good for u... i seen people get stabbed and sliced with homemade swords in division 10 cook county jail 26th and california...
lolz tough guy, lolz i could write a book on some of the stuff i seen and lived.. good for you hope it made you a better person.. for me im okay without the pollotics, but i have snached gun out of a fools hand ask my brother in law and pistal wiped the fool.. i also knocked out more than one fool back to back, i dont need to lie to kick it, i also seen fools get gun down boy let me tell you about adrenalin wen the fire of the barrel goes off, also been shot, most my friends i grew up with are dead, tru story but i dont think i want to brag about that, i rather tell you about beeting fools down one on one, i wasnt the one who gave my self the name thumper it comes with a token of being a runt in the hood you got nucle up to keep your bike and shoes, when i was growing up.. but it didnt help me at anything to tell you the truth but it did entertain my friends in the ring and in jujitsue thats a skill like a chest game that right their is cool shit..
Ur lizard has a pretty eye. Someone is about to hit 60000 posts But stoners do random shit, weed does that... lol such a pretty eye :)
Thank you very much, but sadly it isn't my lizard so I shouldn't try taking credit of ownership. I'll still take the complement though on it lol :D Ohhh yeah fdd, I was looking at post thinking someone was gonna hit a new number, but fdd wasn't on the page I was looking on and then I went to red lobster for dinner lol. Turnin into a good night, tomorrows a half day and then it's vaca and I'm having a "friend" who graduated last year come over, along with another "friend" on friday. Feeling amazing. I can't post any pictures :(