i would crush dat soft skull..... then eat ur brains raw....... so maybe i could see wtf it was that u were thinking before u uped and said some stupid ass shit to me that caused da gorilla in me to snap!
Fetal alcohol syndrome. I can see it in your features.It's not your fault that you act this way. But the coke Adds to your outbursts, and immaturity.
lol, posturing is for people with bad posture . . right

red leader more like toxic shock syndrome . . . . . .all those scary big words making him bleed to much(aneurism of the butt )
Nothing like puppy pics to drop the ego levels in a thread. This chick I mess with has a minpin. Little spoiled ass ball of energy lol.
kuroi you're only 20??? you've got good tone in your arms. how tall do those heels make you? i love dress up. do you have matching heart panties?