and disjointed, you cant really pin "christianity" down on most issues, but we can say with surety that Chrisitanity does not support child rape, but catholicism does. christianity does not hate homosexuality, but many factions do, chrisitianity does not demand every person submit to their religious bullshit, but many factions do. christianity does not insist native amerindians came across the sea from israel in submarines, but mormonism does...

the primary determining factor in whether a religion is accepting or exclusionary or aggressive is how they treat minority religious groups when they have the majority.

in a jewish dominated community, goyim are outsiders, not hated, not segregated, just not a part of the community. your jewish naighbors wont raise a fuss if you eat pork, work on the "sabbath" or keep a shrine to ganesha on your porch. israel is chock full of churches, mosques, and whatnot, even the "temple mount" which is sacred as fuck to jews is currently occupied not by a temple, but by a mosque. that alone offers tremendous insight into the jewish mind.

in a christian dominated community, heathens are not scorned, hated, excluded, or segregated, but they may be evangelized now and again. christian controlled nations have every imaginable form of religious edifice, and america as you may not know, holds no religion above another (officially), and even atheists are allowed to do their thing in peace.

in a moslem dominated community, kaffirs are forced to adhere to THIER rules, THEIR superstitions, and THEIR bullshit to the exclusion of all else. even then, until you covert, youre always a dhimmi, a non-person. in saudi arabia, non moslems (kaffirs) are forbidden from even ENTERING the "sacred" cities of mecca and medina. no non-moslem religious structures may be built, and leaving islam is punishable by death. with the exception of Turkey, all moslem nations indulge this hatred of any difference in thought belief or faith to one degree or another, and violence against religious or ehtnic minorities are largely ignored, if not advocated by the government. iran for example is cracking down on those wicked sinister baha'ai assholes under the direct order of khameni, the "supreme leader" because baha'ai dare hold all religions as equal, like unitarians with beards.

three abrahamic religions, three ways to run their shit. i know which one i dont want to live under.


Well-Known Member
"Jets dropped leaflets to the north and outskirts of Gaza City stating to "evacuate for your own safety"...within an hour of the leaflet drop an area in the North was battered by 13 huge explosions".

That's not a defensive campaign, that's a fear and awe campaign.


Well-Known Member
"Jets dropped leaflets to the north and outskirts of Gaza City stating to "evacuate for your own safety"...within an hour of the leaflet drop an area in the North was battered by 13 huge explosions".

That's not a defensive campaign, that's a fear and awe campaign.
There will be no peace and no 2 state solution until Israel has all the land it wants from the palestinians
end of story

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
"We decided to liberate our homeland step-by-step... Should Israel continue - no problem. And so, we honor the peace treaties and non-violence... if and when Israel says "enough"... in that case it is saying that we will return to violence. But this time it will be with 30,000 armed Palestinian soldiers and in a land with elements of freedom... If we reach a dead end we will go back to our war and struggle like we did forty years ago". ~Nabil Sha'ath in Nablus in January 1996

the "palestinian" goal is not a two state solution, it is to use international outrage, fake media events, trumped up atrocities, and most importantly, deliberate provocations followed by "shocked surprise" that the israelis respond to the violence WITH violence. the goal is to allow foreign pressure to force israel's withdrawal from territory, until israel is back to the 1967 borders, and then begin squeezing THAT territory from the jews drop by drop. when the jews say "Enough!", then it's right back to the old standby, paramilitary strikes, outright terrorism ust like they had back in the 60's 70's and 80's before the oslo accords, and hoping for another arab league invasion.

your silly narrative that the israelis are trying to expell arabs from the west bank, or the westbank/gaza security walls are "apartheid" is ludicrous. Jordan doent want the west bank back, the israelis are pretty much stuck with it. a canker they cant dislodge, cant excise, and cant absorb into their undisputed (by most) territory since it contains a massive payload of deliberately radicalized arab moslems who cannot simply be invited in to the nation of israel since they actively wish to dismantle it.

"The Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as open sore, as an affront to the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don't give a damn whether the refugees live or die."~Ralph Galloway, former head of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), in Amman, Jordan, in August 1958

so there will be no peace until the arabs who now identify themselves as "Palestinians" decide that peace and a nation of their own next door to israel is better than endless futile attempts to dislodge the jews from the land which they aint gonna give up.

there is no end to this story in sight.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
cartoon by noted anti-semite eliminated.

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping”
~Transjordan’s King Abdullah

oh snap! looks like the hashemites aint on your side either!


Active Member
Did you fall asleep on the beach last night?

Cos you sure got a sandy vagina.
I think you need to go back and read.

Because all I did from start to finish was try and get Abandon to stop being a picbot and actually join the discussion. Which he eventually did in response to echelon's question.

The part that confuses me is where you, Abandon, spent the better part of 2 hours bitching about how I was "picking on you", and then send me a friend request?

Which is it? I have no problem making nice, but you need to stop pretending like I went out of my way to fuck with you. I would have been a bias and unfair douchebag if I went spent all that time trying to get Kynes to evalue both sides of the equation and then just said nothing while you play the same game. That's whats wrong with people these days. They want everything to be fair and even until it's not in their favor. Then all of a sudden there's a call for change. Look at Fox News and tell me that's not true.

@Harrekin, I understand that the topic went way off course. I apologize to you and everyone else that it might have distracted or detracted from the conversation. Like I posted earlier though, you can see where the convo took a turn and it wasn't me at the wheel when it did. Abandon got mad because I disagreed with his posting style.

But anyway, back to the original topic.


Active Member

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping”
~Transjordan’s King Abdullah

oh snap! looks like the hashemites aint on your side either!
If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

-Kill anybody who tries to make assumptions on God's part.

"You Ethiopians will also be slaughtered by my sword," says the LORD. And the LORD will strike the lands of the north with his fist. He will destroy Assyria and make its great capital, Nineveh, a desolate wasteland, parched like a desert. The city that once was so proud will become a pasture for sheep and cattle. All sorts of wild animals will settle there. Owls of many kinds will live among the ruins of its palaces, hooting from the gaping windows. Rubble will block all the doorways, and the cedar paneling will lie open to the wind and weather. This is the fate of that boisterous city, once so secure. "In all the world there is no city as great as I," it boasted. But now, look how it has become an utter ruin, a place where animals live! Everyone passing that way will laugh in derision or shake a defiant fist. (Zephaniah 2:12-15 NLT)

-Wipe out an entire civilization

The bible goes on and on like that Kynes. Ancient texts are full of crazy shit like that.

Stop pretending Islam is the only religion with a bit of shady lingo in the fine print. Because Christianity has it's fair share too.


Well-Known Member
"Jets dropped leaflets to the north and outskirts of Gaza City stating to "evacuate for your own safety"...within an hour of the leaflet drop an area in the North was battered by 13 huge explosions". That's not a defensive campaign, that's a fear and awe campaign.
BUT they no read Hebraic


Ursus marijanus

“It is made quite clear to all, both by the map drawn up by the Simpson Commission and by another compiled by the Peel Commission, that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land as they are in useless wailing and weeping”
~Transjordan’s King Abdullah

oh snap! looks like the hashemites aint on your side either!
Hashemites? Great Scott. Spider mites are bad enough. I don't need some überparasitic wonder vermin wreaking havoc upon my beautiful trichome concentrates. cn

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Appeal to authority loses in a court of law. Someone's opinion doesn't change fact. It'd be like using my veganism to say vegans suck because I voted Romney. How many other vegans you speculate did the same?


Active Member
From what I hear, a cease-fire agreement has been reached.

The sad part?

Israel will now receive an international PR boost from the "Free Press", as they champion them for stopping a flareup that they instigated.

I really hope people don't buy into it, but chances are pretty slim.

The vicious circle-jerk that is 21st century 24hr news media turns on and on.

Maybe people will see the deathtolls (staggeringly leaning towards the Palestinian side). Maybe they'll see the first reports of the strike that began the offensive.

Or maybe they'll just watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC or one of the other talking heads, and form an opinion based on BS rhetoric and one-sided "expert testimony" from panel guests'.

Either way. Life is still the same on both sides of the wall. Now there's just fewer people living it.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to go back and read.

Because all I did from start to finish was try and get Abandon to stop being a picbot and actually join the discussion. Which he eventually did in response to echelon's question.

The part that confuses me is where you, Abandon, spent the better part of 2 hours bitching about how I was "picking on you", and then send me a friend request?

Which is it? I have no problem making nice, but you need to stop pretending like I went out of my way to fuck with you. I would have been a bias and unfair douchebag if I went spent all that time trying to get Kynes to evalue both sides of the equation and then just said nothing while you play the same game. That's whats wrong with people these days. They want everything to be fair and even until it's not in their favor. Then all of a sudden there's a call for change. Look at Fox News and tell me that's not true.

@Harrekin, I understand that the topic went way off course. I apologize to you and everyone else that it might have distracted or detracted from the conversation. Like I posted earlier though, you can see where the convo took a turn and it wasn't me at the wheel when it did. Abandon got mad because I disagreed with his posting style.

But anyway, back to the original topic.
Yeah I figured since you love me so much you obviously want to be friends, but since you're a sock puppet you're just afraid.


Well-Known Member
"We decided to liberate our homeland step-by-step...there is no end to this story in sight.
Rant by noted racist bigot with particular hatred of Muslims shortened because MAKE YOUR MIND UP! Is there no end in sight or do they just want to take over Palestine?


Active Member
Yeah I figured since you love me so much you obviously want to be friends, but since you're a sock puppet you're just afraid.
Is that how you attempt to make friends' offline?

Telling someone fuck you, and then say let's be friends', and then accuse them of being scared for not being your friend?

You NEED to reup those meds bro. If you are in fact bipolar or mentally unstable, and I'm saying this seriously, please let it be known. I don't want to seem like i'm picking on someone who is chemically imbalanced when all I did was try to get you to adhere to a higher debate standard.

If not, then I repeat myself again. You and I? No issue here. You just think Palestinians' are justified in killing Israelis and I think neither side is morally obsolved of the crime of murder. Regardless of the IDF calling it "defense" or Hamas saying it's in retaliation for whatever, both sides are responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians and are not above disdain.

I called you on your posting style, you temporarily gave me what I wanted by way of a detailed outlining of your position.

Why is this so hard to understand?

I stand with the PEOPLE of Palestine AND Israel, how about you?